International News: D.C. Embassy Under Siege

I have not seen any local coverage of the D.C. embassy siege, so a quick post here-

Activists were invited in and have stayed at the Venezuelan embassy in Washington D.C. since about three weeks ago as the situation in Venezuela has deteriorated. With the C.I.A.-sponsored coup in Venezuela this past week, tensions have escalated around it this weekend, with opposition forces surrounding and actually breaking into the embassy. However, the American activists have prevailed so far. Again, this is happening just up the road in D.C.

The U.S. mainstream media has mostly ignored the situation or suggested that the activists are to blame for the unrest. At the same time, while ignoring the D.C. embassy situation, even the Times Dispatch editorial page has come out against more U.S. intervention.

Editor’s note: no, this is not neighborhood news in the least, so this is marked as editorial- Oregon Hill, and Richmond and the country in general, need better news coverage of important events like this.