Trash/Recycling Pickup Tomorrow

This Wednesday is a “Red Wednesday”, which means trash and recycling pickup. Ideally, rolling recycling containers are stored and deployed in the back alleys along with trash cans. Please make sure you pick up containers after pickup tomorrow night.

If you have not done so already, don’t forget to sign up for your Recycling Perks.
In order to take your recycling to the next level, read this: 10 ways to improve your recycling.

The good news is that, as this Connecticut newspaper article says, “Recycling ‘still working’ despite fiscal stress.”

Glass — largely lacking value because it’s often broken and dirtied by random goods in the “single stream” — travels by rail to a recycler in North Carolina. Trailers haul plastic to processors and recyclers in Pennsylvania or Canada, or to New York and New Jersey ports shipping material to South Korea. And paper makes its way to mills in West Virginia, Canada or 9,000 miles away in Malaysia.

Note there’s still so much room for improvement. The state of Virginia ranks 34 in the nation overall for recycling, according to a recent article in the West Potomac High School ‘The Wire’ newspaper. Also…

In Europe and Washington State, laws have been introduced banning the use of single-use plastics. Examples of single-use plastics include straws, plastic plates, and plastic cutlery. A study done by the United Nations (UN), shows that the world produces over 40 million tons of plastic per year. This ban is meant to cut down on the amount of plastic that is thrown away, as plastic does not decompose easily in nature. According to the New York Times Marine scientists in Ireland found plastic in 73% of 233 deep sea fish in the northwest Atlantic Ocean.
Another study done by the UN shows that North America uses 21% of all the single use plastics in the world. This number is only topped by the 26% used in Northeast Asia, in countries including China and Japan. The study also shows that of all the plastic waste generated in the world, 79% sits in landfills or is littered into the environment, while only 9% of plastic waste is properly recycled.

Pirate History

“Arriving at the gallows, which were at the north side of the State Penitentiary on the western outskirts of Richmond, a massive crowd estimated at 7,000 gathered on a nearby hill called “Oregon,” then ogled and strained to watch the hapless prisoners ascend the platform. A Priest and a Protestant Minister prayed with them through an interpreter. The three requested in Spanish that the people pray for their souls and their bodies be properly buried.
After the ropes around their necks were fastened to the heavy oak crossbeam, an officer pulled the cord that dropped the platform.
But things did not go as planned.”

So reads a portion of a new Medium piece by local writer Dale Brumfield, entitled “Frankenstein and the Three Spaniards”. Brumfield, a Throttle magazine alumnus, has a knack for finding juicy Virginia history- he wrote a book on Oregon Hill’s former neighbor, the Virginia State Penitentiary. He also has a new novel out called “Naked Savages”. While the pirate story has been written about before, Brumfield’s account adds the tantalizing detail that the executed pirates were reinterred in a single unmarked grave in Oregon Hill, where they have remained undisturbed. There’s more history to be uncovered

Photos From Friday’s March

While Dominion’s RiverRock festival is still raging on the riverfront, here are some photos from Friday’s poignant environmental justice march, which ended with a rally at the Overlook. The official title was “End Environmental Racism Now: March With Union Hill, and it brought people of many faiths and ideologies (including Green Party) together to protest gas pipeline construction in Virginia. WRIC, Channel 8 news, did a good job of not only supplying video of the event, but informing people of the bigger picture (click here for story). While a few neighbors expressed some nervousness regarding this political happening outside their doors, they were gratified that the march organizers did a good job of making sure the area was clean afterwards.

NOTICE: VHDA Board Meeting

From the Virginia Housing Development Authority website:

A meeting of the Board of Commissioners of the Virginia Housing Development Authority will be held at 1:00 p.m. on May 21, 2019, in the Board Room on the First Floor of its offices located at 601 South Belvidere Street, Richmond, Virginia. The Board may also meet during meals before or after the meeting on May 21, 2019. No time period has been scheduled during the meeting for public comment.

Protect The Miner Bees

No, these are not the new Oregon Hill bees, but a different type that can be found on Belle Island. Miner bees (the correct scientific name for this genus being ‘Andrena’) are one of the largest groups of solitary bees. It is believed to consist of over 1,300 known species of bees across the world.

In general, they seem to prefer to build nests in sandy soil, although some species are apparently less fussy, whilst others are more selective. The Ashy mining bee, Andrena cineraria is thought to prefer sloping sites, whereas the Grey-patched mining bee, Andrena nitida will nest in formal lawns but also sheep-grazed hillsides. They build little tunnels that look sort of like worm casts.

Neighbors are concerned about the increased activity due to Dominion River Rock and other outdoor events that could disturb the Belle Island miner bees, and asked that the City park keepers put some of these signs back up.

‘Terminate The Lease’ Rally On Friday

From email announcement:

Dear Friends

This Friday, May 17th at 4PM there will be a peaceful rally asking to TERMINATE THE LEASE on Monroe Park held by the Monroe Park Conservancy. This will occur at Monroe Park across from the big tent. We will gather on Main st.

All members of the community are invited. The Monroe Park Conservancy holds a 30 year lease (since 2014) on the City’s oldest and most historic municipal park, purchased in 1851 by the City. The Park was reopened last Autumn after a 22 month renovation overseen by the City and the Monroe Park Conservancy. During that “renovation”, a substantial portion of the historic tree canopy was destroyed, ALL public restrooms were removed, the WWII Memorial was desecrated by a large electrical box and poorly planned and executed pathways were installed that wash gravel dust into the sewer system whenever it rains. Its time for the City to terminate this lease and start fresh on a new plan to fix all the things that went wrong under the Monroe Park Conservancy. Additionally, a recent City audit found that $345,000.00 used in the botched “renovation” was billed to the City’s School Building Fund. We ask that City officials work in partnership with the stake holding community to achieve positive changes in the Park.

Thank you,
Todd Woodson, director
Fans of Monroe Park

(Editor’s note: The Sierra Club Falls Of The James has previously called for ending the lease.)

Environmental Justice March On Friday

The Virginia chapter of the Sierra Club and other environmental groups are sponsoring a protest and march this Friday.

From their event page:

Virginians from all across the state will unite in common cause to oppose unjust and unneeded fracked-gas pipelines anywhere in the Commonwealth, and to stand in solidarity for environmental justice and the climate.
On Friday, May 17, we will gather in Richmond at Canoe Run Park with members of the Union Hill Community, William Barber, III and Karenna Gore, march across the Lee Bridge and end at the Oregon Hill Overlook, for a rally.

11am: Meet at Canoe Run Park (600 W 22nd St, RVA 23225)
Noon: March across the Lee Bridge
1pm: Gather at Oregon Hill Overlook (end of S. Pine Street)

8th annual 5K for the Virginia War Memorial This Saturday

From event page:

07:30 AM – 09:00 AM EDT
621 S. Belvidere Street, Richmond, VA 23220

Join us as we honor and remember the sacrifices of those who have served in the United States Military. This annual event, the 8th annual 5K for the Virginia War Memorial, features a scenic route winding through historic Oregon Hill and Hollywood Cemetery, with the dramatic backdrop of the Virginia War Memorial Shrine, the James River and the River City skyline. All proceeds support the Virginia War Memorial Foundation and fund the Memorial’s educational outreach, documentary films, museum exhibits, and patriotic and community programs throughout the year.

Register for the race at Make sure you join the team ‘Team RWB’ so we can show the power of community and camaraderie in engaging veterans and enriching their lives!

Some additional information from organizers:

Expecting 500 participants, we will have Course Marshals and volunteers along the route, and Capitol Police and Richmond City Police will also be present. Please expect some minor delays along the course route during the race. There will not be any road closures in Oregon Hill, however, the following streets will be closed:
· The 2nd street ramp off of Belvidere and 2nd Street from Belvidere to Byrd Street.
· The Eastern most lane of northbound Belvidere (the lane closest to the Virginia War Memorial) from Spring Street to the Lee Bridge off ramp.
· Spring Street from Belvidere down to 2nd Street.

We are actively looking for volunteers (“Spirit Boosters”) for various roles before, during, and after the race. Volunteers are cheerfully accepted and encouraged. You can easily sign up to volunteer online, or call us directly at 804.786.2060.
Memorial Day is the day we remember all who have died in service to our country. By commemorating this weekend of reflection with our annual 5K race, we encourage all participants to remember the service and sacrifice of these brave men and women. This is a wonderful opportunity for the public to honor and remember our veterans and to thank them for all of the freedoms that we share. We are looking forward to having the residents of Oregon Hill help cheer for our race participants!
We also hope that you will attend the Commonwealth’s Memorial Day Ceremony at 10:00 a.m. on Monday, May 27th and the free Thomas Jefferson Cadet Corps Alumni Band & Friends Memorial Concert in our Shrine at 2 p.m. that afternoon.
Thank you for your assistance with the 5K. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.