New Stop Signs In Consideration

Oregon Hill is once again looking at possibly changing traffic patters as a new proposal is being weighed at City Council’s Land Use, Housing, and Transportation Committee.

Ordinance 2019-147 reads:
To erect all-way stop signs at the intersections of Spring Street and South Pine Street, Spring Street and South Laurel Street, Albemarle Street and South Laurel Street, and Albemarle Street and South Cherry Street, with a painted stop line at each intersection.

This follows neighbors’ discussion with City Councilperson Parker Agelasto’s office in regard to continued concerns about traffic safety. To quickly recap, neighbors originally requested all-way stop signs at Spring and Laurel and Spring and Pine, but agreed to try changing more intersections’ stop sign direction, now that concerns have continued, all-stops are being reconsidered.

Buskey at Tredegar or “Cider by the River” On Saturday

Local company Buskey Cider will be doing pop-up at historic Tredegar this Saturday.

Information from the FaceBook event page:

They’ll be pouring ciders at Historic Tredegar on the front patio of the American Civil War Museum overlooking the river and parts of Brown’s Island from 12-5pm on Sat, 7/13. Boka Tako Truck will be joining for quick eats while everyone enjoys the awesome environment at Historic Tredegar in front of the museum. A portion of proceeds from the event will go to the ACWM.

Favorite ciders from Buskey will be available, such as RVA Cider, and their popular summer seasonal, Watermelon Rosemary, and will all be sold by the pour.

Trash/Recycling Pickup Tomorrow

This Wednesday is a “Red Wednesday”, which means trash and recycling pickup. Ideally, rolling recycling containers are stored and deployed in the back alleys along with trash cans. Please make sure you pick up containers after pickup tomorrow night.

If you have not done so already, don’t forget to sign up for your Recycling Perks.
In order to take your recycling to the next level, read this: 10 ways to improve your recycling.

Richmond’s Style Magazine recently had a feature on how many localities are struggling with their recycling programs.

This is a good time to remind neighbors who are moving that there a number of thrift stores in the area that will take used items for resale, which is a much better option that throwing them in trash/recycling bins. In addition, there are some neighbors who have expressed interest in holding a neighborhood-wide yard sale later this month. More details on that should be forthcoming.

GWAR Announces Brockie Memorial For Hollywood Cemetery

Richmond’s outer space metal monster band GWAR has announced that there will be an unveiling of a memorial monument to its late lead singer Dave Brockie, aka Oderus Urungus in Hollywood Cemetery at 2 pm on Friday, August 30, which is Brockie’s 56th birthday. A least a few of GWAR’s band members, including Brockie, lived at different points in Oregon Hill.

Pita Pit Chain Coming To Oregon Hill

Richmond Bizsense is reporting that a chain restaurant will be part of the new development at S.Laurel and W.Cary Streets.

Pita Pit signed a lease in recent weeks to take about 900 square feet in the 805W project – a four-story, 100-unit apartment development with about 8,000 square feet of ground floor space – that’s under construction at 805 W. Cary St.

School Rezoning and Oregon Hill

Laurel Street neighbor Teresa Birchett wants to be sure that neighbors are aware of the rezoning discussion.

Richmond is currently exploring rezoning of schools. They have released two potential options. If you look at both options they would impact Oregon Hill. For elementary we are currently zoned Cary. From what I can tell for elementary schools, Option 1 would divide the neighborhood at the expressway with some kids zoned for Carver and the majority of the neighborhood Cary. For Option 2 Oregon Hill would be completely rezoned for Carver. For middle school the entire neighborhood is currently zoned Binford. Option one would divide the neighborhood again at the expressway, with the upper half of the neighborhood zoned Hill and the lower Binford. Option two would keep the neighborhood Binford. For high school we are currently zoned Thomas Jefferson. Option one and two would rezone the neighborhood to John Marshall High School. If you have concerns or support one of these changes, now is the time to let RPS know.
Here is a link to the two possible proposed zoning changes, the proposed map changes are at the bottom of the document.