is the guy who littered his ‘Pick 3’ tickets all over Laurel Street. Not to mention the person dumping all of your fast food trash out your car door. Where do these people come from?
Trees and more trees!
Oregon Hill Neighborhood Association President Todd Woodson shares his enthusiasm:
The warm weather has got some trees blooming prematurely as well as some flowers. Cold weather is coming though.
Great news that we have many new street trees coming to Oregon Hill- some already planted and more wherever you see a red flag in a tree well. This is on top of the 11 we planted in November through a Community Roots Grant.
Burger’s Bernie Belly Crawl Challenge II: The Sequel
Well, it’s been four long years…and, sadly, here we are again…and again, I insert the disclaimer that I do not portend to represent ALL of Oregon Hill residents’ opinion on anything (unless, perhaps, when I am wearing my crown)…
Many Oregon Hill residents, and citizens in general, are pinning hopes on the Senator from Vermont in his renewed run for President. While I truly like Bernie’s story and many of his stances (but not all of them), the reality is that the Democratic National Committee will never, ever allow him their nomination. They don’t want anyone who will rock their corporate sponsors’ boats, go anti-war, or sincerely promote the idea of single payer health care for the United States. They will dishonesty smear one way or another, cheat (again) one way or another, or worse to prevent him from receiving the nomination.
For his part, Sanders has promised to support whoever does receive the Democratic nomination. Harnessing fear and the noise of the ‘But Trump’-ets’, the Democrats will undoubtedly select someone who is very similar to their last Presidential candidate (note that Clinton has been meeting with Warren already), coming dangerously close to the 2016 strategy (but hopefully not repeating the previous, disgusting mistake of elevating Trump’s racism).
I repeat my friendly wager/challenge- I hereby announce that if Senator Bernie Sanders does become the Democratic Party’s nominee for President, I, Scott Burger, promise to crawl on my belly south from Idlewood Avenue down to the James River. (In the unlikely circumstance that I lose this bet, I will concede my loss on a date of my choosing, and upon losing, and I will fulfill my promise to do this crawl on a time and date of my choosing.)
So, if you want to help Bernie or would enjoy seeing me punished and brought low for my political thoughts, I urge you to vote in the Democratic Primary on March 3rd and see if you can help prove me wrong. Will any ‘Bernie bros’ (or gals) dare to bet against me- pledge to do the belly crawl if I am right and he does not receive the nomination? (By the way, I am certainly not alone in this crude speculation and if you would like to bet real money, there are already websites that will cater to this.)
The sequel to my 2016 challenge with the same thoughts- as with some other bets, I sincerely hope I am wrong. This country needs a big change in direction- it needs the left wing populism represented by Sanders as an antidote to the right wing populism unleashed by the Conman-In-Chief, Donald Trump.
With Virginia’s electoral votes likely going to the blue team again, I am personally planning to continue my Green Party streak. But if I am sadly correct about the situation, the real question is what will Sanders supporters do when he is no longer in the race. With electoral reform still far off, I am not optimistic about the country’s direction, even if Trump is defeated.
Police In Hollywood Cemetery Yesterday Evening
Many Oregon Hill residents were surprised by a large police presence in and around Hollywood Cemetery last night. There were unconfirmed reports of a shooting and suicide.
Trash/Recycling Pickup Tomorrow
This Wednesday is a “Red Wednesday”, which means trash and recycling pickup. Please go over what can be recycled. Ideally, rolling recycling containers are stored and deployed in the back alleys along with trash cans. Please make sure you pick up containers after pickup tomorrow night.
If you have not done so already, don’t forget to sign up for your Recycling Perks.
In order to take your recycling to the next level, read this: 10 ways to improve your recycling.
Did you know that, in West Virginia, more than 1,000 Christmas trees were recycled to help fish habitats at 10 lakes last year. Meanwhile, a Virginia company says it can make trash disappear by heating it to 18,000 degrees.
January Bees
“VCU, and not Richmond residents, stands to gain from Navy Hill project”
Laurel Street neighbor Charles Pool has a letter to the editor in this week’s Richmond Free Press. For some people, it will clarify how this SHAMEFUL VCU/Dominion sponsored scam is distracting from truly public priorities like fixing our schools.
VCU, and not Richmond residents, stands to gain from Navy Hill project
The main beneficiary of the proposed Navy Hill project is Virginia Commonwealth University, not Richmond’s residents.
Dominion Energy Chief Executive Officer Tom Farrell II, who also heads the Navy Hill Development Corp., sat on VCU’s Board of Visitors, and his son, Peter Farrell, recently was appointed to the VCU board by Gov. Ralph S. Northam.
The newly approved VCU Master Plan quietly includes plans to partner in the Navy Hill development: “VCU and VCU Health System support the project and are exploring potential partnerships.”
There exists a tremendous pent-up demand for housing and office space near VCU’s land-locked medical campus. However, the Navy Hill Development Corp. would have us believe that the city-owned land adjacent to the VCU campus is of depressed value and won’t be developed without their help. The city-owned land adjacent to VCU is worth many times the value stated in the Navy Hill proposal.
It is unseemly that the city accepted only one bid for the $1.5 billion Navy Hill project from Mr. Farrell’s group. Then, after the bids were closed, the Tax Increment Financing (TIF) zone morphed by 800 percent from 10 blocks to 80 blocks to include Mr. Farrell’s new Dominion tower south of Broad Street.
Richmond should not be duped into thinking that the proposed dorm-like studio apartments will help our low-income residents. The project’s ballyhooed 480 new affordable housing units would be occupied largely by students at VCU’s medical campus, which has a large shortage of dorm rooms.
Likewise, VCU needs the office and research space that would be built by the growing university, regardless of the Navy Hill project.
A new Richmond Coliseum would be a venue for VCU commencements, sporting events and concerts. So why is VCU, which pays no city real estate taxes, putting no “skin in the game” toward building the new Coliseum?
It is worth noting that the much-heralded John Paul Jones Arena in Charlottesville was built by the University of Virginia and not by the City of Charlottesville.
The unintended consequence of the Navy Hill District proposal would be to starve city schools of funding while subsidizing a development bonanza for VCU. It would be reckless for Richmond to mortgage all new revenue from 80 prime blocks of its Downtown for the next 30 years for this project.
Let’s hope that Richmond City Council votes down this Navy Hill boondoggle.
A couple of quick notes-
Don’t forget VCU President Rao’s disgraceful letter from last year.
There’s already talk that this ‘much-studied’ scheme will morph yet again, from an 80-block TIFF back to a 10-block TIFF. It has intentionally become a moving target.
Beyond state delegate Bourne’s bill, there is other possible boondoggle support coming from the General Assembly- as political activist Paul Goldman notes-
Is Speaker Filler-Corn’s Bill HB1414 creating new all powerful transportation agency a way to help Coliseum proponents bypass opponents to the development project, indeed city officials should the boondoggle get passed? Read lines 569-571. This would have been very helpful, if applicable, for Mayor Jones and his Council cronies in pushing through Shockoe Bottom Baseball Stadium despite overwhelming public opposition.
Which bring us to a longstanding question- Is it ‘unintended’ that that these proposals distract from properly funding Richmond schools? The ongoing record suggests otherwise. (See previous editorial, ‘Broken Promises: Richmond’s Leaders Don’t Want To Put Schools First’.)
Board of Zoning Appeals Notice
An application of John & Mandy Tennyson and Amber Reitz for a special exception from Sections 30-300 & 30-413.7 of the zoning ordinance for a building permit to construct an addition to a single-family detached dwelling at 521 SOUTH PINE STREET (Tax Parcel Number W000-0119/025), located in an R-7 (Single- and Two-Family Urban Residential District). The lot coverage requirement is not met.
Their representative will be at the upcoming OHNA meeting.
Oregon Hill Neighbors Watching The Corporate Moves!
From a watchful Oregon Hill neighbor:
Hi Scott,
As you can see from the attached photos, they completely removed the sandy beach in front of Tredgar that was very popular. They are also completely removing the Tredegar machinery, including the 35 ton wheel.I guess you saw the TD article today where Navy Hill also wants to tap the state sales tax. Before long they will be tapping the water rates!