Trash/Recycling Pickup Tomorrow

This Wednesday is a “Red Wednesday”, which means trash and recycling pickup. Please go over what can be recycled. Ideally, rolling recycling containers are stored and deployed in the back alleys along with trash cans. Please make sure you pick up containers after pickup tomorrow night.

If you have not done so already, don’t forget to sign up for your Recycling Perks.
In order to take your recycling to the next level, read this: 10 ways to improve your recycling.

Congratulations to William & Mary for eliminating single-use plastics in their dining halls!

Straws get a lot of attention as food purveyors look to eliminate single-use plastics, and they were among the items to go as William & Mary Dining Services said goodbye to plastic in 2019.

As part of the university’s ongoing sustainability efforts, Dining implemented a phase-out to use up its remaining stock on the way to using new alternatives, according to Stephen Moyer, W&M Sadler Center Court operation manager. Also recently, Dining became certified by the Green Restaurant Association.

“Single-use plastics were eliminated in Commons and Sadler Center Court,” Moyer said.

W&M’s Sustainability Plan, a five-year plan that started in 2019, included a commitment in its diversion section to eliminating the distribution of single-use plastics in the two dining halls by 2019.

“Plastic waste has permeated the world around us, and we are taking steps to reduce the creation of that waste on campus,” said W&M Director of Sustainability Calandra Waters Lake. “Even more impactful than recycling, the rethinking and reducing that dining has done through this initiative sets an example that we hope to continue to expand.”

How about it, VCU?

Oregon Hill Neighborhood Association Meets Tuesday

Here is an email announcement from OHNA President Todd Woodson:

Dear Friends and Neighbors
We will hold our monthly OHNA meeting at 7pm this coming Tuesday, January 28 at St Andrews Church.
Our Sector 413 Richmond police Lt Roberts has been transferred. Im hoping we will meet our new sector leader.
Also, our VCUPD liaison, Officer Wade, is no longer with VCU. Hoping to meet his replacement as well.
We will hold the election for Vice president as there were no candidates at our November elections.
The will be a presentation by a neighbor seeking a zoning exemption for building an addition to a house on 500 block Pine St.
I will seek a resolution supporting a proposed ordinance which would restore and protect the historic tree canopy in Monroe Park. I am hopefully that our wonderful councilperson will submit this legislation.
We have a resident requesting for information on restricted parking for a limited area of the neighborhood.
We will recap the Opioid and naloxone training session recently held as well as the many new trees in the neighborhood and ways we can assure their survival. We can certainly have more Opioid Training sessions as required in the neighborhood.
Our City Council liaison Amy Robins will update us on City goings on as well.

Unrepresented Film Screening On Tuesday

The political documentary film ‘Unrepresented’ will be showed on Jan 28, at 6:00 PM at the VCU Commons Theater (901 Floyd Ave).

From the event page:

The documentary Unrepresented investigates the mechanisms that give political insiders enormous, unchecked power. If you are tired of the status quo taking place in Virginia, then come to the screening of the documentary and take part in a panel discussion following the movie to see the unprecedented movements taking shape to break this cycle. Engage with panel speakers Virginia Del. Sam Rasoul; Jeff Thomas, author of The Virginia Way: Democracy and Power after 2016; Liz White, Deputy Director of OneVirginia2021; Elizabeth Melson, President of FairVote Virginia; and Nancy Morgan of the Virginia chapter of American Promise. Hear about the grassroots movements taking place here at the state level that you can join to make a difference.
Richmond is the first stop on the film’s State Capital Tour across the country. Come ensure you are Represented!

Neighbors Planning Oregon Hill Garden Tour

From announcement:

(Holly Street neighbor)

Phaedra Hise is working to set up a garden tour in May!!!
Please help us spread the word…we are looking to visit 8-10 gardens
See the “event” page for more information
Assuming we get some interest generated, we will schedule organizational meeting(s) and create a flyer

More information available on Facebook event page.