Unrepresented Film Screening On Tuesday

The political documentary film ‘Unrepresented’ will be showed on Jan 28, at 6:00 PM at the VCU Commons Theater (901 Floyd Ave).

From the event page:

The documentary Unrepresented investigates the mechanisms that give political insiders enormous, unchecked power. If you are tired of the status quo taking place in Virginia, then come to the screening of the documentary and take part in a panel discussion following the movie to see the unprecedented movements taking shape to break this cycle. Engage with panel speakers Virginia Del. Sam Rasoul; Jeff Thomas, author of The Virginia Way: Democracy and Power after 2016; Liz White, Deputy Director of OneVirginia2021; Elizabeth Melson, President of FairVote Virginia; and Nancy Morgan of the Virginia chapter of American Promise. Hear about the grassroots movements taking place here at the state level that you can join to make a difference.
Richmond is the first stop on the film’s State Capital Tour across the country. Come ensure you are Represented!

Neighbors Planning Oregon Hill Garden Tour

From announcement:

(Holly Street neighbor)

Phaedra Hise is working to set up a garden tour in May!!!
Please help us spread the word…we are looking to visit 8-10 gardens
See the “event” page for more information
Assuming we get some interest generated, we will schedule organizational meeting(s) and create a flyer

More information available on Facebook event page.

Trees and more trees!

Oregon Hill Neighborhood Association President Todd Woodson shares his enthusiasm:

The warm weather has got some trees blooming prematurely as well as some flowers. Cold weather is coming though.

Great news that we have many new street trees coming to Oregon Hill- some already planted and more wherever you see a red flag in a tree well. This is on top of the 11 we planted in November through a Community Roots Grant.

Burger’s Bernie Belly Crawl Challenge II: The Sequel

Well, it’s been four long years…and, sadly, here we are again…and again, I insert the disclaimer that I do not portend to represent ALL of Oregon Hill residents’ opinion on anything (unless, perhaps, when I am wearing my crown)…

Many Oregon Hill residents, and citizens in general, are pinning hopes on the Senator from Vermont in his renewed run for President. While I truly like Bernie’s story and many of his stances (but not all of them), the reality is that the Democratic National Committee will never, ever allow him their nomination. They don’t want anyone who will rock their corporate sponsors’ boats, go anti-war, or sincerely promote the idea of single payer health care for the United States. They will dishonesty smear one way or another, cheat (again) one way or another, or worse to prevent him from receiving the nomination.

For his part, Sanders has promised to support whoever does receive the Democratic nomination. Harnessing fear and the noise of the ‘But Trump’-ets’, the Democrats will undoubtedly select someone who is very similar to their last Presidential candidate (note that Clinton has been meeting with Warren already), coming dangerously close to the 2016 strategy (but hopefully not repeating the previous, disgusting mistake of elevating Trump’s racism).

I repeat my friendly wager/challenge- I hereby announce that if Senator Bernie Sanders does become the Democratic Party’s nominee for President, I, Scott Burger, promise to crawl on my belly south from Idlewood Avenue down to the James River. (In the unlikely circumstance that I lose this bet, I will concede my loss on a date of my choosing, and upon losing, and I will fulfill my promise to do this crawl on a time and date of my choosing.)

So, if you want to help Bernie or would enjoy seeing me punished and brought low for my political thoughts, I urge you to vote in the Democratic Primary on March 3rd and see if you can help prove me wrong. Will any ‘Bernie bros’ (or gals) dare to bet against me- pledge to do the belly crawl if I am right and he does not receive the nomination? (By the way, I am certainly not alone in this crude speculation and if you would like to bet real money, there are already websites that will cater to this.)

The sequel to my 2016 challenge with the same thoughts- as with some other bets, I sincerely hope I am wrong. This country needs a big change in direction- it needs the left wing populism represented by Sanders as an antidote to the right wing populism unleashed by the Conman-In-Chief, Donald Trump.

With Virginia’s electoral votes likely going to the blue team again, I am personally planning to continue my Green Party streak. But if I am sadly correct about the situation, the real question is what will Sanders supporters do when he is no longer in the race. With electoral reform still far off, I am not optimistic about the country’s direction, even if Trump is defeated.

Trash/Recycling Pickup Tomorrow

This Wednesday is a “Red Wednesday”, which means trash and recycling pickup. Please go over what can be recycled. Ideally, rolling recycling containers are stored and deployed in the back alleys along with trash cans. Please make sure you pick up containers after pickup tomorrow night.

If you have not done so already, don’t forget to sign up for your Recycling Perks.
In order to take your recycling to the next level, read this: 10 ways to improve your recycling.

Did you know that, in West Virginia, more than 1,000 Christmas trees were recycled to help fish habitats at 10 lakes last year. Meanwhile, a Virginia company says it can make trash disappear by heating it to 18,000 degrees.