REMINDER: TONIGHT, 5th District Facebook Live

Does not have quite the same ring as ‘Saturday Night Live’, but ‘Stephanie & Amy’ might still be the best pairing since Tina Fey and Amy Poehler.

From the Facebook event page:

Dear 5th District Residents,

We will be holding our second Facebook Live meeting on Thursday, May 28 at 6pm. The agenda will include COVID information, businesses relief efforts, extended tax deadlines, budget review, and community outreach/volunteering while practicing social distancing.

Please comment in the event if you have a specific topic you would like covered. If we can not get to it we will try to include it in the June newsletter and on social media.

We’ll be loading a bunch of PSAs in this event for review and sharing.

We are thinking of all of you.

Stephanie & Amy

Antique Cars Today, Virtual Memorial Day Ceremony Tomorrow

From Neighbor and OHNA President Todd Woodson:

Hope you are having a blessed Memorial Day Weekend!

Today (Sunday) between 1:15-1:45, a group of about 30 Vintage cars will be driving down 300 block S Cherry on a road rally from the Antique Auto Club.

Well worth a walk over to see.

Also, tomorrow, our neighbor the Virginia War Memorial will be holding its annual Memorial Day service. Due to the current stay-at-home orders, they regretfully cannot host their annual Memorial Day events open to the public. The Virginia War Memorial instead invites you to this year’s Memorial Day Ceremony “virtually” at 10:00 a.m. on Monday, May 25. To watch, connect on their website.

Mask Up!

Saw this report from a friend:

A face-masked walk on Belle Isle yesterday was a real eye opener for me. It was really crowded with people, uncomfortably so even for non-covid times, and I estimated that maybe 1% of the people had masks or any coverings on their faces! I fear that this does not bode well for our community…

Regardless ofwhat the government does, its important to recognize that the coronavirus pandemic is still raging and is still in danger of intensifying.

Trash/Recycling Pickup Tomorrow

This Wednesday is a “Red Wednesday”, which means trash and recycling pickup. Please go over what can be recycled. Ideally, rolling recycling containers are stored and deployed in the back alleys along with trash cans. Please make sure you pick up containers after pickup tomorrow night.

If you have not done so already, don’t forget to sign up for your Recycling Perks.
In order to take your recycling to the next level, read this: 10 ways to improve your recycling.

In recycling news…

Last April, Arlington County abandoned its curbside glass recycling program, saying separating and recycling glass had become overly expensive. Instead, residents were asked to drop off their glass recycling at dedicated bins that were then taken to Fairfax County for reuse in construction, building, and — more recently — recycling into new glass products.

Since the launch of the drop-off recycling program, county officials say 2 million pounds of glass have been recycled, half of which has been over the last few months.

“A million pounds since January was impressive, and we’ll likely see another million at a much faster pace for obvious reasons” as residents stay at home amid the pandemic, says Department of Environmental Services spokesman Peter Golkin. “Alcoholic beverage control (ABC) stores are definitely doing strong business, as are the grocery stores.”

Golkin said residents are asked to avoid late night or early morning drop-offs at the residential drop-off sites to avoid loud clattering.

Cloudy VHDA

Photo and comment by neighbor Charles Pool.

Clouds reflected in the Virginia Housing Development Authority (VHDA) building across Belvidere Street from Oregon Hill. The VHDA has applied for exceptions to the zoning code to build a large parking deck adjacent to the Va. War Memorials new deck. Since there is a shortage of parking to visit Belle Isle, will the VHDA allow the public to park in the deck on the weekends?