St. Andrew’s School Starts Monday

St. Andrew’s School is an independent elementary school in Oregon Hill, specifically for families with low incomes.
Students are returning to school, in some capacity, this coming Monday.

Neighbors are trying to be supportive. From Laurel Street neighbor Jenny Beth-

Hi neighbors, weather permitting we will be “chalking the walk” again this year for the Saint Andrew’s School back to school (Monday, August 10th). We’ll go out this Sunday (August 9) late afternoon/early evening and have plenty of chalk, or BYO. We will be wearing masks! We’d love your help sharing encouraging messages and cheering on these brave elementary schoolers returning for the first time since March!

From OHNA president Todd Woodson:

Dear Friends

Please remember that St Andrews School will open on Monday, August 10. Please DO NOT park in the areas fronting the school on South Cherry as well as Idlewood Ave. This is especially important as some grades will enter through the front and some grades will enter on the Cherry St side due to precautions associated with Covid preparedness.

Also, please remember to drive slowly in the vicinity of the school. Let’s keep our kids safe!


Will Richmond300 and City Planning Commission Ever Listen To Oregon Hill?

The resolution to amend B-3 zoning, CPCR .2020.033, is back on the agenda for the City’s Planning Commission on Aug. 3rd!
It is now accompanied by another resolution CPCR.2020.039: To declare an intent to amend certain properties in the B-3 General Business District.

The City belatedly added text for the CPCR.2020.039. The text for the Oregon Hill portion of the B-3 on W. Cary is hardly satisfactory: “Staff recommends including the area in the Richmond 300 planning process and looking at the area comprehensively.”

Since the planning department has ignored Oregon Hill’s concerns related to the future land use designations in the Richmond 300 plan, it is hardly a comfort that they look to the Richmond 300 planning process for rezoning W. Cary Street in the Oregon Hill Historic District!

National Night Out Rescheduled For October

It has been a very busy summer so far for the Richmond police – Black Lives Matter protests, changes in leadership, shootings, and (cowardly) anonymous threats from white supremacists.
So it’s understandable that the National Night Out date is postponed a bit….

Due to COVID-19 concerns, the Richmond Police Department is rescheduling this year’s National Night Out.

National Night Out will be tentatively held on Tuesday, October 6, 2020. We will continue to monitor the COVID-19 conditions in Richmond. Please watch RPD’s social media sites for updates.

National Night Out is designed to

1. Heighten crime and drug prevention awareness;

2. Generate support for, and participation in, local anti-crime efforts;

3. Strengthen neighborhood spirit and police‐community partnerships;

4. Send a message to criminals letting them know neighborhoods are organized and fighting back.

As we get closer to the rescheduled date, RPD will provide updates on the status of 2020 National Night Out.

Trash/Recycling Pickup Tomorrow

This Wednesday is a “Red Wednesday”, which means trash and recycling pickup. Please go over what can be recycled. Ideally, rolling recycling containers are stored and deployed in the back alleys along with trash cans. Please make sure you pick up containers after pickup tomorrow night.

If you have not done so already, don’t forget to sign up for your Recycling Perks.
In order to take your recycling to the next level, read this: 10 ways to improve your recycling.

In recycling news…thankfully, more and more people seem to be currently thinking about their economic choices as a result of the pandemic. Corporations see this and are trying to include this new focus on sustainability in their marketing. For example, global whisky brand Johnnie Walker and its parent company Diageo plan to run a trial of new environmentally-friendly packaging.

But the real question is if this forces a definitive, long-lasting move away from plastic, or, if we just see more corporate reliance and spin for a failing recycling strategy. Reality is that the corporate record is more adherence and care to maintaining short term profits than true sustainability.

City Quickly Replaces Missing Stop Sign

Dear Mr. Sawyer,

I want to send a hearty “Thank You” for the fast work of Maintenance Tech III Andre Cannady for so promptly replacing the missing STOP sign in Oregon Hill! He immediately installed a temporary stop sign and after assessing the situation promptly returned and installed a new pole and sign. This was done within a half hour of receiving the report of the missing sign.

Mr. Cannady’s prompt work may have prevented an accident at this busy corner. Thank you so much for taking care of this issue so speedily!


Charles Pool