OHNA Meeting Announcement

From announcement:

Hello, neighbors! The next OHNA meeting will be taking place digitally. Please email OHNA@gmail.com with the subject “I’m Attending!” in order to receive a zoom invite. If you have any questions regarding how to zoom, we will be able to assist you. Just let us know in the body of the email if you’ll need assistance. We are looking forwarding to seeing you all, albeit digitally! Happy New Year!

Deadline quickly approaching for City of Richmond Department of Public Utilities utility relief assistance

From City press release:

Deadline to apply for the COVID-19 Municipal Utility Relief Program is January 17. DPU representatives available to answer questions and collect applications this week!

Richmond, VA – City of Richmond Department of Public Utilities customers that have fallen behind on their utility bills as a result of an economic hardship due to COVID-19 are encouraged to submit applications for utility relief.

The COVID-19 Municipal Utility Relief Program funding provided by the federal Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act (CARES Act) is being administered by the Virginia Department of Housing and Community Development and supports municipal utility relief efforts during the pandemic. The utility relief assistance program is designed to be a one‐time opportunity with one payment per household or business. Funding for the program is limited, so don’t delay in applying.

Applications are due by midnight Sunday, January 17. This one-time opportunity is to help customers pay down or pay off high utility bills as a result of COVID-19 and avoid future utility service disconnections at the end of the pandemic’s state of emergency.

The application process is simple and takes less than 5 minutes to complete. Drop by one of these locations to fill out an application or feel free to drop off your completed application. DPU representatives will be on-site to assist from 10:00 am to 1:00 pm.

Tuesday, January 12, Southside Community Services Center, 4100 Hull Street

Thursday, January 14, North Avenue Library, 2901 North Avenue

Friday, January 15, The Market @ 25th, 1330 N. 25th Street

Customers can also request an application via email to DPUCares@richmondgov.com or by calling (804) 646-4646.

To be eligible for funding under this relief program, applicants must meet the following criteria:

· Be a customer (residential or non-residential) of the City of Richmond Department of Public Utilities with active utility service;
· Have experienced/been impacted by an economic hardship due to COVID-19;
· Have fallen behind on their City water, wastewater or natural gas utility bill for services during the period of March 1, 2020 through December 30, 2020;
· Have not received any other forms of relief or financial assistance for their City utility services; AND
· Submit the completed application so that it is received by DPU on or before January 17, 2021.

With limited funds available and the application deadline quickly approaching, eligible customers are encouraged to apply immediately. More information, including the application, are available at www.rva.gov/public-utilities.

Trash/Recycling Pickup Tomorrow

This Wednesday is a “Red Wednesday”, which means trash and recycling pickup. Please go over what can be recycled. Ideally, rolling recycling containers are stored and deployed in the back alleys along with trash cans. Please make sure you pick up containers after pickup tomorrow night.

If you have not done so already, don’t forget to sign up for your Recycling Perks.
In order to take your recycling to the next level, read this: 10 ways to improve your recycling.

Some holiday season reminders:

Recycling companies do not want tissue paper or gift bags. No ‘tanglers’ like ribbons or Christmas lights, cords, they’re not recyclable at all.

Don’t forget that Richmond’s Department of Public Works announced that the 13th annual “Bring One for the Chipper” recycling event, where city residents can drop off their Christmas trees and other items, will take place Jan. 9 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.

According to a release from the department, the event will give residents an opportunity to recycle their Christmas trees, have up to five boxes of documents shredded and safely get rid of electronics and household hazardous waste.

Set A Good Example

This photo was taken in Hollywood Cemetery, but it should apply everywhere right now. If you visit Oregon Hill or surrounding amenities, please wear a mask to keep the coronavirus from spreading. There have been some complaints about some local tour companies bringing people to see holiday lights into the neighborhood who are not following pandemic guidelines. This is happening elsewhere in the area as well and it is unacceptable. Please stay on Santa’s Nice List.

Open High Successes

Even during the pandemic, Open High students continue to shine…

Richmond Public Schools recently recognized Jack Salgado for his presentation in the Solar Decathlon as one of the Solar Student Leaders.

They also congratulated Asia Goode from Open High School for her acceptance into Stanford University with a full-ride scholarship! She’s known for advocating for food justice and co-hosting their Civic Voices Town Hall.

The Wayne Commission

This 1968 Wayne Commission recommendation shows Virginia Commonwealth University first taking Monroe Park and eventually taking all of Oregon Hill. Obviously, this is why VCU will still not give their neighbors in Oregon Hill a memorandum of understanding that the university will not encroach further into Oregon Hill.

There’s no doubt that one of Richmond300’s main unstated goals was to lay the groundwork for eradicating this small historic neighborhood that occupies increasingly valuable high ground real estate.