Trash/Recycling Pickup Tomorrow Morning

Tomorrow is a “Red Wednesday”, which means trash and recycling pickup.

Please go over what can be recycled.

NOTE: CVWMA (Central Virginia Waste Management Authority) has announced that all curbside recycling must now be INSIDE the CVWMA containers with lid closed. Items beside the container or on top of it will not be collected. In fact, incorrect setouts may not be collected at all. This is new as of July 1 for all our curbside recyclers, with the exception of townhomes/condos still using small bins. (And yes, this also applies to flattened cardboard boxes.)

Ideally, rolling recycling containers are stored and deployed in the back alleys along with trash cans. Please make sure you pick up containers after pickup tomorrow night.

If it seems like pickup did not happen, use this online form:

In order to take your recycling to the next level, read this: 10 ways to improve your recycling.

In recycling news, CVWMA has a blog post about a new statue made up of reclaimed materials that honors Black women.

From the post:

“Umama, and so she sows“ is sculpted primarily from reclaimed materials found and sourced in the community of Richmond, Virginia.

“Umama” was born out of the eight-week Atlas Artist Summer Residency Program facilitated by ART 180 and in collaboration with the Ebenezer Baptist Church and the Black History Museum and Cultural Center of Virginia. This one-of-its-kind program offers 10 high school students a paid opportunity to experience mentorship and creative development alongside their peers and two professional working artists, with each young artist dedicating over 100 hours to the creation of “Umama.”

This sculpture was skillfully crafted by South African muralist Xolani Zivunda and Petersburg-based sculpturist Nastassja Swift. Xolani focused much attention on the face and hair of “Umama,” using mosaic tiles from pieces of glass and marble, telephone chords and paper, and pieces of loose brick that were found out in the community. Nastassja contributed heavily to forming the Styrofoam base and using reclaimed materials to form the sculpture.

Sionne Neely, a multifaceted creative and community facilitator, provided additional support by connecting both resident teaching artists to the cultural significance of weaving together the complex histories of oppression in Richmond, Virginia and Cape Town, South Africa. Supporters helped to honor the figurehead as a tribute to the presence of Black women in building community.

19th Annual Toys For Tots

From announcement:

For the 19th year we are collecting toys for Richmond Fire Dept toys drive and items for
Richmond Animal Care and Control…

!!! Toys !!!
Thank you friends and neighbors for your donations! Keep’em coming!
Now accepting unwrapped toys (kids under 10 years old, no clothing) and items for RACC
Contact me if you’re dropping off at 519 S. Pine St

Party on Sunday, December 1st @BasicCity
Sunday, December 1
Noon until 4pm or later….come-n-go open house style
Volunteer musicians wanted!!!
(Sunday afternoon on Thanksgiving weekend)
19th Annual toy collection party, benefitting Richmond Fire Department and Richmond Animal Care & Control (RACC)
COSTUME CONTEST categories with PRIZES….so dress up!
(1) Greatest Grinchy Green (most festive)
(2) Wildest Who’s from Whoville (best couple/group)
(3) Maximum Max (best dog)
Basic City Brewing, Southside
212 W. 6th Street – RVA
Follow me on Facebook for further details

Election Thoughts (2024 Edition ): There Is Still Time To Do The Right Thing

Warning: The following post contains strong political opinions from outside of the corporate media. If you can’t control yourself, don’t read them. As this is an editorial, the standard disclaimer is in effect: this does not portend to represent the views of all Oregon Hill residents.

It has been two weeks since Election Day. The majority of neighbors and City residents voted for the Democratic Party presidential candidate Harris and she did win Virginia’s electoral votes. However, in what was a shock to some and unsurprising to others, she convincingly lost the national popular vote and the electoral vote. Experts note that turnout in the seven swing states at the heart of the election was even higher than in the rest of the country.

While many Democrats would like to try to blame Greens, Russians, and others for their loss, as they have obnoxiously and wrongly done in the past, they simply can’t when faced with the facts. As a Green, I can take comfort in that I voted against both sides of the corporate duopoly (both Democrats and Republicans) – my hands are clean. I voted, but I did not vote for Biden/Harris, Trump, or genocide, and I give my utter appreciation to the courageous Jill Stein and her electors/petitioners for that opportunity. I sincerely hope everyone still has that opportunity in the future.

I could go on and revisit ‘Election Thoughts’ from 2016 and discuss needed election reforms, but instead, let’s concentrate on the current international moment:

While the contentious Presidential election is over, there’s still time to do the right thing. Speaking of facts, according to a new United Nations Special Committee report, Israel’s war conduct in Gaza “is consistent with the characteristics of genocide,” including mass civilian casualties and using starvation as a weapon. American corporate media downplays the situation, even as more children and noncombatants die from U.S. bombs. Something for Americans to think about as they decorate their homes with Christmas nativity scenes – there are thousands of Middle Eastern families looking for refuge and none of the carnage and displacement will bring back the victims of the Hamas October 7 attack of the previous year.

If Democrats were smart, they would press (baby boomer) Biden to resign NOW before Trump takes office and then quickly announce a sea change in foreign policy under (gen X) Harris, demanding that Israel end the war and allow Palestinians to return to north Gaza or else IMMEDIATELY lose all financial and military support (over $250 billion). After all, the Israeli government has ignored all previous ‘guidance’ and warnings from the current president. The Biden administration so far has done nothing in response and lamely clung to policies that support war and, yes, genocide. Its doable- President Reagan did it with one phone call back in 1982. We are constantly being told we are ‘the most powerful country on earth’, so surely we can adjust foreign policy. Harris lost the election, yet she could still gain more hearts and claw her way to higher moral ground with a last minute generational shift in regard to other nations.

Sure, President Trump, once he is back in power, will likely rescind any such large moves to ‘the left’, though he would have to expend some time and energy to explicitly change back the policy and be forced to retrench his own hardline position in support of Israel’s right wing government. That alone might make it worth it from a pure ‘resistance’ strategy point-of-view.

Also, an alteration in foreign policy would let American voters know that election campaign mistakes can be corrected and signal that a new Democratic leadership can abandon the ‘war party’. More importantly, the rest of the world would learn that arrogant “American exceptionalism” does not apply to genocide and this country is still capable of change for the better and bigger picture.

However, as a Green I am very doubtful that the Democratic Party is capable of even this reform as it is too tied to its own hubris, militarism, war-profiteering, and lobbyist money. I gave up on it a long time ago and urge others to join the voter revolt and build something new. We need left wing populism to counter the right wing populism (Trumpism).

Sadly, it’s too easy to predict that this country, under the corporate duopoly, will continue to ignore many young people and go further down a right wing path of fascism and war. Next up, we will see if Ukraine goes from a ‘conventional’ battlefield to a nuclear one.

OHNA Meeting Tomorrow Night

From email announcement:

Oregon Hill Neighborhood Association
Monthly Meeting Agenda
Tuesday 19 November 2024 – 7:00PM
This meeting will be held by Zoom, at the link below.
(Editor- Meeting information redacted from this post. Please contact if you need it.)

Community Updates:
1. Lt. Bill Brereton, City of Richmond Police Section Lt, 4th Precinct
2. VCU Police: Chief John Venuti, Major Nicole Dailey
3. Ms. Verenda Cobbs, VCU
4. Ms. Stephanie Lynch, 5th District Councilperson
5. Ms. Colette McEachin, Richmond Commonwealth’s Attorney

Student code of conduct violation processes (Dr Aaron Hart, VP of Student Affairs at VCU)

Bulletin Board in Pleasants Park
Pedestrian Beacon finally installed on Belvidere
Street Paving: make plans
Caring for the Community Day at St Andrews School
Street Art Festival
“Annual Town Meeting,” December 17–planning for in person

Updates and Continued Business

Committee Reports:
Treasurer Report
Zoning Committee
Friends of Oregon Hill Parks (FOOHP)
Bylaws Committee
Richmond Public Budgeting Liaison Committee

New Business
OHNA elections.
Current leadership roles under OHNA bylaws (President, Treasurer, Secretary, “one or more Vice Presidents.”)
Terms are for one year, to begin Jan 2025
Please nominate yourself or another to stand for an OHNA leadership role!

See you all on Tuesday!

Valerie L’Herrou

Oregon Hill Neighborhood Association
Valerie L’Herrou, President
Bryan Clark Green, Co-Vice President
Jennifer Hancock, Co-Vice-President
Harrison Moenich, Co-Vice-President
Mike Mathews, Secretary
John Bolecek, Treasurer

Minimum Wage Studio Relocating

Style magazine has published a rousing tribute to Lance Koehler’s Minimum Wage Recording Studio, which is relocating to Staunton, Virginia, after 20 years of making music right here in Oregon Hill.

The piece also promotes a fundraising concert scheduled for this coming Sunday at The Broadberry concert venue.

Microphones, cables and rows of knobs and dials — every recording studio has ‘em. A stated goal, on the other hand? Not all studios have one of those, but Minimum Wage Recording did: “To make it affordable enough that bands could take more time in the studio and really dig into doing some art.”

That’s how owner Lance Koehler describes the mission he sought to fulfill during Minimum Wage’s two-decade run operating in Oregon Hill. Now the gifted engineer, founding member of No BS! Brass Band and overall pillar of Richmond’s music community is packing up his studio and moving to Staunton, and some his former clients are stepping up to honor his contributions — and pay forward his generosity.

On Sunday, Nov. 17, the Broadberry will host A Celebration of Minimum Wage Recording Studios. The concert — part send-off, part benefit event — was the brainchild of fellow drummer Scott Clark, who was among the first to record at the studio when it was founded shortly after Koehler moved from New Orleans to Richmond in 2001. Upon learning Koehler was planning to move again, Clark was immediately inspired to put a bill together.

Needless to say, many neighbors will greatly miss Koehler and the great creativity emanating from Albemarle Street.

Event description as it appears in Style:
A Celebration of Minimum Wage Recording Studios will take place on Sunday, Nov. 17 at the Broadberry. Bio Ritmo, No BS! Brass Band and Justin Golden will perform. Doors open at 7 p.m. and music starts at 8 p.m. Proceeds will benefit Minimum Wage Recording Studio. Tickets are $15 in advance ($20 at the door) and can be purchased at

Trash/Recycling Pickup Tomorrow Morning

Tomorrow is a “Red Wednesday”, which means trash and recycling pickup.

Please go over what can be recycled.

NOTE: CVWMA (Central Virginia Waste Management Authority) has announced that all curbside recycling must now be INSIDE the CVWMA containers with lid closed. Items beside the container or on top of it will not be collected. In fact, incorrect setouts may not be collected at all. This is new as of July 1 for all our curbside recyclers, with the exception of townhomes/condos still using small bins. (And yes, this also applies to flattened cardboard boxes.)

Ideally, rolling recycling containers are stored and deployed in the back alleys along with trash cans. Please make sure you pick up containers after pickup tomorrow night.

If it seems like pickup did not happen, use this online form:

In order to take your recycling to the next level, read this: 10 ways to improve your recycling.

In recycling news, for American Recycles Day on Nov. 15, the Central Virginia Waste Management Authority is launching its “Bucks for Boxes” cardboard box recycling contest.

As reported on WRIC:

The authority said its staff will peruse neighborhoods and local recycling drop-off centers to find people who are recycling cardboard boxes correctly. This means that the boxes are clean, dry and empty, flattened/broken down and inside the curbside or drop-off container.

Each week, one person will be chosen at random to win $100 cash. The contest begins Nov. 15 and ends Jan. 10.

The authority said the contest is open to residential recyclers only, which means no businesses or workplaces are eligible to win.

Virginia War Memorial Veterans Day 2024

Today at 11 am, the Virginia War Memorial hosts the 68th annual Commonwealth’s Veterans Day Ceremony at the Virginia War Memorial, honoring Virginia’s men and women who have served and who are currently serving in the United States Armed Forces.

There will be guest speakers, patriotic music, and the winners of the annual Virginia War Memorial’s Student Essay Contest will be formerly announced. The event is rain or shine and ceremony will be held in the Virginia War Memorial’s E. Bruce Heilman Amphitheater.

It’s important to remember that the historic Oregon Hill neighborhood used to extend to this area, and that Belvidere Street used to be a one lane, residential street similar to what Laurel and Pine streets are.

Oregon Hill residents are respectful and thankful to our veterans for their service and sacrifice.

Yet… I also took the above photo this morning, partly because it shows the yet-to-be-unveiled new traffic light for the pedestrian crossing, but also because the shrouded figure reminded me of the infamous and damning Abu Ghraib torture and prisoner abuse.

Many Oregon Hill residents are concerned about the longterm and increasing militarism and war promoted by BOTH sides of the corporate duopoly (Democrats AND Republicans), despite public opinion against it.

When will the politicians read and listen?

Let’s hope Veteran’s Day ceremonies remain nonpartisan and nonpolitical in a solemn spirit, but let’s also remember the recent Halloween Parade’s theme, “A Funeral March for Silence”.