RCV And Climate Action At City Council Tonight

In addition to ranked choice voting, City Council will be discussing budget tonight…

RVA Clean Energy and Climate Justice Budget Recommendations

Richmond’s proposed FY2023 budget is at odds with the Climate and Ecological Emergency resolution that the city unanimously passed just 6 months ago and with the city’s commitment to equity and justice. Climate change is not listed as a priority in the introduction, and the budget takes no meaningful steps to mitigate heat island effects or tree inequity impacts, nor does it offer solutions to reduce emissions, or phase out the city’s reliance on fossil gas.

For more details on these budget recommendations see the FY2023 Proposed Budget – Fossil Gas and Electrification Highlights document.

Facilities account for 45% of the City Government’s emissions. The City should immediately deploy energy efficiency upgrades, heat pumps, and renewables, while creating a clean energy and resiliency plan to power all government facilities with 100% renewables and batteries and replace all fossil fuel heating with efficient heat pumps.
Deploy energy efficiency upgrades citywide to minimize the energy needed for heating and cooling
Replace all fossil fuel heating, cooling, and water heaters with efficient heat pumps
Put solar + batteries on all eligible facilities getting a new roof
Put solar + batteries in all locations in need of a new generator
Replace all end of life HVAC equipment (boilers, furnaces, chillers, A/C) with modern air source heat pumps

The City Council’s Climate and Ecological Emergency Resolution calls for “an equitable plan to phase out reliance on gas and shift to accelerated investment in City-owned renewable energy” and “recognizes that the continued operation of the City’s gas utility is an obstacle to the City’s goal of Net-Zero emissions in accordance with Resolution No. 2020-R024.” Although there is state legislation pending (HB1257) that could limit the City’s actions regarding Richmond Gas Works (RGW), the following recommendations would still be permissible and would result in greater transparency into the operations of RGW. A robust board or commission charged with oversight of the RGW would benefit City Council (and the public) in making informed decisions regarding the transition of the RGW to a sustainable energy utility. For example, fossil gas leaks from aging infrastructure are a serious health and safety risk, as well as a lost gas expense that has not been adequately addressed.
Additionally, if the City, state and our country are serious about meeting the 45% in GHG emissions by 2030 and net-zero by 2050, the city should be concerned about the cost to ratepayers and the City of stranded assets if RGW continues to make major capital investments beyond basic maintenance. An oversight board or commission could stay abreast of best practices being implemented by fossil gas utilities around the country and provide the City Administration and Council with better information and options in the necessary transition away from reliance on fossil gas.
Establish more effective oversight of RGW
Explore how RGW can help residents, particularly low-income and underserved populations, electrify and weatherize their homes through various investments (such as neighborhood electrification) and financing mechanisms (such as on bill financing)
Analyze how the total lifecycle costs of electrification for households compares with rising fossil gas costs, and how rising fossil gas costs affect energy insecurity
Enable a just transition for workers at RGW
Repair all leaks while minimizing maintenance
Stop extending pipelines and other gas infrastructure
Holistically account for the cost of emissions and health effects of fossil gas combustion on air pollution inside and outside the home
Explore converting the utility into a sustainable energy utility to align the utility with the City’s emissions, health, and equity goals
Health Note: One of the clearest signals emerging in the scientific literature is the connection between cooking with gas and childhood asthma—a disease suffered by people of color and lower-income groups at much higher rates than the rest of the population. Children exposed to higher levels of indoor NO2 had an elevated risk of respiratory illness.

Establish effective Key Performance Indicators and mandate all agencies integrate these KPIs into their planning and budgeting processes.
50% renewable energy by 2023 and 100% by 2025 (as the Mayor promised in his 2021 State of the City address)
% of City government energy use powered by on-site renewables
% of fossil fuel HVAC infrastructure replaced
% of fossil fuel generators replaced
% of City fleet replaced with electric or renewable powered vehicles and bicycles

As a part of the City’s plan to address the climate emergency, the City should transition to all electric vehicles (EV).
Create a plan to transition to all electric vehicles
Build charging infrastructure for the city’s EV fleet
Make purchases based on total lifecycle costs to account for fuel cost
Purchase EVs or ebikes for the budgeted 97 new Police Department cruisers (a number of cities are using Tesla 3s, VW id4s, and Kia Niros as police vehicles)
Purchase electric vehicles or fire trucks for the budgeted 5 new Fire Department vehicles
Purchase or subscribe to electric school buses to avoid the health risks of diesel fumes on children’s health

Reinstate the Urban Forestry Commission to provide guidance and support for the city to maintain and enhance tree populations with the goal of improving the urban environment. Responsibilities include updating the city’s tree ordinance, reviewing remediation policies, and educating the public on urban forests.
Fund two new positions in the Urban Forestry Division, including an Urban Forester position. The urban forester will lead the creation of an Urban Forest Master Plan, including a roadmap for how the City of Richmond will achieve the 60% canopy goal set in the Richmond 300 Master Plan.
Develop an Urban Forestry Master Plan to increase citywide tree canopy cover to at least 60%. The strategic plan will protect and expand tree resources with desired outcomes of the community and incorporate the RVAgreen2050 plan, RVAH20 objectives and priorities outlined in the city’s Equity Agenda.
Increase funding for tree maintenance and watering to ensure trees can grow to maturity, provide maximum ecological services and improve public safety.
Triple the budget for contract work so Richmond can scale up tree operations for tree planting, care and maintenance.
Increase the city’s planting budget to achieve canopy goals set in Richmond 300 Master plan and account for outdated fee structure within the Adopt-A-Tree program.
Expand the Adopt-A-Tree program for community organizations to buy trees in bulk and commit to steward the trees.
In addition, we recommend that the Department of Parks and Recreation fund it’s community gardening program, Richmond Grows Gardens (250k) yearly for food justice, nutrition education and climate resiliency programming.
The Department of Public Works and/or DPU fund community engaged, Stormwater BMPs in formerly redlined neighborhoods within public green space in South Richmond. (500k) yearly.
The Office of Community Wealth Building with the Department of Social Services (SNAPET & TANF) fund community urban agriculture and solar power installation training and ad workforce development in formerly redlined neighborhoods in South Richmond. (250k)

The federal government has numerous grant and loan programs to subsidize electrification and decarbonization. Richmond should make full use of these resources to meet our emissions, health, and equity goals as well as provide responsible fiscal stewardship of City resources.
US DOE: Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant program was refunded by the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA) with $550 million, 68% of which can be directly distributed to cities and counties to improve energy efficiency and invest in renewable energy.
US DOT: BUILD Transportation Discretionary Grant: Includes integrated electric fleet, electrified transit, and charging solutions
USDA: Community Facilities: Program to include microgrids, on-site renewable energy, electrification retrofits, and urban greening
US EPA: Brownfields grant and loan programs to include brightfields deployment and interconnection
US DOE: WAP and HHS: LIHEAP to prioritize upgrades that promote beneficial electrification.
Energy Cost Savings Assistance: Low-income residents can obtain $5,000-$25,000 worth of energy improvements on their homes. Funds come from Federal Weatherization, RGGI, and Dominion programs.
NFWF Small Watershed Grants: Funds available to assist the development of a health tree canopy, with grants up to $500K.
Virginia Environmental Endowment: Offers grants for water quality, land stewardship, and outreach.
Chesapeake Bay Restoration Fund: Offers grants for projects with positive, tangible benefits to the Bay and the Bay program.
The Department of Forestry Urban and Community Forestry Grant Program: Encourages projects that promote the protection and enhancement of urban and community forest ecosystems, tree planting, the care of trees, and education on tree issues.
The Department of Forestry Trees for Clean Water Grant Program: Encourage the creation of long-term, sustained canopy cover to improve water-quality across the commonwealth.

Center for Common Ground
Chesapeake Climate Action Network – Central Va
Citizens Climate Lobby – Richmond Chapter
Climate Changemakers
Divest RVA
Ellwood Thompson’s Local Market
Extinction Rebellion – Richmond
Friends of Rattlesnake Creek
Green New Deal Virginia
Groundwork RVA
Happily Natural Day
Partnership for Smarter Growth
Richmond Teachers For Climate Justice
Richmond Tree Stewards
RVA Interfaith Climate Justice League
Sierra Club, Falls of the James Group
Southside Releaf
Sunrise Richmond
Sunrise Virginia
The Climate Mobilization
Th!rd Act
Virginia Clinicians for Climate Action
Virginia Interfaith Power and Light

Trash/Recycling (Might Be) Tomorrow

This Wednesday is a “Red Wednesday”, which hopefully means trash and recycling pickup. I say hopefully, because the Central Virginia Waste Management Authority has struggled to maintain its schedule due to a shortage of workers and has missed some pickups recently and had to reschedule. That said, as neighbors, we should do our best to help.

One tool that might help ameliorate the situation if pickup does not come is this online form:

Please go over what can be recycled. Ideally, rolling recycling containers are stored and deployed in the back alleys along with trash cans. Please make sure you pick up containers after pickup tomorrow night.

If you have not done so already, don’t forget to sign up for your Recycling Perks.
In order to take your recycling to the next level, read this: 10 ways to improve your recycling.

Bulk Trash reminder:
In addition to bi-weekly bulk and brush collections that coincide with the recycling collection schedule, the City’s Department of Public Work’s Neighborhood Clean-Up Program is another service provided to help residents dispose of bulk items. Residents in each of the designated neighborhood zones across the city will have two additional opportunities during the year to place bulk and brush items out for collection.
The program runs on selected Saturdays starting on March 12 and ending November 19.
DPW crews will collect items curbside and in alleys (wherever trash is normally placed to be collected) from 8 a.m. until noon on the designated Saturdays.
Examples of acceptable items include: furniture, mattresses, tires (four per household) and appliances.
All brush must be cut into four foot lengths and bundled.
They will take everything except: electronics, construction debris, hazardous waste items and broken glass.

May 14 / September 24 – Zone 7 – Oregon Hill

Duct Cleaning Becomes Neighborhood Obsession

For unclear reasons, Oregon Hill neighbors have become more concerned about duct cleaning in the last few months.
Some chalk it up to a renewed interest in home comfort and cleanliness during the pandemic.
Liz, a longtime Pine Street resident and owner of a large older home, admitted that when she was in lockdown mode she would try to calculate the amount of time since the last duct cleaning and try not to think about what may be lurking.
Many residents have reportedly been investigating new, ultraviolet light systems for duct amelioration.
Matt, a Laurel Street fixture, theorizes that this new interest in duct work may also be tied to rising property values and competition among households.
“Consider all the HVAC vans we see in the neighborhood now, and I can’t help but think we have become real marketing targets.”

Neighbor Collecting Samples From Cans

Grad student renters who live on Pine Street are increasingly concerned about their missing roommate, an Arlington native named Steve. He had dropped out of medical school last year, and had become increasingly despondent and anti-social. He was also defiant about his growing collection of cups and cans in their house’s backyard. They said he started his collecting just before the pandemic started two years ago. When confronted about the rising smell from a number of blue hazardous waste containers, Steve, who had been studying venereal disease vectors while in school labs, reportedly said, “I don’t care, I have already harvested enough samples from area residents to start ‘The Experiment'”. It’s unclear what experiment he was referring to. He abruptly left the house in visible anger a few days ago. Local police are investigating with the help of Virginia health department officials.

Oregon Hill REIT Announces Update

This press release constitutes a “designated news release” for the purposes of Oregon Hill REIT’s prospectus supplement dated November 30, 2021 to its short form base shelf prospectus dated November 26, 2021.

This press release contains forward-looking information that is based upon assumptions and is subject to risks and uncertainties as indicated in the cautionary note contained within this press release.

Richmond, VA – April 1, 2022 (OHSN Financial News) — Oregon Hill REIT (JAE-OHRE) (the “Trust” or the “REIT” or “we”) today announced the launch of a $6 million equity offering and an update on its ongoing capital deployment.


The Trust continues to execute on its strategy to grow and upgrade portfolio quality in its target markets and has a robust pipeline of capital deployment opportunities that the Trust believes will generate compelling returns. The Trust is currently in exclusive and advanced negotiations on approximately $3 million of assets and land, is currently in various stages of bidding on approximately $2 million of additional assets, is underway or is in advanced planning stages on over $8 million of development and value-add initiatives and has outstanding commitments of $400,000 towards its investment in a private open-ended U.S. fund (the “U.S.A. Fund”).

Currently, the Trust is in exclusive and advanced negotiations on 3 income-producing assets for a total expected purchase price of approximately $1 million across Pine, China, and Holly Streets. The overall going-in capitalization rate on these assets is estimated to be approximately 4.70%. Subject to satisfactory due diligence, the Trust expects these acquisitions to close in the second half of 2022.
On Pine Street, there are 2 assets totalling approximately 3,000 square feet for a total purchase price of approximately .3 million ($300,000). These assets are 98% occupied by strong credit quality tenants with in-place rents estimated to be approximately 13% below current estimated market rent.
On China Street, there are three assets totalling 2,000 square feet located in the Open High Area (“OHA”) and restaurant proximity for a total purchase price of approximately 1.1 million ($1.1 million). The Trust believes these assets will generate strong organic growth over time as the Trust rolls in-place leases to higher market rents. Currently, the average in-place rent of the assets is approximately 27% below current estimated market rent.
On Holly Street, the Trust is in exclusive negotiations on three assets totalling 4,000 square feet for .9 million ($900,000). At one of the assets, the Trust has the opportunity to expand the property by over 1,800 square feet or 70%, with a forecast yield on incremental cost of over 5%.
The Trust is also in exclusive and advanced negotiations on two land parcels, one in the OHA and one in the Holly St. sub-market near Linear Park , totalling .0014 acres. Together these sites, the acquisitions of which are targeted to close in the first half of 2022, are expected to be acquired for approximately $200,000 and to support the development of approximately 800 square feet of high-quality well-located space in the medium-term.
The Trust is in various stages of bidding on $1 million of additional assets in its target markets.
The Trust is underway or in advanced planning stages on 500 square feet of development and expansion opportunities, located primarily in the OHA, Albemarle St., and Holly St. A solar panel installation program is underway on Pine Street and China Street, and the Trust is also actively pursuing value-add opportunities across its portfolio. The Trust expects the total capital outlay for these initiatives in 2023 to be over $2 million.
The Trust has an outstanding commitment of JA$1 million ($400.000) towards its investment in the U.S.A. Fund, an open-ended private vehicle focused on high-quality industrial assets located across attractive U.S. markets. The Trust’s managed properties in the U.S. have grown from 2.8 square feet as at June 30, 2021 to 3.5 million square feet as at December 31, 2021.
“Our ability to consistently source investment opportunities that are above the average quality of our portfolio and are accretive to our return profile allows us to maintain a high-quality portfolio that is well-positioned to generate strong organic growth over the long-term,” said (name redacted), Chief Executive Officer of Oregon Hill REIT. “Our strategy to upgrade the quality of the portfolio while maintaining a robust and flexible balance sheet has significantly improved the resiliency of our business, allowed us to generate solid diluted FFO per unit(1) and NAV per unit(1) growth, and we are poised to continue to deliver significant value to our unitholders.”


The Trust continues to focus on growing and improving portfolio quality while maintaining a strong and flexible balance sheet. The Trust today announced that it has entered into an agreement to sell, on a bought deal basis, 12,000 units of the Trust (“Units”) at a price of $16.30 per Unit to a syndicate of underwriters led by (company name redacted) (the “Underwriters”) for total gross proceeds of approximately $4 million (the “Offering”). In addition, the Trust has granted the Underwriters an over-allotment option to purchase up to an additional 640 Units, exercisable in whole or in part, for a period of 30 days following closing of the Offering. If the over-allotment option is exercised in full, the gross proceeds of the Offering will total approximately $1 million. Closing of the Offering is subject to certain customary conditions, including the approval of the exchange. The Offering is expected to close on or about April 12, 2022.

The Trust intends to use the net proceeds from the Offering, together with cash on hand and the Trust’s credit facility to fund the above-mentioned acquisitions, the Trust’s commitment to the U.S.A. Fund, as well as development and value-add capital initiatives, and for general trust purposes.

Pro forma the Offering and the execution of the near-term capital deployment pipeline, the Trust’s net total debt-to-total assets (net of cash and cash equivalents) ratio(1) is expected to be within the Trust’s targeted leverage in the mid-to-high 30% range.

(1) Diluted FFO per unit, NAV per unit, and net total debt-to-total assets (net of cash and cash equivalents) ratio are non-GAAP ratios. For further information on these non-GAAP ratios, please refer to the statements under the heading “Non-GAAP ratios” in this press release.
This press release does not constitute an offer to sell securities, nor is it a solicitation of an offer to buy securities, in any jurisdiction in which such offer or solicitation is unlawful. This press release is not an offer of securities for sale in the United States (“U.S.”). The securities being offered have not been and will not be registered under the U.S. Securities Act of 1933, as amended, and accordingly are not being offered for sale and may not be offered, sold or delivered, directly or indirectly within the U.S., its possessions and other areas subject to its jurisdiction or to, or for the account or for the benefit of a U.S. person, except pursuant to an exemption from the registration requirements of that Act.

About Oregon Hill Real Estate Investment Trust

Oregon Hill REIT is an unincorporated, open-ended real estate investment trust. As at December 31, 2021, Oregon Hill REIT owns, manages and operates a portfolio of 10 building assets comprising approximately 9000 square feet of gross leasable area in key markets across Oregon Hill and the U.S. PLEASE NOTE: The Oregon Hill REIT management disavows any connection or relationship with the VCU Real Estate Foundation. Oregon Hill REIT’s objective is to continue to grow and upgrade the quality of its portfolio which primarily consists of urban properties and to provide attractive overall returns to its unitholders. For more information, please visit https://www.oregonhill.net/investors/.

Non-GAAP ratios

The Trust’s consolidated financial statements are prepared in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards (“IFRS”). In this press release, as a complement to results provided in accordance with IFRS, the Trust discloses and discusses certain non-GAAP ratios, including diluted FFO per Unit, NAV per Unit, and net total debt-to-total assets (net of cash and cash equivalents) ratio as well as other measures discussed elsewhere in this press release. Diluted FFO per Unit is comprised of FFO (a non-GAAP financial measure) divided by the weighted average number of Units. NAV per Unit is comprised of total equity (including LP B Units) (a non-GAAP financial measure) divided by the total number of Units. Net total debt-to-total assets (net of cash and cash equivalents) ratio is comprised of net total debt (a non-GAAP financial measure) divided by total assets (net of cash and cash equivalents) (a non-GAAP financial measure). These non-GAAP ratios are not defined by IFRS and do not have a standardized meaning under IFRS. The Trust’s method of calculating these non-GAAP ratios may differ from other issuers and may not be comparable with similar measures presented by other issuers. The Trust has presented such non-GAAP ratios as Management believes they are relevant measures of the Trust’s underlying operating and financial performance. Certain additional disclosures such as the composition, usefulness and changes, as applicable, of the non-GAAP ratios included in this press release have been incorporated by reference from the management’s discussion and analysis of the financial condition and results from operations of the REIT for the three months and year ended December 31, 2021, dated February 15, 2022 (the “MD&A for the fourth quarter of 2021”) and can be found under the sections “Non-GAAP Financial Measures” and “Non-GAAP Ratios” and respective sub-headings labelled “Funds from operations (“FFO”)”, “Diluted FFO per Unit”, “Net total debt-to-total assets (net of cash and cash equivalents) ratio” and “Net asset value (“NAV”) per Unit”. The MD&A for the fourth quarter of 2021 is available on the Oregon Hill Satellite Network under the Trust’s profile and on the Trust’s website at www.oregonhill.net under the Investors section. Non-GAAP ratios should not be considered as alternatives to comparable metrics determined in accordance with IFRS as indicators of the Trust’s performance, liquidity, cash flow, and profitability.

Forward looking information

This press release may contain forward-looking information within the meaning of applicable securities legislation, including statements regarding the Trust’s objectives and strategies to achieve those objectives; the Trust’s strategy to upgrade its portfolio quality; the Trust’s ability to acquire high-quality assets; the Trust’s ability to deliver attractive overall returns to its unitholders; the anticipated timing of closing of the acquisitions referred to in this press release, including the anticipated closing, purchase price and value of acquisitions under contract or in exclusivity; the anticipated closing of the Offering; the ability of the Trust to maintain exclusive negotiations on certain assets and the Trust’s ability to close on such negotiations; the Trust’s acquisition pipeline; the Trust’s pipeline of capital deployment opportunities and its ability to generate compelling returns; the size and successful outcomes of any of the Trust’s plans for development and value-add initiatives; expectations regarding cash flow and growing cash flow over time; the Trust’s ability to access capital and to maintain its strong growth trajectory; the Trust’s ability to drive significant rental rate and NAV per Unit growth; the Trust’s development, expansion and redevelopment plans, including the timing of construction and expansion, expectations regarding stabilization of expansions, timing of completion of the Trust’s developments and anticipated yields; the anticipated commencement of certain leases and the average spread thereof and the Trust’s ability to maintain annual rental rate escalators in future leases and renewals; ability to lease completed developments; the ability of the Trust to generate strong organic growth on any acquired properties; the ability of the Trust to roll in-place leases to higher market rents; the net total debt-to-total assets (net of cash and cash equivalents) ratio and targeted leverage pro forma the Offering; the status and progress of the solar panel installation program, including the expected capital commitment towards such projects, the use of net proceeds from any financings, including the net proceeds from the Offering ; and the Trust’s ability to outperform in 2022 and beyond. Forward-looking information is based on a number of assumptions and is subject to a number of risks and uncertainties, many of which are beyond the Trust’s control, which could cause actual results to differ materially from those that are disclosed in or implied by such forward-looking information. These risks and uncertainties include, but are not limited to, general and local economic and business conditions; employment levels; mortgage and interest rates and regulations; the uncertainties around the timing and amount of future financings; uncertainties surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic; geopolitical events, including disputes between nations, war and international sanctions; the financial condition of tenants; leasing risks, including those associated with the ability to lease vacant space; rental rates and the strength of rental rate growth on future leasing; and interest and currency rate fluctuations. The Trust’s objectives and forward-looking statements are based on certain assumptions, including that the general economy remains stable, interest rates remain stable, conditions within the real estate market remain consistent, historically low rates and rising replacement costs in the Trust’s operating markets remain steady, competition for acquisitions remains consistent with the current climate and that the capital markets continue to provide ready access to equity and/or debt. All forward-looking information in this press release speaks as of the date of this press release. The Trust does not undertake to update any such forward-looking information whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise except as required by law. Additional information about these assumptions and risks and uncertainties is contained in the Trust’s filings with securities regulators, including its latest annual information form and MD&A. These filings are also available at the Trust’s website at www.oregonhill.net/investors.

For further information, please contact:

Oregon Hill Real Estate Investment Trust

(name redacted) (name redacted) (name redacted)
Chief Executive Officer Chief Financial Officer Chief Operating Officer
(phone numbers and email addresses redacted)

Trash/Recycling (Might Be) Tomorrow

This Wednesday is a “Red Wednesday”, which hopefully means trash and recycling pickup. I say hopefully, because the Central Virginia Waste Management Authority has struggled to maintain its schedule due to a shortage of workers and has missed some pickups recently and had to reschedule. That said, as neighbors, we should do our best to help.

One tool that might help ameliorate the situation if pickup does not come is this online form:

Please go over what can be recycled. Ideally, rolling recycling containers are stored and deployed in the back alleys along with trash cans. Please make sure you pick up containers after pickup tomorrow night.

If you have not done so already, don’t forget to sign up for your Recycling Perks.
In order to take your recycling to the next level, read this: 10 ways to improve your recycling.

In international recycling news, the Ukraine war has rippling effects

Primary aluminum is another large-tonnage Russian export. In the first 11 months of 2021, some 183,000 metric tons of Russian-made finished and semifinished aluminum found its way to the United States, according to the U.S. Census Bureau. Despite previously existing sanctions, that made Russia the second biggest exporter of aluminum to the U.S. last year, following only the United Arab Emirates (and not including neighboring free trade zone partners Canada and Mexico).
Postinvasion, prices for finished aluminum and aluminum scrap have trended upward. London Metal Exchange (LME) prices at the start of March reached $1.58 per pound, or $3,495 per metric ton. That is a 107 percent increase compared with the $1,684 per metric ton (76 cents per pound) value of LME aluminum at the start of March 2021.

RECYCLE YOUR CANS! Think of Ukraine

Dominion and Government Ignore Citizens On Solar

Dominion is implementing solar on the roof of it’s riverfront parking garage this week after staging materials last week. Though some solar advocates cheer, it deserves more scrutiny.

While there is widespread support for solar in the neighborhood and elsewhere, this installation comes after repeated complaints that it will block more of the historic public view of the James River from Oregon Hill. And in the big picture it is part of a disturbing pattern from Dominion and the City.
That Dominion is ignoring neighborhood residents should come as no surprise. The company has a history of deception and betrayal. In 1999-2000, Dominion and the neighborhood were in bitter contention over plans to build a high rise office complex on the riverfront. The neighborhood worked with outside groups to try to hold Dominion more accountable, even though City Council and Planning Commission notably did not. Ancient history, maybe, but note that Dominion still clings to its City-given legal right to build something taller.
In pushing themselves onto to the riverfront location, approval was given in part because they promised to move their operations center with “hundreds of jobs” from the county to Tredegar Street. But of course they lied and that did not happen.
And in the process of trying to smooth things over, Dominion met with different community representatives about riverfront plans. At the time, traffic was brought up as a chief concern, and Dominion assured City Council that existing roadways could serve the additional traffic created by its development. They lied again. Ten years later, Dominion insisted on a new road while at the same time saying it had no plans for new development “at this time.” And then came Venture Richmond’s push for an amphitheater. It was very sad to see Richmond’s historic riverfront get this corporate driveway treatment. Many trees were cut down and wildlife displaced, and the historic canal was again cut into. When this new road was proposed, Oregon Hill residents suggested extending Spring Street to 5th Street instead. They were ignored.

Getting back to solar and the present day, it’s very important to note that when Dominion did build its complex on the riverfront, the architects created a huge, south-facing, sloping roof for it’s ‘Enron-like’ energy-trading floor FOR solar. PV panels could be put flush to that roof and have little to no impact on the historic river view from Oregon Hill. Despite this long-existing option, Dominion is building more height on top of its parking garage. Once again, Dominion purposely ignores citizens and alternatives.

So what, some solar advocates say. They don’t care about this historic neighborhood or even the riverfront. So what if this parking garage array is mostly a prop for the Dominion executives and politicians to point to during protests, it’s still more solar.
Maybe, but consider that, above all, this is more energy that Dominion OWNS, not the government, and certainly not citizens.

Case in point- the City’s Department of Public Utilities is beginning to re-roof the Byrd Park reservoir. Planned for many years, this project is a perfect opportunity for the City to make its own investment in renewable energy by copying what other localities all over the world have done and add solar to the new reservoir roof. The energy produced there could be invaluable for emergency/disaster recovery operations. Citizens have asked for it. The Byrd Park Civic Association asked for it. Yet there is NO mention of solar whatsoever in the planning. When our previous Councilperson, Parker Agelasto, asked for it years ago, the DPU head at that time (now PROMOTED by Stoney’s administration) deflected by saying it would violate agreements with Dominion.

Certainly, there are other examples where ‘muni-solar’ opportunities been discouraged and stomped on by Dominon. More ‘solar schools’ was one of the goals of the ‘Put Schools First’ movement– remember how the previous Dominion C.E.O. suddenly inserted himself in school board politics? Now, instead of fixing up old schools (and adding solar!), the local corporate media tells us that City Council and School Board are too busy fighting over the building of a NEW George Wythe High School.

Let’s look at the statewide level. Recently, Aaron Sutch, the Virginia program director for Solar United Neighbors, highlighted Dominion’s “bogus arguments” in regard to state policy and solar OWNED by communities and citizens. Even when ‘big box’ out-of-state corporations have asked to ‘go solar’ in Virginia, Dominion has discouraged it. It’s reprehensible given the opportunities. Coming back to local, recognize that Stone Brewing continues to expand here but does not ‘go solar’ here, despite having lots of solar at its California facilities. They know that Dominion and government discourages it. Dominion overall does not want distributed rooftop solar, they would rather have ‘utility-sized’ solar that THEY CONTROL installed as Virginians argue about ‘solar farms’.

The point is that Dominion will continue to pretend to ‘go solar’ while ignoring citizen and neighborhood concerns and doing all it can to discourage anyone else from competing with them for energy production. Indeed, this is why Dominion took over so much of Richmond’s riverfront in the first place. Government, captured by corporate money, will not stand in Dominion’s way. This is detrimental to not just Virginia citizens, but for humanity, as we face more climate change.