Not Your Typical Brown’s Island Festival: Hammers & Ales

Hammers & Ales is a celebration of Richmond’s parks, public places, and the people that make them thrive. Rally your team on the beautiful riverfront green of Brown’s Island to help build new park benches, picnic tables, and trash huts for our amazing James River Park System.
Nearly all of us have experienced a renewed appreciation and need for the trails, parks, and green spaces that helped us stay connected & active through the pandemic, and Hammers & Ales is kind of a big public party celebrating that; it’s an opportunity to pull us all back together again with an opportunity to give back to the James River Park System by building new picnic tables & park benches whole enjoying a full day of live music, games & activities, and local food & drink.

More info here:

Open High Art Expo Auction!

From Open High’s newsletter:

Please support our Fine Arts Department by visiting our online Art Expo Auction! Just scan the QR code above or visit: This year’s goal is to raise $5,000 to purchase art supplies for all art classes in school year 2022-23. See below for images of the annual AP Art & Design Show held on Friday. Under the guidance of art teacher Brigette Newberry, these amazing artists develop substantive portfolios that showcase their ideas and skills with different materials and processes.

Trash/Recycling (Might Be) Tomorrow

Tomorrow (Thursday) is hopefully a trash/recycling pickup since the usual “Red Wednesday” was put off by the Memorial Day three-day weekend, which hopefully means trash and recycling pickup. I say hopefully, because the Central Virginia Waste Management Authority has struggled to maintain its schedule due to a shortage of workers and has missed some pickups recently and had to reschedule. That said, as neighbors, we should do our best to help.

One tool that might help ameliorate the situation if pickup does not come is this online form:

Please go over what can be recycled. Ideally, rolling recycling containers are stored and deployed in the back alleys along with trash cans. Please make sure you pick up containers after pickup tomorrow night.

If you have not done so already, don’t forget to sign up for your Recycling Perks.
In order to take your recycling to the next level, read this: 10 ways to improve your recycling.

In recycling news, Atlantic magazine has a provocatively titled article called “Plastic Recycling Doesn’t Work and Will Never Work”. The teaser on it says “If the plastics industry is following the tobacco industry’s playbook, it may never admit to the failure of plastics recycling”, which Richmond, as a bastion of ‘the tobacco industry’, may take interest in.

OHNA Meeting Tomorrow Night

The monthly Oregon Hill Neighborhood Association meeting is scheduled for Tuesday 24 May 2022, at 7:00PM
This meeting will be by Zoom only.
Email for the Zoom link and passcode information.

The meeting agenda includes updates by Lt. Brian Robinson, City of Richmond Police Section Lt, 4th Precinct, VCU police liaisons, Ms. Stephanie Lynch, 5th District Councilperson, and Ms. Colette McEachin, Richmond Commonwealth’s Attorney.

The agenda topic list also has VCU relations including student party issues, proposed amendments to the Richmond 300 Land Use Plan, and traffic issues along Idlewood at Cherry and Pine Streets.

The current OHNA officers:
Bryan Clark Green, President
David Cary, Co-Vice-President
Jennifer Hancock, Co-Vice-President
Chris Hughes, Co-Vice-President
Harrison Moenich, Secretary
John Bolecek, Treasurer

Trash/Recycling (Might Be) Tomorrow

This Wednesday is a “Red Wednesday”, which hopefully means trash and recycling pickup. I say hopefully, because the Central Virginia Waste Management Authority has struggled to maintain its schedule due to a shortage of workers and has missed some pickups recently and had to reschedule. That said, as neighbors, we should do our best to help.

One tool that might help ameliorate the situation if pickup does not come is this online form:

Please go over what can be recycled. Ideally, rolling recycling containers are stored and deployed in the back alleys along with trash cans. Please make sure you pick up containers after pickup tomorrow night.

If you have not done so already, don’t forget to sign up for your Recycling Perks.
In order to take your recycling to the next level, read this: 10 ways to improve your recycling.

In recycling news, the Greek island of Tilos is a pioneer.