From email announcement:
Good morning neighbors!
Here is the agenda for our first OHNA meeting of 2018 which will be held tomorrow, Tuesday night 1/23/2018 at 7 PM at the ST Andrews Parish House next to the church on S Laurel. The times are most certainly not set in stone but I want to keep things moving to make the most of your valuable time. Lots of important people to meet and things to discuss so please come if you can and tell/bring a neighbor. ALL residents are welcome!
Agenda 1/23/2018
7:00 Welcome
7:05 Introduction to new sector 413 leader Lt Roberts and update from RPD
7:15 Update from VCU PD Officer Greg Felton
7:20 Update fro Councilman Agelasto’s office- Amy Roberts
7:30 Introduction to Planning Director Mark Olinger followed by presentation on Richmond 300 Master Plan and discussion regarding inappropriate B3 Zoning on Oregon Hill Cary Street Corridor (Cherry to Belvedere and Belvedere to Cumberland)
7:55 Discussion of Holly St playground stabilization and improvements
8:05 Proposed development 800 block W Cary
8:20 New business
1. $200 grant for clean up/improvements discussion
8:25 Closing remarks
8:30 Adjournment