From Oregon Hill Neighborhood Association (OHNA) President Todd Woodson:
Dear Neighbors
Last night was busy and we had another fantastic turnout! The following resolutions were passed by the group. There were only affirmative votes- everything unanimous.
* We support an “accelerated” fine of $200 for speeding on Idlewood between Harrison and Belvidere. This was originally a request from St Andrews School. The school is very apprehensive regarding student traffic safety. There has been improvement since the two way change and roundabout but there is still the occasional knucklehead that comes flying through on Idlewood. Current plans are to demo the gym on Idlewood and leave the pad to create a neighborhood basketball court, open to the public. St Andrews has also requested that one of our neighborhood cleanups be dedicated to the fence line around their property if at all possible. Also, if there was any way to make the school crossings more visible to motorists- such as flashing sign (s) and well maintained paint on crosswalks, that would be appreciated.
* We support application for a DHR Highway sign commemorating the James River and Kanawha Canal, to be placed somewhere appropriate near the overlook on the end of Pine. The cost will hopefully be shared between OHNA/OHHIC and the OVERLOOK Homeowner Association. In my meeting with Venture Richmond director Lisa Sims, it was mentioned that Maymont is willing to open its back gates to canal travelers and that this would be a passive canal venture with no need for additional parking within Oregon Hill boundaries. Currently we are waiting for the city to clean out this portion of canal (2020?), decide on a return water access to the river (hopefully through Tredegar to keep the canal from stagnating). Exciting for the neighborhood- imagine paddling a canoe up to Maymont from Oregon Hill!
* We support the newly proposed Pollinator curriculum at Open high, which is a partnership between OHNA, OHHIC, Dominion Energy, Open High and Richmond Dept of Parks and Rec which will establish, through a Dominion grant of $2500.00, two bee hives placed in Parson’s Linear park, protected from vandals and serviced by chosen Open High students and local bee keeping mentors.
*We support writing to Councilman Parker Agelasto, expressing our gratitude, as always, for all things Parker and specifically for his recent advocacy at City Council of seeking appropriate rezoning of our W Cary street Business Corridor. Our membership was so impressed by his eloquence, passion, preparation and dedication. We are most grateful.
We were also formally informed by Chris Milk’s 4 year old (who was magnificently well behaved during the meeting) that she would be seeking to identify a new mascot for Pleasants Park (our snail and M&M were vandalized) and would be asking for a resolution from OHNA making the mascot “Official”. We look forward to her follow up. It is a priority!
Also announced that our S Laurel neighbor Dominic (Shalom Farms) and his wife just welcomed a new baby to their family! Congratulations!!!
We still seek speakers for our June 6th BZA appeal. We have gratefully received letters of support from many other neighborhood associations including the Fan, Church Hill, Ginter Park, Forest Hill, etc.
Finally, we were treated to a feast from Peddler on Pine. I get stuff to go alot from them and their food is absolutely wonderful! We are grateful for their generosity and urge our neighbors to patronize this neighborhood family business. Great article about them in todays paper.