Trent Jackson, a first year student at VCU has founded a venture called Lil’ Sprouts Microgreens. It is an urban microgreens farm in Oregon Hill whose main goal is to promote living a healthy lifestyle by providing fresh, flavorful, nutrient-dense microgreens to the local area. The philosophy of this business is that for an individual to live an optimized healthy life, it all starts with the food that a person consumes. It strives to bring only quality products into the hands of local markets, restaurants, and individuals. You can catch Trent vending his products at the Birdhouse Farmer’s Market on every other Tuesday from 3-6:30. For those who are interested or have questions about Lil’ Sprouts Microgreens, Trent’s business email is Besides the website, there is also a FaceBook page.
Looking For Gracie
“FREE….also POSSESED” (sic)
I did not dare look into this scary microwave, but it is a good reminder that there is still time for Oregon Hill residents to enter the L’Opossum/ Halloween Jack-O-Lantern contest!
Support Virginia Green Tourism Oyster Roast Sunday
On Sunday, historic Tredegar hosts the 4th Annual Support Virginia Green Tourism Oyster Roast. Raw, steamed, roasted, or fried, you pick or try them all with Virginia wines and brews. Bluegrass from Craig’s List Jerry. Kids area and views of the river by fire pits. Tickets are a bit pricey, starting at above $30, but they do include food and adult beverages. Proceeds go to the Virginia Green Travel Alliance, which supports the state’s voluntary program created to encourage green, environmental practices in the state’s tourism industry.
Hike For Kids 2018
The last weekend of this busy month is even more busy, if that is possible. Hike for Kids, a fundraising event for the Blue Sky Fund, is this weekend and it has grown in stature. The purpose of the Blue Sky Fund is to increase the number of Richmond City Public School students that connect with nature.
From the event’s webpage:
Enjoy the challenge of our
3-mile (family-friendly!), 8-mile, or 14-mile
loops, each starting and ending at the Virginia War Memorial. Soak in unforgettable river views and the crisp autumn air while hiking for a good cause – celebrate the end of your hike with beer, food and fun festivities for the whole family!
Trash/Recycling Pickup Tomorrow
This Wednesday is a “Red Wednesday”, which means trash and recycling pickup. Ideally, rolling recycling containers are stored and deployed in the back alleys along with trash cans. Please make sure you pick up containers after pickup tomorrow night. Let’s keep the sidewalks clear for Halloween.
If you have not done so already, don’t forget to sign up for your Recycling Perks.
In order to take your recycling to the next level, read this: 10 ways to improve your recycling.
In recycling news, Blacksburg station WVNSTV has reported that Virginia Tech has stopped accepting plastics #3-7 per guidance from the Montgomery Regional Solid Waste Authority.
Mogwai Missing
Monore Park Meal
The 2018 Oregon Hill/L’Opossum Jack-O-Lantern Contest

Creative Commons image- A Jack o’ Lantern made for the Holywell Manor Halloween celebrations in 2003. Photograph by Toby Ord on 31 Oct 2003.
It’s that time of year! The 2018 Oregon Hill Jack’O’Lantern contest is now open for entries from Oregon Hill residents.
David Shannon at L’Opossum restaurant kindly supplied a $50 gift card. I am willing to kick in $20. Would love to have more prizes from neighborhood businesses to sweeten the pot.
Submission Info invites submissions for its first annual Oregon Hill Jack O’ Lantern Contest. Entrants should read the following rules, terms, and conditions before submitting any photos or documentation.
Entrants must be 18 years of age or older. All entrants younger than 18 years of age must submit a note of parental consent with their entry. All entrants must be a resident of the Oregon Hill neighborhood to be considered. Contest is void where prohibited by law.
Contest judges (which is so far just me) and their immediate families are not eligible to enter.
Entries will start being accepted from October 15, 2018 at noon through October 30, 2018 at 11:59 pm. A winner and runners-up will be announced and presented on on October 31, 2018 at noon. Please submit entries by emailing a photo jpeg file, size between 200 kb and 1.5 mg, of the entry to, including a (real) name and a (real) address. Submitted photo should be of a carved or altered pumpkin in front of address. All entries must be original, newly-produced works, created after October 1, 2018. Entries must be original creations, with photo by the creator, and not infringe on the copyrights of any other parties. Any entires suspected, in the discretion of, to be in violation will be rejected immediately from the competition. does not grant entrants the right or access to photograph private property or use of its name to secure access. Entries may have multiple co-producers, but one should be listed as the primary contact upon entry. The fair dissemination of any prize winnings will be the responsibility of the primary contact. Participants may submit multiple entries, however 1 photo entry per email. All forms of photos that are not produced by the entrant must be credited to the original photographer. Entries containing immoral, defamatory, obscene or scandalous content, or any other content which, at the sole discretion of, is not in the keeping with, will be deemed ineligible. By submitting a photo entry, each participant represents that the photo submitted is an original work that does not infringe on the copyright or intellectual property right of another party, and each participant agrees to indemnify, and its contest judges from all liability arising from any alleged infringement in this regard. Photographer retains ownership rights to the submitted photo. However, the winning entrants grant to the non-exclusive, non-transferable right and license to use the photos and the winners’ names in perpetuity without compensation, notification, or other limitation or condition, both in conjunction with the competition and promotion of the competition and promotion of generally. is not responsible for entries that are not received or not received properly, or for any technical problems with corrupt digital files, internet outages, computer failures, and the like. is not responsible for lost, late, or misdirected entries. is not obligated to acknowledge receipt of entries.
Entries will be judged by a panel made up of editors and Halloween experts invited by Judges’s decisions will be final and binding.
To select the winner, entries will be by judged by awarding of points based on the following criteria: (1) originality (40%), (2) composition and coherence (20%), (3) quality of photo (20%), and (4) consuming/recycling/composting of materials (20%) (this can be signified by a statement of intent included with entry). In the event of a tie score, the tie will be broken by awarding the prize to the entrant with the highest score in the first of the above-listed criteria (in order of appearance) as to which there is no tie.
Prize consists of $50 gift card to L’Opossum restaurant, $20 in U.S. currency, prominent featuring on, and bragging rights. Runners-up will receive prominent featuring on, and bragging rights. Applicable federal, state, and local taxes on prize are the sole responsibility of the winner.
Lastly, reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to modify, suspend, or cancel the contest for any reason.
OHNA Meeting Tuesday

Dorpsomroeper Klees, van West-Terschelling, -29 juli 1938. Op de foto maakt hij bekend dat het bergingsschip de "Karimata" de eerste goudstaaf heeft gebaggerd van de vergane Lutine.
From email announcement:
Friends and Neighbors
OHNA will meet this Tuesday, October 23 at St Andrews Church at 7M. Here is the agenda:
Meeting brought to order
Minutes from last meeting approved
Update from RPD
Update from VCUPD
No VCU Update as Mr Luna is away.
Update from Amy Robins, office of Councilman Parker Agelasto
Description and Discussion of Neighborhood Watch Program – Todd
Review and Discussion of the Oregon Hill Overlay District Application
New business
Meeting adjourned.