18th Annual Turkey Bowl Announced

China Street neighbor Manny Rios has announced the 18th Annual Turkey Bowl. The friendly pickup game of soccer as a holiday tradition continues…Thursday, November 22, 2018 at 10 AM

From the FaceBook event page:

This is a friendly game of soccer! Note the location this year is petronius jones park (near randolph community center). Open to beginners to experienced soccer players! Come join us and work up your appetite!

Stop Sign Ordinance

Email From Amy Robins, 5th District Liaison:

Dear Randolph & Oregon Hill,

Per request, ORD. 2018-312 “to erect all-way stop signs at the intersection of Idlewood Avenue and South Harrison Street” was introduced. It was referred to the Public Safety Standing Committee which normally meets on the 4th Tuesday of the month at noon. The December Public Safety Standing Committee was canceled due to it falling on Christmas Day (attached). The new date will be Tuesday, January 22, 2019 at 12pm in Council Chambers on the 2nd floor of City Hall.


Please share this information via email, Nextdoor, social media, and newsletter to neighbors. Neighbors can speak against or in favor of the ordinance at the January meeting date and/or write to the City Clerk Candice.Reid@richmondgov.com. Please be sure to reference the ordinance number if you write.


Amy Robins
5th District Liaison
Office of The Honorable Parker C. Agelasto
Richmond City Council

‘Single-Family’ To Be Removed?

From a concerned Richmond citizen:

The Richmond 300 group is meeting this Wednesday, and I was told by Ms. Pechin that they planned on voting at this meeting on the new future land use categories that will next year be assigned to neighborhoods throughout the city. According to the Ms. Pechin, they will be removing the “Single-family” designations and replacing them with a blanket “Residential” designation.

“Residential” would include high-rises and the terribly inappropriate development underway on the 800 block of W. Cary. It appears that the City government is making a concerted effort to foist higher density on the historic districts, including Oregon Hill.

In a recent vote, the Oregon Hill Neighborhood Association voted that the future land use of Oregon Hill in the Richmond 300 plan should be designated as “Single-family” (medium density) with “Community/Commercial” on Cary Street. I am alarmed that the Richmond 300 group is removing the “Single-family” future land use designation for all of the neighborhoods. The Single-family designation is descriptive of the appropriate and desired future land use of Oregon Hill and is consistent with our R-7 zoning.

Storefront For Sale- UPDATED

The old storefront at the southwest corner of Albemarle and Laurel is for sale. It was turned into a residence but I think many neighbors would be interested in seeing turned back into a small business, if at all possible.

Update: I am hearing that this building may already be under contract. Laurel Street neighbor Charles Pool suppled this history from an old Oregon Hill Home Improvement Council newsletter: