OHNA Meeting Set For Tuesday Evening

From OHNA President Todd Woodson:

Dear Neighbors and Friends

Will will resume our monthly neighborhood association meeting this coming Tuesday at 7pm in St Andrews church, Laurel and Idlewood. Here are the agenda items:

Updates from RPD, VCUPD and VCU and Councilman Agelasto’s office

I am very sad to report that our friend and representative from VCU Police, Officer Greg Felton will be leaving VCU in February. He has made an incredible impact on our quality of life in Oregon Hill. Greg- come back anytime because you are family! Come wish him well!

VCU Student Government Association representative will make a presentation on their Big Event.

We should have updated visual proposed plans for the Dog Run in Parsons Linear Park. This would be located in 400 block of the park.

Michael Brown, a neighbor from Randolph has asked to address the meeting on Councilman Agelasto’s residency issue. Mr. Brown was campaign manager for Parker but has now filed a lawsuit with others including Chuck Richardson to address the residency issue.

I have a meeting scheduled tomorrow with City Officials to discuss remedial efforts to stabilize our Holly Street playground. Built on a ravine later turned landfill, our park is showing clear signs of erosion and needs attention. This will be the fourth meeting on the subject. I will update you accordingly.

See you Tuesday at 7pm!


Trash/Recycling Pickup Tomorrow

This Wednesday is a “Red Wednesday”, which means trash and recycling pickup. Ideally, rolling recycling containers are stored and deployed in the back alleys along with trash cans. Please make sure you pick up containers after pickup tomorrow night.

If you have not done so already, don’t forget to sign up for your Recycling Perks.
In order to take your recycling to the next level, read this: 10 ways to improve your recycling.

Don’t forget that the Clean City Commission’s tree/e-cycling event has been rescheduled for this Saturday.

The Herd

Laurel Street neighbor Nina Naruszewicz spotted these deer in Hollywood Cemetery.

Drove past six deer just inside the fence at the northwest corner of Hollywood Cemetery on my way home from work today. Sadly by the time I parked and walked back there they had moved further away, so my photos are not the best. I think four were bucks.

This is not the first time we have seen photos of deer in Hollywood

Lew’s Laundry

This ‘Throwback Thursday’, check out this eBay sale for an early 1900`s Chinese hand laundry advertising blotter for W. Lew’s, which was on Beverley Street. The seller gave me permission to post this photograph:

And for those who wonder where Beverely Street was, it was between Cumberland and Albemarle. Here is a screenshot from the Baist Atlas of the City of Richmond, published in 1889, available from VCU Libraries’ Digital Collections.