Trash/Recycling Pickup Tomorrow

This Wednesday is a “Red Wednesday”, which means trash and recycling pickup. Ideally, rolling recycling containers are stored and deployed in the back alleys along with trash cans. Please make sure you pick up containers after pickup tomorrow night.

If you have not done so already, don’t forget to sign up for your Recycling Perks.
In order to take your recycling to the next level, read this: 10 ways to improve your recycling.

There are a couple of things in recycling news to be aware of, including the recent anniversary of the beer can (something that is noteworthy for Richmond), but overall things are not good: Recycling is BS Update: Even aluminum recycling is a mess. Hopefully, citizens can hold corporations more accountable. But hey, recycle those old bras!

Street Cleaning This Week – Move Those Cars!

It looks like the City is doing street cleaning in the neighborhood this week. According to the signs, they will be starting with the west side of S. Laurel Street tomorrow. Don’t forget to move cars the night before.

Cherry Street neighbor Jimmy Blackford is organizing some sidewalk cleaning to go along with the street cleaning.

Oregon Hill Street Cleaning/Leaf Collection Finally Happens Next Week. (Mon. 1/28-Thurs 1/31). Who can join me on Mon. and/or Tues. Morning to get our pretty brick sidewalks extra free of leaves? I’ll start the raking at 10am on Monday morning. (Maybe earlier depending on how much sleep I get the night before). I’ll concentrate on the intersections and heavily leaf-strewn areas of the sidewalks. Pushbrooms, especially extra wide ones, are a huge help. I only have 2 rakes, so…

Red For Ed March On Monday, Starting In Monroe Park

From event page:

It comes down to this: our state government made a promise to us in the Constitution to provide free, high-quality schools for all children in Virginia. As teachers, we know that an equitable and high quality public education system is the cornerstone of the type of society we all want to live in.

The time is now. January 28 parents, teachers, students and community members will march on the capitol to tell our General Assembly to #FundOurSchools. We need you to join us. #RedForEd #Red4Ed

RSVP here:

From Richmond Police Department:


Ed. note: this neighborhood is very familiar with these issues:

Foundry Series: Politics and the Supreme Court This Thursday

The American Civil War Museum and the John Marshall Foundation are holding an event at Historic Tredegar this Thursday at 6 pm.

Even during the Civil War era, political parties attempted to influence the makeup of the Supreme Court to further political agendas. Uncover how Lincoln and the Republicans reshaped the Court to advance the twin causes of liberty and union.


Dr. Timothy Huebner, Rhodes College, Memphis
Moderated by Dr. Henry L. Chambers, University of Richmond School of Law

$10; $8 for Members

Click here for tickets.

OHNA Meeting Set For Tuesday Evening

From OHNA President Todd Woodson:

Dear Neighbors and Friends

Will will resume our monthly neighborhood association meeting this coming Tuesday at 7pm in St Andrews church, Laurel and Idlewood. Here are the agenda items:

Updates from RPD, VCUPD and VCU and Councilman Agelasto’s office

I am very sad to report that our friend and representative from VCU Police, Officer Greg Felton will be leaving VCU in February. He has made an incredible impact on our quality of life in Oregon Hill. Greg- come back anytime because you are family! Come wish him well!

VCU Student Government Association representative will make a presentation on their Big Event.

We should have updated visual proposed plans for the Dog Run in Parsons Linear Park. This would be located in 400 block of the park.

Michael Brown, a neighbor from Randolph has asked to address the meeting on Councilman Agelasto’s residency issue. Mr. Brown was campaign manager for Parker but has now filed a lawsuit with others including Chuck Richardson to address the residency issue.

I have a meeting scheduled tomorrow with City Officials to discuss remedial efforts to stabilize our Holly Street playground. Built on a ravine later turned landfill, our park is showing clear signs of erosion and needs attention. This will be the fourth meeting on the subject. I will update you accordingly.

See you Tuesday at 7pm!
