From FaceBook event page:

A Joint Event with the support of the Central Virginia Section of the American Society of Mechanial Enginners (ASME); the American Society of Metals (ASM), the Richmond Joint Engineers Council (RJEC), and the Penninsula Engineers Council (PEC), and the American Civil War Museum.
Several professional mechanical engineering societies have come together to sponser an evening of industrial history in Richmond!
The evening starts with a brief tour of Historic Tredegar, begining at 4:30 PM; attendees are free to explore the grounds until 5:30. The tour will be given by Nathan Vernon Madison, an historical consultant to the museum and co-director of The Richmond Economic History Project, a non-profit organization concerned with researching and digitizing the industrial, economic and infrastructural history of Richmond.
At 6:00 a social, with beverages, snacks, and Bottoms Up Pizza, will be held at VCU’s School of Engineering, with a lecture and presentation begining at 6:45, by Mr. Madison, regarding the history of Tredegar and its machinery, as well as the James River and Kanwaha Canal and the power it brought to the myriad of industries across Richmond in the 19th and 20th centuries.
Thursday, September 21, 2017
Historic Tredegar
500 Tredegar St.
VCU School of Engineering
401 W. Main St.
23220 East Engineering Hall, Room E1232
4:30 – 5:30 PM Walk the grounds of Tredegar
6:00 – 6:40 PM Dinner/Social at VCU
6:45 – 8:00 PM Presentation at VCU
Tour at Tredegar is free, as is attending the lecture. A $15 fee is requested for anyone wishing to attend the social and partake in Bottom’s Up Pizza.