Street Closure Next Week

From City press release:

For Immediate Release

December 20, 2017
For more information, contact:
Paige Hairston – (804) 646-3659

Street Closure – West Main Street

WHO: City of Richmond Department of Public Works

WHAT: Street Closure

WHEN: Tuesday, December 26 to Friday, December 29 from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.

WHERE: West Main Street between Belvidere and Laurel streets

BACKGROUND: The aforementioned area will be closed to install new sewer connections. This work is part of the Monroe Park renovation project. Westbound traffic on Main Street will be detoured to West Broad Street. Please drive carefully and follow the detour signs.


Are You Ready For The Richmond Marathon?

From Richmond Police Department:

The 2017 Richmond Marathon is just days away! Hundreds of runners will take to city streets on Saturday, Nov. 11. There will be numerous “No Parking” zones and street closures will be in effect as a result.

The Richmond Police Department is asking motorists to be patient and on the lookout for runners along the routes. Maps of the course are attached.

Please be aware of signs restricting parking and detours throughout the city starting at 10 am. Friday Nov. 10 and continuing through 7 p.m. Saturday Nov. 11.

The follow streets will be closed or modified during the designated times:

· Tredegar Street between S. 7th Street and Brown’s Island/2nd Street Connector will be closed from 10 a.m. Friday until 7 p.m. Saturday
· Broad Street between Boulevard and N. 12th Street from 4 a.m. Saturday until 10 a.m.
· Hermitage Road (Northbound) between N. Laburnum and Pope Avenue from 4 a.m. Saturday until 3 p.m.
· North Mulberry Street between W. Broad and W. Grace Streets from 4 a.m. Saturday until 10 a.m.
· North 3rd Street between E. Broad and Main Streets from 4 a.m. Saturday until 3 p.m.
· Broad Street between N. 4th Street and Boulevard from 4 a.m. Saturday until 10 a.m.
· Cowardin Avenue (One/Southbound Lane) between Semmes Avenue and Lee Bridge from 4 a.m. Saturday until 1 p.m.
· Tredegar Street between Dominion Resources and Brown’s Island Way/2nd Street Connector from 3 a.m. Saturday until 5 p.m.
· Longview Drive between Scottview Dr. and Wallow Road from 4 a.m. Saturday until noon
· Huguenot Road between Huguenot Bridge and Cherokee Road from 4 a.m. Saturday until 11 a.m.
· Windsorview Drive between Wallowa Road and Forest Hill Avenue from 4 a.m. Saturday until noon
· Riverside Drive between Huguenot Bridge and Scottview Drive from 4 a.m. Saturday until noon
· River Road/Cary Street Road between Maple/Libbie Avenue and Three Chopt Road from 4 a.m. Saturday until 10 a.m.
· Lee Bridge (2/Southbound Lanes) between Belvidere and Cowardin Avenue from 4 a.m. Saturday until 1 p.m.
· Brook Road (southbound) between Fauquier Avenue and North Lombardy Street from 4 a.m. Saturday until 3 p.m.
· Fauquier Avenue (North and Southbound sides) between Crestwood and Brook Roads from 4 a.m. Saturday until 11 a.m.
· Westmoreland Street between Monument and Grove Avenue from 4 a.m. Saturday until 10 a.m.
· Forest Hill Avenue (westbound) between Windsorview Drive and Semmes Avenue from 4 a.m. Saturday until 1 p.m.
· Pope Avenue between Hermitage and Crestwood Roads from 4 a.m. Saturday until 1 p.m.
· Scottview Drive between Riverside Drive and Longview Drive from 4 a.m. Saturday until noon
· Belvidere (1/Southbound Lane) between Lee Bride and East Main Street from 4 a.m. Saturday until 1 p.m.
· Grove Avenue (westbound) between Westmoreland Avenue and Maple Street from 4 a.m. Saturday until 10 a.m.
· Monument Avenue (westbound) between Cowardin Avenue and Forest Hill Avenue/Roanoke Avenue from 4 a.m. Saturday until 1 p.m.
· Bellevue Avenue between Hermitage Road and Bryan Park from 4 a.m. Saturday until 11 a.m.
· Brookland Parkway between Hermitage Road and Loxley Road from 4 a.m. Saturday until 11 a.m.
· East Franklin Street between North 2nd and North 6th Streets from 4 a.m. Saturday until 3 p.m.
· West Grace Street between Boulevard and North Allen Avenue from 4 a.m. Saturday until 9 a.m.
· West Main Street between Belvidere and the Boulevard from 4 a.m. Saturday until 2 p.m.
· 5th Street between East Grace and Tredegar Streets from 4 a.m. Saturday until 5 p.m.
· Boulevard (northbound) between West Cary Street and Hermitage Road from 4 a.m. Saturday until 3 p.m.
· Boulevard (southbound) between West Broad Street and Monument Avenue from 4 a.m. Saturday until 9 a.m.
· Crestwood Road between Pope Avenue and Fauquier Avenue from 4 a.m. Saturday until 11 a.m.
· Maple Avenue between Grove Avenue and River/Cary Street Road from 4 a.m. Saturday until 10 a.m.
· Wallowa Road between Longview and Windsorview Drive from 4 a.m. Saturday until noon
· Semmes Avenue (westbound) between Cowardin Avenue and Forest Hill/Roanoke Avenue from 4 a.m. until 1 p.m.
· North Lombardy Street between Brook Road and West Grace Street from 4 a.m. until 3 p.m.
· Grace Street between North Allen Avenue and North 9th Street from 4 a.m. until 3 p.m.

Enjoy The Folk Festival But Don’t Park In Oregon Hill

There will be restricted parking in Oregon Hill this year for the this year’s 13th Annual Richmond Folk Festival.

Councilperson Parker Agelasto announced this at last night’s City Council meeting and OHNA President Jennifer Hancock confirmed that they are going over plans now.
Some portions of the neighborhood will be password protected for residents and some barricaded streets will be in effect.

While many neighbors are thankful and relieved to hear this, it is somewhat curious. With the roundabout construction, the route through or into the neighborhood is going to be congested anyway. There have been a few complaints from Southside residents about the lack of a Folk Festival bus shuttle to/from Southside. While the schedule is definitely rich in fantastic talent that should not be missed, there are no huge, blockbuster, headliner names. The Tredegar Civil War Center construction will also take up a lot of space that was previously used for the Festival.

In other words, while folks should look forward to attending the Richmond Folk Festival and expect to hear some great music, and certainly encourage others do so also, it seems like it will be purposely smaller this year. It’s a good year to use mass transit or ride bicycles to the Festival.

Yet Another Reminder of Construction and Road Closing

As appeared in the Fan District Association‘s newsletter:

Construction and Road Closing
Starting Thursday, October 5, 2017
The Department of Public Works (DPW) will start construction on the Idlewood Avenue, Grayland Ave, and RMTA on-ramp roundabout. The work is expected to last 120 days. During that time the road will be closed. “Resident and emergency access along Idlewood Avenue shall be maintained at all times. In addition to the roundabout, the project includes:
• Landscaped islands
• Pedestrian crosswalk markings
• Handicap ramps
• New signage
The improvement will reduce vehicle and pedestrian conflict points, provide slower operating speeds for motorists, and shorten the crossing distance.
The project does include up to three (3) weekend closures of the 195 off ramp, including a detour. After all hardscape is installed, the site will be landscaped, stabilized and the erosion measures will be removed. At completion, Idlewood Avenue will be converted to a two-way traffic between Harrison Avenue and Cherry Street.”
If you have questions/concerns, please contact Jian Xu, P.E. at 804-646-5402 or the city’s field inspector, Ned Bailey at 804-646- 1553.

Idlewood Roundabout Construction To Begin In October

Starting on Thursday, October 5, 2017 the Department of Public Works (DPW) will start construction on the Idlewood Avenue, Grayland Ave, and RMTA on-ramp roundabout. The work is expected to last 120 days. During that time the road will be closed. “Resident and emergency access along Idlewood Avenue shall be maintained at all times. In addition to the roundabout, the project includes:

• Landscaped islands
• Pedestrian crosswalk markings
• Handicap ramps
• New signage

The improvement will reduce vehicle and pedestrian conflict points, provide slower operating speeds for motorists, and shorten the crossing distance.

The project does include up to three (3) weekend closures of the 195 off ramp, including a detour. After all hardscape is installed, the site will be landscaped, stabilized and the erosion measures will be removed. At completion, Idlewood Avenue will be converted to a two-way traffic between Harrison Avenue and Cherry Street.”

If you have questions/concerns, please contact Jian Xu, P.E. at 804-646-5402 or the city’s field inspector, Ned Bailey at 804-646- 1553.