In what some see as a sure sign of Spring, VCU workmen roll up the bubble dome that had been over the VCU tennis courts on W.Cary.
Not sure when these tennis courts will be demolished to make way for new construction…
In what some see as a sure sign of Spring, VCU workmen roll up the bubble dome that had been over the VCU tennis courts on W.Cary.
Not sure when these tennis courts will be demolished to make way for new construction…
Dominion River Rock, which describes itself as “THE NATION’S PREMIER OUTDOOR SPORTS AND MUSIC FESTIVAL” is taking over the downtown riverfront this weekend
From local television station WRIC:
It’s that time of year when everything happens at once- the Richmond Folk Festival and Halloween Parade are done and gone.
If you missed them, there are plenty of photos and videos online-
There was also the Richmond Marathon and the King Of The James sports events.
At some point, some things that should have received more attention did not- sorry to miss the Glossed Over Photo Club event this past Saturday.
Please mark your calendar for upcoming events- including more volunteer work days, meetings, OHNA elections, etc. – as we ease into the holidays!
China Street neighbor Manny Rios has announced that the the annual pre-Thanksgiving Oregon Hill soccer pickup game has ben scheduled for November 24th at 10 am – all skill levels welcome.
“Come and work up some sweat and your appetite on the soccer pitch! Good friends and great Memories!”
For more information, see the FaceBook event page.
Richmond Marathon is this Saturday.
From press release:
Nearly 100 local youth are taking to the riverfront this summer to engage in a special program offered in partnership by the National Park Service, YMCA of Greater Richmond, James River Park System, James River Association, American Civil War Museum, and The Valentine. Kids in Kayaks empowers City of Richmond youth with the knowledge of natural and cultural landscapes, provides awareness and access to resources and skill development, and builds confidence and wellness through healthy recreation and community engagement.
YOU’RE INVITED! On Wednesday, July 24, you are invited to visit Historic Tredegar at 470 Tredegar Street from 10:00 am to 11:30 am to view the programs taking place, talk to those participating and planning, and learn more about Kids in Kayaks.
Over the course of six weeks, City of Richmond middle-school students are enjoying a taste of what downtown’s riverfront has to offer. Programs include water safety courses, lessons on watershed science, and discussions about the area’s history. We invite you to come see for yourself!
“The Richmond riverfront is a vital part of the city where we can tell the stories of our nation’s history, both cultural and environmental,” said Richmond National Battlefield Park Superintendent Doyle Sapp. “This valuable partnership allows us to showcase the rich cultural and natural history Richmond has to offer while teaching kids how to safely enjoy the riverfront.”