From Fan of the Fan’s post:
VCU students and neighbors will work together to beautify the neighborhoods around the college during Paint the Town Green this Saturday, April 14. Meet at in Monroe Park at 8:30AM for breakfast, community service projects begin at 9AM. Participating neighborhoods include Jackson Ward, The Fan, Oregon Hill, Randolph, and Carver.

All of the volunteers assembled at Monroe Park before breaking up into teams to work in neighborhoods surrounding campus. Photo by John Venuti. (Paint the Town Green 2011)
“We hope to have close to 500 volunteers this time,” said program director and Community Coordinator, Ron Brown. “This year we have partnered with more neighborhoods [including Jackson Ward] and the City of Richmond’s Love My Block initiative,” said Brown. This year’s Paint the Town Green Event will include both the Monroe Park and Medical campus. To register for the event or for more information, email
Paint the Town Green, a community service and partnership initiative, is held tentatively on the second Saturday of every April and October. Paint the Town Green is sponsored by the VCU Council for Community Engagement, the neighboring VCU communities, the Monroe Park and MCV Student Government Associations and The Alumni Association.
Submitted by Jose Menjivar