Recent Criminal Activity Near W. Cary Street

Fan of the Fan community news site reports that:

The VCU text alert system reported an armed robbery on the 900 block of Franklin tonight at 7:47PM. Less than an hour later (8:39PM), the same system reported another armed robbery near Laurel and Cary Street.

Times Dispatch also reported on the crimes and had some additional information:

In addition, three attempted robberies were reported – one at 8 p.m. at Grace and Foushee streets; the second at 8:30 p.m. at Laurel and Cary streets, and the third also at about 8:30 at Cary and Belvidere streets, VCU police said.

During the same time frame, a report of a man brandishing a firearm was reported at 8 p.m. at First and Grace streets.

Police said the victims were approached by an armed black male who demanded money.

The suspect was described as black, about 5 feet 8 inches tall and wearing a gray hoodie and baseball cap with his face covered. He was also wearing pajama pants with chili peppers on them, police said.

VCU police said the same suspect may have been involved in all of the incidents.

Also from the article:

(VCU President)

Rao said he was scheduled to meet later today with Richmond Police Chief Bryan Norwood and Wednesday with Richmond Mayor Dwight Jones to discuss the string of crimes that occurred Monday night on or adjacent to the Monroe Park campus.

“I will emphasize my concern for the continued need for a strong partnership between VCU and the city to prevent crime and protect the more than 50,000 students, faculty and staff who live and work on and near our campuses,” Rao said.

Also, an earlier Richmond police crime report listed the following from last week:

4th Precinct
10/5/12 10:00 a.m. – 5:30 p.m.
South Cherry and West Cary streets
An unknown person(s) entered the vehicle and stole several items.

Plan for Paint the Town Green This Saturday

This Saturday from 8:30 am to 1 pm is VCU’s Paint the Town Green event. More information from calendar listing:

We will meet up at Monroe Park at 8:30AM on 10/13/12 for a free breakfast. This event will satisfy any community service hours needed as long as you sign in. We will group up and head to the pick up sites at 9AM and should finish at 1PM where we will return to Monroe park for a party.

We plan to clean up Jackson Ward, The Fan, Oregon Hill, Randolph, Carver, and maybe Mosby Court

Please wear a green shirt. Children are welcome if they are accompanied by a parent.


Paintthetowngreenvcu at

This is something that Oregon Hill neighbors have joined in the past and will do so again for the benefit of the whole neighborhood. Please consider doing this and then, perhaps, enjoying the Richmond Folk Festival.

Trash/Recycling Pickup Tomorrow

This Wednesday is a red Wednesday, which means trash and recycling pickup. Please make sure you pick up containers after pickup tomorrow night. They do not belong on the sidewalk after tomorrow night.

As for recycling news, which local universities have their recycling game on? Sadly, according to the website, only two Virginia schools are participating in the Game Day Challenge: UVA and VMI. Where’s VCU, VSU, U of R, and VUU?

And don’t forget the Sierra Club Falls of the James’ Recycling Breakthrough Contest. The group is sponsoring a contest for Richmond Area Elementary and Secondary Schools. The goal is to foster greater recycling participation throughout the Richmond metropolitan area. First prize is $1,000! For more information, please click here.

School Board Candidate Forum

From the flyer:

Richmond School Board Candidate Forum

This November, elections will decide who will represent you. Don’t miss this opportunity to hear the candidate’s vision for education.

September 20th 7:00 PM
VCU Student Commons Theater 907 Floyd Ave
(Between Main and Floyd at Cherry)
moderator Dr. Kim Allen

Sponsored By
L Douglas Wilder School of Government in partnership with
A Philip Randolph Institute – Richmond Alliance for Progressive Values – Coalition to Stop Gun Violence – People of Faith for Equality – RePHRAME – Richmond NOW – Sierra Club – Fall of the James Southerner on New Ground S.O.N.G. – Unite Women-Va – Virginia Organizing – Virginia New Majority – Central Virginia Chapter

For more information

St. Andrew’s School and The Amazing Raise

Another fundraising contest.

From the St. Andrew’s School FaceBook page:

Help turn $50 into $20,000 for St. Andrew’s School! The Amazing Raise is a 36-hour online give-a-thon that will take place from 6:00 a.m. Wednesday, September 19, 2012 until 6:00 p.m., Thursday, September 20, 2012. Your donation of $50 or more through during this time will enter St. Andrew’s School into grand prize drawings for bonus incentives of up to $20,000 from The Community Foundation! The more unique donors who give a gift of $50 or more to our School, the greater the chance of us winning a grand prize of $20,000.

VCU Visiting Writer Series Begins With Larson

2012 Levis Reading Prize Winner Katherine Larson will be at the Grace Street Theater on Thursday, September 20 at 8 pm.

Katherine Larson’s Radial Symmetry (Yale University Press, 2011) was also selected by Louise Glück as the winner of the Yale Series of Younger Poets. Larsen’s work has appeared in AGNI, Boulevard, The Kenyon Review, The Massachusetts Review, Poetry, and Poetry Northwest, among other publications. She is the recipient of a Ruth Lilly Fellowship, the Union League Civic and Arts Foundation Poetry Prize and the Kate Tufts Discovery Award. In addition to her literary career, Larson has worked as a molecular biologist and field ecologist. She lives in Arizona with her husband and daughter.

City Council Candidate Forum

From the flyer:

Richmond City Council Candidate Forum

This November, elections will decide who will represent you. Don’t miss this opportunity to hear where candidates stand on critical issues facing our communities such as health, equality, education, and urban planning.
September 13th 8:00 PM
VCU 500 Academic Center 500 N Harrison (former Ukrops)
moderator: Dr. Kim Allen

Sponsored By
L Douglas Wilder School of Government

in partnership with
A Philip Randolph Institute – Richmond Alliance for Progressive Values -Coalition to Stop Gun – Violence – People of Faith for Equality – RePHRAME – Richmond NOW – Sierra Club Falls of the James – Southerner on New Ground S.O.N.G. – Unite Women-Va – Virginia Organizing – Virginia New Majority-Central Va Chapter

for more information:

Note: All three Council candidates from the 5th District have indicated they will attend.