Benefit Dinner/Memorial Unveiling For Dirtwoman

From the campaign page (where you can make your donation):

Donnie “Dirtwoman” Corker had a heart as big as Richmond (making the rest of her approximately the size of Delaware).
She was a beloved icon and pioneer for the LGBTQ community, a literal landmark to Richmond’s counterculture for more than 40 years, a beloved brother, and a dear friend to Richmond’s famous, infamous and not-at-all-famous alike.
Dirtwoman embodied everything about Richmond that is weird, wonderful and willing to be different while making a difference.
In honor of the everlasting impact crater Dirtwoman left on our fair city, and honoring a pledge made to her by her friends before her death in 2017, we invite YOU to a special benefit dinner and memorial plaque unveiling at Mamma Zu’s
What: Benefit Dinner/Memorial Unveiling
Where: Mamma Zu’s
When: April 7
Why: Massey Cancer Center
Huh?: Massey saved Donnie’s life
Cost: $50 donation to Massey Cancer
What Else: This event coincides with the Virginia Premier of “Spider Mites of Jesus: The Dirtwoman Documentary at the Virginia Film Festival.

BUT WAIT! THERE’S MORE: After you donate, print out your donation confirmation email. This IS YOUR TICKET to attend this special Dirtwoman memorial dinner at Mamma Zu’s

Trust Fall (LAST SHOW) / Sibyl / Hex Machine at Mojo’s Friday

From FaceBook event page:

One More Rock N Roll One More Again

Trust Fall (Virginia; 2011-2019)
a bridge adjusting to the water

Hex Machine (Richmond)
alternative nosie rock that’ll blow your ears off

Sibyl (Richmond)
zero-gravity pop sludge


Mojo’s, corner of Laurel and W. Cary

Ultimate Special For Super Bowl Sunday is happy to have Peddler On Pine on board as an advertiser for the new year. Please click on the side ad on the front page to get to their menu with online ordering. One good bet is their “Ultimate Special” – large 1 topping Pizza and 10 Buffalo Wings for $16 !!!

If you don’t know already, they are right here in the neighborhood, just behind the Fine Foods store on Idlewood, making it easy for carry-out.