Upholstery Workshops Offered

From Pine Street neighbor Haleh Pedram’s post (reposted with permission):

Hello DIYer neighbors and friends! Starting immediately I will be offering Saturday morning basic upholstery workshops. Three hour sessions, $75 includes instruction, use of proper tools and materials (not including foam or fabric).

10 am- 1 pm at my studio on Pine street. Each session limited to two attendees, you needn’t be from the neighborhood but I thought this was a good place to start.

Get your place spruced up by the holidays and have the pride of knowing you did it yourself. Haleh.pedram@gmail.com to sign up or for more details. Thanks!

ATTENTION: New Traffic Patterns In Neighborhood

Today the City implemented a proposed stop sign change plan in the neighborhood, thus changing a few traffic patterns.

Stop sign locations have been ‘switched’ or ‘flipped’ at China and Laurel, Albemarle and Laurel, China and Pine, Albemarle and Cherry.

Please alert neighbors and other drivers. As one neighbor put it:

Everybody go slow and safe for a week or so. Expect a few bumpers to be bumped but please watch out for bikes as always.

Yard Sale Tomorrow

A family yard sale is planned for tomorrow at 8 am at 523 S. Pine Street.

From organizers:

Our family is growing and we are trying to make room. We are selling a papasan chair, a desk, an accent table w/ shelves, lots of books, some work out stuff and some other odds and ends.

Stop Sign Proposal Revealed

This past summer there was a lot of discussion about Oregon Hill’s traffic flow. The Idlewood roundabout is still coming, and more construction near Monroe Park added fuel to the fire, but the real sparks have been several highly visible accidents at key intersections in the neighborhood. A few neighbors have had their corner properties hit multiple times by vehicles over the years. Thankfully, somehow, there has not been any related fatalities.

The Oregon Hill Neighborhood Association originally, as of a few years ago, voted and asked for a few additional stop signs at these key intersections, namely Spring and Laurel, and Spring and Pine, in order to create what are essentially all way stops. City traffic engineers have rejected them (though other neighborhoods have been able to prevail in their requests). At one point engineers came back with a small roundabout proposal, but neighbors voted that down, in part because of concerns about parking impacts.

Over the last 6 to 8 months, the conversation changed, along with the construction scene, and more elaborate proposals have been brought forward for overall traffic flow and with what is called ‘basketweaving‘.

Jokes aside, the Oregon Hill Neighborhood Association did seriously consider options and ultimately came up its own ‘custom’ proposal.

While nothing has been decided or implemented yet, here it is:

The red circles are where existing stop signs would be changed so that they are ‘flipped’, directing traffic to stop in the opposite directions from the current situations. For example, currently, if you are going north on Pine Street on the 500 block, you do not have to stop, but people approaching on Spring Street do have to stop. In the new scenario, if you were going north on Pine Street on the 500 block, you would stop at the intersection with Spring, and people going west or east on Spring would not have to stop.

Yard Sale Tomorrow

From Craigslist ad:

A few neighbors getting together to offer up some cool stuff and great deals!

Saturday, 8am until around 1 – we will have:

Housewares – including some vintage
Books – including a lot of graphic novels
Rowing machine
Cassette tape duplicators – 3 of them!
Some steampunk craft supplies – oddball metal stuff
Old Powerlite Industries stunt bike
Small selection of great kids toys – a lot of new solar toy kits, remote control odds and ends, some crafty things
A pair of Made in England Doc Martens (black boots, mens US size 12)
Clothes – some interesting stuff, most $1 each
Linens – Pottery Barn, etc.

Definitely lots of interesting stuff!

The address is 515 S. Pine.

Vinyl Conflict, Rest in Pieces Rock Pine Street

Subculture shops Vinyl Conflict and Rest in Pieces threw a successful block party on S. Pine Street Saturday. The “customer appreciation day” event included sidewalk sales, food trucks, live music, a mechanical spider for neighborhood tots to ride, and lots of sunshine!

This was the third such event, initially dreamed up by Vinyl Conflict owner Bobby Egger as an alternative to Record Store Day. Rather than cue up around the block for limited-edition, high-dollar vinyl rarities, the record store’s followers fingered through piles of discounted tee shirts and seven-inch singles.
There was, however, some crafty, limited-edition merchandise available to lure customers out early. My wife showed up right at 10 A.M. to snag this cute tote of a lazy egg listening to records.

Thrash bands Prisoner, Left Cross, and Dark Thoughts played sensational sets later in the day.

Egger, who lives in the neighborhood with his wife Melissa, says he feels entirely welcome as a shop owner in Oregon Hill. “Foot traffic has increased since Rest in Pieces opened,” he notes. “I would love to see more businesses open, and there are retail spaces opening up around the neighborhood.”
Oregon Hill’s dining and daring retail shops are must-do destinations for both locals and out-of-towners. Saturday’s block party, aside from being a blast, undoubtedly revealed the neighborhood’s potential for even bigger and better things.

–Johnathan Rickman