Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper At Pine Street Baptist Church

From Facebook event page:

Join us for our Annual Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper on Tuesday, March 4, at 6:00 p.m. All proceeds benefit the church benevolence fund, which allows us to help people financially throughout the year.
The cost for the dinner, which includes pancakes, sausage, baked apples, and beverages, is $10 for adults, $5 for children ages 12-5, $25 family max.
This year we are happy to announce that singer and performer Joycelyn Oldlam Von Klein will be our musical guest.
If you are interested in attending, then please reserve your spot by emailing your reservation to
We would love to see you at this community fellowship.

OHNA: December Meeting Dec 17 at 7pm at Pine Street Baptist Church

From email announcement:

Dear Neighbors:

OHNA: December Meeting Dec 17 at 7pm at Pine Street Baptist Church
Please join us for the December meeting of OHNA, which will be held in person at Pine Street Baptist Church! An online option will also be provided. Please bring a snack to share! NON-alcoholic beverages will be provided. Note that the meeting is being held early to avoid conflict with the holidays. An agenda with zoom link will be shared prior to the meeting.

Of Interest:

Apply to be on the Public Art Commission!
The Public Art Commission (PAC) is looking for new members!
The PAC is composed of nine members, with one appointed by the mayor and eight by City Council. Four of the appointees must be arts professionals, one must be a member of the Urban Design Committee or City Planning Commission, and one must be a City Council member. Learn more about the PAC duties and composition and apply to serve by December 15th:

Zoning Advisory Council Meeting • December 11, 4-6pm
The Zoning Advisory Council is tasked with advising the City Planning Commission on the zoning ordinance rewrite, Code Refresh. The December Zoning Advisory Council meeting will be held at City Hall, 900 East Broad Street, in the 5th floor conference room. The meeting will also be available virtually. These meetings are open to the public and will be recorded. For more information visit:
Virtual link:

Public Education Advocacy Meeting • Wednesday, December 11 – 7:00 pm
The League of Women Voters of the Richmond Metro Area (LWV-RMA) invites you to join an important conversation about the upcoming Virginia Legislative Session from the perspective of local school districts. This is a unique opportunity to engage with the advocacy leads in Chesterfield, Richmond, and Henrico as we discuss key issues that impact our schools, students, and the future of education in Virginia.
Registration link –

Latino Communities Code Refresh Roundtable • December 12, 6-7:15pm
The City of Richmond is updating its zoning code following the goals set in the Richmond 300 Master Plan. This update is an opportunity to align zoning with the city’s vision for future development, affordable housing, sustainability, and more.
La ciudad de Richmond está actualizando su código de zonificación siguiendo los objetivos establecidos en el Plan Maestro Richmond 300. Esta actualización es una oportunidad para alinear la zonificación con la visión de la ciudad para el desarrollo futuro, la vivienda accesible, la sostenibilidad y más.
Invitamos a los residentes de habla hispana de Richmond a participar en una mesa redonda virtual de 75 minutos sobre la actualización de zonificación el jueves 12 de diciembre, de 6:00 a 7:15 p. m. a través de Zoom (


Valerie L’Herrou

Oregon Hill Neighborhood Association
Valerie L’Herrou, President
Bryan Clark Green, Co-Vice President
Jennifer Hancock, Co-Vice-President
Harrison Moenich, Co-Vice-President
Mike Mathews, Secretary
John Bolecek, Treasurer

Vox Concordia At Pine Street Baptist Church On Sunday

Vox Concordia, a VCU choral group, will be part of Pine Street Baptist Church’s Sunday worship service at 11 am.

From event description:
Vox Concordia of VCU
Lisa Fusco, Director
Vox Concordia is the select treble choir of Virginia Commonwealth University and is open to students of any major who sing soprano or alto. Vox Concordia is Latin for “voices together in one heart.” These diverse singers, with majors in music, criminal justice, international studies, psychology, and more, unite in an inclusive choral community to make music that reflects the diversity of our world. In addition to performing the classics of treble repertoire, Vox Concordia often sings works written by women and living composers from underrepresented cultures with texts that address contemporary issues. Vox Concordia has sung in the Richmond area for community organizations such as the Lewis Ginter GardenFest of Lights, senior living communities, and for VCUsports games. The choir is conducted by Lisa Fusco, Adjunct Instructor at VCU.

“The Magic Of Belle Island” – Community Movie Night

From announcement:

Join us for Oregon Hill’s Outdoor Movie: The Magic of Belle Isle. Morgan Freeman plays Monte Wildhorn, a famous Western novelist whose passion for writing hits an impasse. He takes a lakeside cabin for the summer in picturesque Belle Isle (editor’s note: a fictional lakeside town, not Richmond’s Belle Island), befriending the family next door–an attractive single mom (Virginia Madsen) and her young daughters–who help him find inspiration again.
Free refreshments served: Grilled hotdogs, sides, desserts, and beverages..