Time To End Some Leases And Protect What Is Public

Todd Woodson, past OHNA president, past Sierra Club Falls of the James ‘Green Giant’ award winner, and past member of City Council’s Monroe Park Advisory Council, released this post this morning:

Friends- the writing is on the wall! As Historic Monroe Park falls deeper into dereliction only two years after an $8 million dollar renovation, it has become obvious that even though 2020 set a record for charitable giving, the Monroe Park Conservancy – the group responsible for the Park’s sad condition, is broke and can’t honor their agreement with the City. Alice Massie and treasurer Matthew Stanley have defied federal regulations by refusing to allow their form 990’s to be reviewed by the public. Having exhausted all sources of charitable giving, it is inevitable that this “conservancy” will or have asked the City for a bail out, using tax payer money. It will take millions to repair the damage they and they alone have caused to our most historic park. The answer should be a resounding NO! It is time to terminate the lease and put the historic park back in the hands of the community under our capable Parks Department’s management. Giving Massie and Matthew Stanley (who is also Outreach Director for Richmond Public Schools) more money would be an egregious waste of our hard earned dollars. Reach out to your representatives and ask that they terminate the lease immediately and fix the park with public restrooms, usable pathways and a RESTORED TREE CANOPY!

At this past OHNA (Oregon Hill Neighborhood Association) meeting, Councilperson Stephanie Lynch was asked if there was any news on Monroe Park. She replied that there was none other than rumors of financial difficulty on the part of the Monroe Park Conservancy and she did not know of any City Council requests to rescind the lease (something that OHNA has previously requested).

Given some of the same issues of park use and attempts at privatization, it is noteworthy that near the riverfront side of Oregon Hill, during or shortly after the recent ‘zombie show filming’, a sign went up in the Belle Island (part of the James River Park system) for “private parking”. The city’s lease with Venture Richmond stated that they would retain free parking in the Belle Isle parking lot i.e. public parking.

After citizens made inquiries, Venture Richmond quickly said more recently that the new signs would come down and blamed the towing company for misunderstanding. Many citizens remain skeptical and believe this was yet another attempt to sneak in privatization. Oregon Hill residents, including Todd Woodson, remain vigilant in trying to watch over Venture Richmond and other ‘public-private partnerships’.

And on that score, one other thing- Oregon Hill residents have heard that Dominion is planning to move ahead with its proposed solar array on top of its riverfront parking garage (which, btw, is not shared with the public for parking). While many Oregon Hill residents are very much in favor of renewable energy, this is in violation of the hard won height agreement there (which OHNA, the Sierra Club Falls of the James, and other community and environmental groups are part of). What does this mean if Dominion is not going to be held accountable for its own agreements that are there to protect a public view?

When you look at all that has recently been proposed around the neighborhood, including Richmond300 shenanigans to ‘affordable housing’ initiatives, it is time is to send some universal messages- BACK OFF! AND STOP TRYING TO TAKE FROM THE PUBLIC! Return Monroe Park to the public!

P.S. Please do click through the links in this editorial and appreciate the time and energy that Oregon Hill residents have sacrificed to protect this neighborhood and what belongs to the City and public in whole. The local corporate media often does not give the complete picture in these matters and we need everyone to recognize how corporate hegemony, be it from institutions like VCU, be it from private companies like Dominion, be it from ‘public-private partnerships’ like Venture Richmond, be it from our own compromised City government, is acting against us. (Coming soon to this community news site, more on how we can fight back on the local, city, state, and national level…)

Halloween Parade Still Planned; UPDATE: CANCELLED

UPDATE: With national and international concerns rising over surges in COVID-19 cases, the annual All The Saints Halloween Parade has officially been cancelled by organizers.

While disappointed, most if not all the Oregon Hill neighbors seem to appreciate and understand the decision.

Message from the All The Saints Theater Company:

The 15th Annual Halloween Parade: “A Funeral March for the Plague of Now!” will take place on Saturday October 31st, All Hallow’s Eve.
This year is a very different year. We take COVID-19 very seriously and urge everyone to take all safety precautions should you decide to join us.
Please read the following to understand how this year will be different!
Please come with your COVID Pod who you are prepared to carry a puppet with or march alongside! MASKS ARE REQUIRED TO PARTICIPATE! We will have masks to spare if you forget yours! If you would like to decorate your car and be at the back of the parade that is allowed as I am picking a route that allows for vehicles.
We are meeting (per usual) at Monroe Park 7pm sharp on 10/31! Due to the nature of this year, in order to keep the people usually on the sidelines out of the equation we are NOT announcing the route until we march, and it will be slightly shorter than our usual route. It is a year to participate, not to be a bystander (in all ways, not just for the parade).
15 ft Plague Doctors, Vultures schlepping the refugees of the Humanity System, the celebratory skeleton puppets, Grandma Elder, the Hawk of Resistance that defeated the Atlantic Coast Pipeline, Black Lives Matter and the Confederacy is Dead Puppets, and King NoOne and his Fascist Empire will be there and they must be defeated this November with the Vote!
Music by members of NoBS as Tyrannis Bass, and many other amazing local musicians!
All the protection from COVID-19, the police state, and the fascist empire to you and your people. Please stay safe.
As always, this parade is in honor of the dead. Thank you.

The Puppets Protect,
Lily Lamberta and the All the Saints’ Family.