Where Is The Monroe Park Conservancy’s Report?

City Council Organizational Development standing committee met yesterday in part to hear an update on Monroe Park Conservancy’s efforts to raise 3 million dollars to initiate the historically sensitive renovation of Monroe Park. This report was requested by Council in January and was already delayed by MPC at this committee’s last meeting. MPC president Alice Massie was a no show. City administration representative Chris Beschler is familiar with the Conservancy but declined to make any comments.

For more background on Monroe Park, please click here, here, here, here, and here.

Gazebo To Get Solar

Oregon Hill residents are gratified that the City workers recently repainted the historic gazebo that sits as the end of S. Pine Street, near the overlook. With the UCI Road World Championship bicycle races approaching, residents are hoping the gazebo will look enticing for spectators.


But now the City has additional news: As part of longterm restoration plans, the gazebo roof will be fitted with not only roof-flush photovoltaic (PV) solar panels and batteries to power the lighting installations around it, but also a retractable solar thermal array that will provide steam for picnic cooking as well as hot beverages in cooler temperatures.


The design for this array comes from Wolfgang Scheffler, who is well know for designing similar arrays for community kitchens across India. City officials expect to have both the PV array and the thermal array up later this summer, as long as they can get past regulation in the City’s VEPGA.

Community Group Releases 21-point Monroe Park Maintenance Plan to Beautify Park before UCI Race in September

From email announcement:

A group of Monroe Park community advocates and former members of the now defunct Richmond City Council appointed Monroe Park Advisory Council are requesting to meet with Volunteer Group Coordinators, City staff, VCU, UCI officials and Richmond and VCU Police in order to focus and leverage any and all available resources and volunteers in order to spruce up Monroe Park in anticipation of the UCI Bike races in September. This meeting will be held Wednesday, March 18, 2015 at 3:30PM at Monroe Park’s iconic fountain. The upcoming race and associated international media coverage presents the city with an unprecedented and exceptional opportunity to promote Richmond and its wonderful amenities to millions throughout the planet. Monroe Park is located in a prominent position on the UCI Time Trial Circuit, Team Time Trial Circuit and Road Circuit races.
The group, comprised of Elinor Kuhn, James “Turk” Sties and Todd Woodson have assembled a 21 point plan comprised of relatively inexpensive but effective maintenance and beautification suggestions that will help to present the historic park in the best light to the world. A comprehensive historic renovation of the park will occur at some point in the future but these suggestions would be compatible and are designed for a dramatic improvement in appearance for Richmond’s oldest municipal park. The suggested plan is as follows:

1. Restore fountain in appropriate verdigris finish, repaint fountain pool, inspect fountain lights, repair and repaint wrought iron fountain fence, repair supporting masonry, install correct recirculating filtered water pump and feed and mulch fountain plantings.

2. Repair or fill collapsed and non functional drainage inlets.

3. Aerate, fertilize and seed grassy areas.

4. Inspect park irrigation system and replace any broken sprinkler heads.

5. Remove graffiti and paint Checkers house and replace rotted gutters.

6. Level, scrape and paint light poles.

7. Consolidate park signage and remove inappropriate signage.

8. Mulch tree wells and trees in the park.

9. Paint pole of Department of Historic Resources highway marker and prune crepe myrtles to ensure visibility.

10. Install identification marker on rare deciduous Dawn Redwood tree and any other specimen trees.

11.Paint bollards and replace broken ones with any existing attic stock.

12. Establish Checkers House office space as a satellite base for biking Richmond police officers during race week.

13. Install flower beds under Crepe Myrtles and any other appropriate places.

14. Fill in severely rutted areas from past cars and truck mishaps on park grounds.

15. Discuss the city’s public wifi and increase power during race week if necessary.

16. Encourage art installation from VCU School of the Arts during race week.

17. Address any rodent infestation issues in Checkers House.

18. Insure proper removal of trash during community feedings. Ask VCU to stay until 5 on weekends for trash removal and also encourage feeding groups to remove and recycle waste from these events.

19. Suggest better enforcement of existing laws in the park, e.g. no parking inside park, no alcohol or illegal substances and litter control. Encourage police presence in park during race week.

20. Inspect and thoroughly clean bathrooms and monitor during race week.

21. Encourage Richmond City Council to establish a Monroe Park Community Advisory Board comprised of engaged members of surrounding communities and giving them a voice on all future decisions made regarding park policy.

Belle Island Habitat Restoration Work On Saturday

The Richmond Tree Stewards have a volunteer event planned for this Saturday:

We will remove invasive species, mostly privet and Japanese honeysuckle. Tree stewards, trained in invasives removal, will demonstrate proper techniques. We will mulch disturbed soil and begin to replant native trees. This will be an on-going project to restore native habitat. We hope to educate about the benefits of bio-diversity and recruit more advocates to care for Belle Isle and other James River Parks.
Rain date is Sunday, January 18.

For more information and volunteer sign-up, please click here for their FaceBook event page.


Community Light Parade and InLight on Friday

From this week’s Style magazine:

Coinciding with 1708 Gallery’s annual InLight Richmond public exhibition of light-based art, the Community Lantern Parade will illuminate Monroe Park on Friday, Nov. 21. The community art project, curated by Denise Markonish from the Massachusetts Museum of Contemporary Art, will feature performances, sculpture, large-format projections and interactive projects by artists and collectives from across the country. It will turn the five-sided park into an incandescence hub of visual activity. Best of all, along with projects by the Daily Planet, Art on Wheels and Art 180, you can bring your own lantern to join the fun. The free, family-friendly florescent festivities run from at 7 to midnight.

For more information, visit 1708 Gallery’s webpage by clicking here.


Oregon Hill historian Tom Elliott sent this moving account of the Civil War prisoner camp on
Belle Isle:

From the National Tribune, 11/10/1892

A Loudoun Ranger Taken in the Spot where He Starved and Suffered.
A long cherished dream to revisit Belle Isle, the place of my imprisonment during the late war, was realized during the 26th National Encampment in Washington. We took steamers down the Potomac and Chesapeake Bay to Norfolk (next line unreadable) known in war times as the Southside Railroad. From Richmond we crossed over one arm of the James to Belle Isle on a new bridge connecting the Tredegar Iron Works with the Old Dominion Nail Works, located on the Island.
The Tredegar Iron Works is where was rolled the heavy iron plating used for the armament of the Merrimac, as well as all the heavy ordnance for the Confederacy. This important industry was then, as now, the largest in the South. The solid shot and shell used by that defunct Government was made here. Those who were so unfortunate as to be prisoners of war on he Island will probably never forget how the Confederates would test their cannon and shell made at the Tredegar Works, by firing them over the prison stockade on the Island. Quite often the shell would burst, and the fragments would create consternation among the prisoners and graybacks. I suppose everything is fair in war.
As we stepped from the bridge to the Island a panorama of 28 years ago passed rapidly before us. We looked for the stockade, but it was gone; almost all traces have disappeared. A portion of the dead-line is quite visible at the northwest corner; the paraphet that was once about 13 inches high.
A map the writer made of the prison-pen some 10 years ago, exclusively from memory, was produced, and was as accurate as if made by a civil engineer, on the ground. We have always insisted the prison, after it was enlarged in the Fall of 1863, contained about two acres of ground. Now I know I was accurate in that statement. Where the prison-pen was located is now an immense rolling-mill owned and operated by the Old Dominion Nail and Iron Co. Where the writer lay in the sand with P. A. Davis and Rube Stypes, and where both died during that memorable Winter of 1863-’64, is now located a large Fairbanks scale for weighing ore.
Where the prisoners caught Serg’t Haight’s dog, and ate him in about 15 minutes, is now a large set of rolls, rolling out red-hot bar-iron. Where the hospital tent was located, beside which the dead were piled up to the number of 200 waiting burial, is now an immense bank of dead cinders from the rolling mills.
I walked down to the dead-line, where poor Jeff McCutchen was shot for getting too near that line. I picked a sprig of the National flower, the golden-rod, from as near the exact spot as I could locate it. I stepped upon the parapet, now not over 18 inches high, where the two little boys who belonged to the 13th Regulars would get with fife and drum and sound the grub call. What sweet music it was to the starving prisoners!
I walked to where the gate was located that led to the river for water and the sinks where we traded our last gutta-percha ring for a half dozen biscuits. At the same place I also traded the copy of the New Testament that was sent to me by the Christian Commission, in return getting one dozen biscuits. The physical man was perishing then, and not the spiritual. I walked up to the hill where was located the cannon that pointed its ugly nose down on the prisoners. The guards took especial delight in telling us they captured this gun at Bull Run. As I walked back towards the once stockade I met a green snake coming towards me. I did not argue the point, but began pounding Mr. Snake with my walking stick.
I was eager to conquer this enemy on the island, and as upon my first visit the serpent had me, but now the table was turned, and I thought of the many thousands of our fellow prisoners who had suffered here, and then I pounded Mr. Snake again. While Mr. Snake was probably not to blame for my mistreatment on the first visit, yet I readily seized upon the pretext of holding him responsible, and beat him until he was dead, dead, dead.
I walked down to the gate where 100 men were taken out every morning for Andersonville. I had always tried to get out before my turn, but was always detected; when Serg’t Haight would bring down his long club on my head, and send me back to starve awhile longer.
Mr. Baird, who was born on the Island, now the Superintendent of the Old Dominion Nail Works, was exceedingly kind and pleasant to me. He showed the large kettle that was used to boil the morning bean soup for the prisoners. It is now used to mix cement in to lay firebrick. This relic the National Prison Association should possess. I believe the Old Dominion Works would present it to that association gratis. Mr. Baird also showed us about 10 or 12 tons of the iron plate that formed the armament of the Merrimac. He had bought it for old iron. Several pieces showed dents in them three or four inches deep made by the solid shot from Ericsson’s Monitor. He has had several kegs of nails made from the same material, and took great pleasure in presenting our party with two each. We were also shown one wing of the nail works that was built by the prisoners, as good as the day it was put up, a splendid job of masonry. All prisoners (bricklayers) that worked on the building got double rations of corn-dodger, and glad to get the job.
Most of the prisoners who died on the Island (starved to death) are now buried in the National Cemetery about three miles east of the city; over 5,000 are unknown. This was the result of carelessness on the part of the Confederates. When a prisoner would die we would always give his name, company, and regiment to the Confederates, who would write it out on a piece of paper and pin or stick it in a buttonhole, or lay it on the body, but when as many as 200 at a time would lay out in the rain and snow for two weeks, before burial, nearly all the names would be blown away or lost. Hence so many unknown. Those that sleep there now the flag for which they died waves proudly over them.
“Rest on, embalmed and sainted dead,
Dear as the blood ye gave;
No impious footsteps here shall tread
The herbage of your grave,
Nor shall your glory be forgot,
While fame her record keeps,
Or honor points the hallowed spot
Where valor proudly sleeps.”
Our party each cut a sycamore cane from the sprouts that have grown up in the stockade, and walked off the Island with none to molest or make us afraid. – BRISCOE GOODHEART, Loudoun (Va.) Rangers, Knoxville, Tenn.
Was in Squad No. 34 on the Island.