Riverfront Plan Meeting Thursday

From City announcement:

Mayor Dwight C. Jones, and the Richmond Department of Planning & Development Review, will host a meeting on the next round of improvements for the Richmond Riverfront on Thursday, March 3 at 7 p.m. at the Virginia War Memorial Auditorium, 601 S. Belvidere St.

Hargreaves Associates will provide a concise overview of the original Riverfront Plan recommendations for the area surrounding the former Lehigh cement plant, and observations on proposed improvements to the greater East Riverfront Area. The objective of the meeting is to collectively identify opportunities to evolve that vision. The presentation will begin at 7 p.m. with the balance of the meeting open to questions and comments from the audience.

For questions or more information, contact Mark Olinger, Director of Planning & Development Review, 804-646-6305 or Mark.Olinger@richmondgov.com

Riverfront Plan Flyer

Riverfront Public Art Community Meeting Saturday

From the FaceBook event page:


Come give your input on the Riverfront Project that will be done in tandem with the T. Tyler Potterfield Bridge. There will be a conversation with the artist and then if weather permits we will walk the project site!


Meeting On Homeless and Monroe Park

There was a forum meeting yesterday in part of the downstairs ballroom of the Altria Theater about the homeless and the future of Monroe Park. It became very crowded and more chairs were brought in. It was kind of weird as lots of loud laughter was heard on the other side of the partition where I guess there was another gathering of some sort.


After an introduction by Debra D. Gardner, Richmond’s deputy chief administrative officer for human services, the director of Homeward, the planning and coordinating organization for homeless services in the greater Richmond region, presented some statistics and polling data.


After a few questions were asked about this presentation, the meeting moved into a panel by the leaders or representatives of several area homeless service providers.

One question that was not given a definitive answer was whether homeless service providers would be allowed in Monroe Park after renovations were done. The Monroe Park Conservancy was there, as was the Mayor’s representative, VCU representatives, and Director of Parks, Recreation and Community Facities Norman Merifield, yet they all stayed mum on what protocol will be after the renovation.


Not sure where the official notice is, but here is the info that I have received…

Altria Theatre
6 N Laurel St
Richmond Va 23220
A Discussion of Homelessness in our Community and Solutions We Can Work Toward Together

Hear the results of survey recently conducted in Monroe Park.
See how service providers and non-profit organizations provide practical solutions to serving the homeless despite limited funding.
Learn how congregations, organizations and individuals can help homeless people through direct service and connectivity to service providers and non-profit organizations.

Bernie Sanders March In Monroe Park Tomorrow

From local Bernie campaign:

Tomorrow join people across the country marching in support of Bernie at our Richmond march! Saturday Jan 30th 2016 at 12 noon at Monroe Park. Facebook event page with more info is at www.facebook.com/events/430536570480131/. Bring your enthusiasm and your Bernie gear (if you don’t have any, make your own!).


Click here for previous editorial on the Bernie campaign.

Shiver and Clean Up This Saturday

From email announcement:

Hello Oregon Hill Neighbors,

Your neighborhood is one of the remote cleanup locations for Keep Virginia Beautiful’s Shiver in the River on January 30th!

Please share the following link on your social media pages, and with friends and family: http://www.meetup.com/RVA-Clean-Sweep/events/224125267/

I’ve also attached the neighborhood and The Shiver flyer. I hope everyone is staying warm!

Thank you so much,
804-912-0442 cell


Amy Robins (@airobia)
RVA Clean Sweep
Tax Deductible Donations: www.enrichmond.org/partner/rva-clean-sweep/
MeetUp: www.meetup.com/RVA-Clean-Sweep/
Facebook: www.facebook.com/rvacleansweep
Twitter: @RVACleanSweep
Instagram: http://instagram.com/rvacleansweep


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