Monroe Park Concerns Continue

From neighbor Todd Woodson:

Ive just been informed there is a “site redesign” from the Monroe Park master plan. It is a substructure in front of the Altria theatre to accomodate the tent that goes up on occasion for corporate events. Ive seen nothing in the planning commission schedule about a hearing and believe it may be an end run. My understanding also is that VCU will be more involved in the day to day management of the park than the conservancy. VCU advocated about ten years ago for cutting down most of the old growth trees in the park. I dont like where all of this is heading and I say the park belongs to the people.

Monroe Park This Weekend

While the Richmond Police Department prepares security for Presidential candidate Trump’s appearance at the Richmond Coliseum on Friday, protesters are planning an-anti-Trump rally in Monroe Park for that evening and the weekend.

If that was not enough, the Richmond Recreational Dispute Group (RRDG) will be hosting their second annual meeting in Monroe Park this Saturday. From announcement:

Hi! It’s time again for RRDP to host our second event. After our success on Mayo Island we figured we’d hold our second event earlier in the year to fit in a third. We promote engaging in disputes of different varieties including civil, uncivil (shouting matches), and untraditional (Bare knuckle and gloved). WE WILL NOT BE ACCEPTING “TRAIN PEOPLE” AFTER FEBUARIES INCIDENT. At least in the untraditional activities. Large groups are encouraged for group activities. Pizza will be provided but come early. Things kick off at 10PM, possible alternate location is the old Pleasant’s downtown parking lot.

Now, regardless of whether or not any of this is real, Monroe Park supporters are still concerned about the park itself- from Cherry Street neighbor Todd Woodson:

Friends- as of April 14, 2016, its been two years since City Council approved the lease for Monroe Park without, in my opinion, fully vetting the leadership of the Monroe Park Conservancy. The city announced last winter that the park would close in May. I requested updates from both Charles Samuels and the Conservancy months ago on the timeline for renovations and they have failed to even respond. Samuels is not running for reelection to the second district council seat this year.
Perhaps if more people emailed and asked what’s going on, we could get an answer. Please email both Councilman Charles Samuels and Alice Massie with the Conservancy and ask why there has been no progress and in fact, more deterioration over the last two years plus. Thanks- Here are the email addresses:

One final note: Despite my best hopes, it does not look like anyone seriously took up my challenge and it does not look like I will be crawling.


Dominion RiverRock This Weekend Will Come With Protests and Rain


Dominion RiverRock Festival is scheduled for this weekend. The local corporate media trumpets this as the nation’s premier outdoor sports and music festival.

But the Virginia Sierra Club, Chesapeake Climate Action Network, and other activists are planning to protest Dominion Power at the event on Saturday evening. They claim that “Dominion is sponsoring events like Riverrock at the same time it is using its political clout to pollute Virginians’ rivers, drinking water, and climate, and rig our democracy against clean energy solutions.”

At the same time, local weather forecasters are talking about a 90% chance of rain on Saturday.

In Monroe Park Saturday

VCU holds its 2016 Intercultural Festival. With the tagline “Uniquely United”, the ICF happens April 2nd from 1-6pm in Monroe Park.

Join us for live entertainment, cultural activities, and food from around the world!

Also in Monroe Park, at 2pm, the group ASWAN is holding a third community forum on the south edge of the park.


For more information, a recap of forum #2, printable flyers, and more, check out ASWAN’s website:

Urban Wildlife Camera Project

From Science in the Park webpage:

In the spring of 2014, we set out to catalog the biodiversity, or the number of different species, found within the James River Park System. Healthy and diverse habitats support healthy and diverse groups of plants and animals, but the animals in our park can be elusive and often go unseen. To catch them on video, we set out special “game cameras” that record a video when triggered remotely by motion or temperature. Scientists use these cameras to track and monitor wildlife or to record how a species behaves, and our animal friends did not disappoint! For almost a year, we recorded hundreds, if not thousands, of videos that reveal the animals that call our park home — some common and others that may surprise you …!

If you enjoy these photos and videos, you may want to join the Urban Wildlife_JRPS FaceBook page to stay updated with the latest…


Homeless Concerned About Monroe Park Closure

Television station WRIC has a news story on how homeless advocates are still trying to find temporary solutions for the announced, upcoming closure of Monroe Park for renovations.


Without the safety of Monroe Park, things become even more difficult for the city’s homeless.

“It’s a place where people find community, so we’re trying to move (food & clothing) services to another location,” Izen said.

Some are pushing for Abner Clay Park to become a temporary gathering space, although the proposal has been met with opposition from some who live, work and worship nearby.

“Whatever we do, we need to make sure we still have those services including tree canopy and bathrooms,” said Izen.

There will be a public forum on Saturday, March 26 at Monroe Park to get the relocation plan moving forward. The meeting will start at 2pm.