Category Archives: parks
Calling All Rams…Churches Sponsor Welcome Back Students Picnic On Sunday
‘The Jungle Book’ On Friday
From email announcement:
Community Movie Night
Friday, September 9 at dusk
Pleasants Park behind Pine Street Baptist Church
As always, refreshments served
This Morning
Photo courtesy of Pine Street neighbor Cristina Dominguez Ramirez.
Trail Work on North Bank Trail
The boardwalk on North Bank trail below Hollywood cemetery is being repaired starting tomorrow (8/30) and the trail will be closed between the first bridge heading west from Tredegar and the spot where the trail crosses the cemetery access road for a couple of days from around 8am-4pm while this work is taking place. Signs will be posted when the trail is closed. This work is being paid forby Groundwork RVA and is being led up by Will McQuate.
Updated Yet Again: 2nd District Candidates Make Statements on Monroe Park
After recent events in Monroe Park, I asked candidates running for City Council in the 2nd District for written statements on the future of Monroe Park.
I received the following from Kimberly Gray:
I support the Monroe Park Master Plan that was developed in 2009. As the 2nd District City Council Representative I will advocate for renovations to get started sooner rather than later. I will work to help secure the remaining funds required to complete the plan. I am a strong proponent for keeping the historic integrity of the park and to promote the ideal that our parks are our greatest public treasure and should be open, safe and comfortable for all of us to visit and enjoy.
I have also received this statement from candidate Charlie Diradour:
Thanks to Scott and for inviting us into the conversation regarding the future of one of Richmond’s most iconic parks. Monroe Park’s history is one of the many reasons that it should be restored to its former glory. The concept of public squares in Richmond dates back to the Eighteen Hundreds, and as we witness a resurgence in the “live, work, play ” manner of living, we need leadership that understands that parks are not amenities, but necessities.
The City of Richmond has not maintained, or improved this gem for decades. In fact, the damage done by installing the wrong sidewalks, including doing extensive damage to the irrigation system, has made the restoration more expensive in the long run.
The lease that was signed, and continues in force by and between Richmond and The Monroe Park Conservancy has been my evening reading for weeks now, and from what I gather that lease gives The Conservancy the right to The Park for Thirty years. That same lease gives The Conservancy the time they need to raise the sufficient monies to improve The Park.
Given the history, the present situation, and the future possibilities, I believe that the current agreement represents the only viable option to address the decades of neglect of this jewel by The City. Monroe Park must be restored so that it may be enjoyed by all, including VCU students and staff and Richmond residents.
Teddy Roosevelt said, “The nation behaves well if it treats its natural resources as assets which it must turn over to the next generation increased, and not impaired, in value.” Through our collective efforts we must find a place of agreement that will facilitate Monroe Park becoming, once again, a place for all to congregate, recreate, and at times find solace. We can only do that with steady leadership from a community committed to repairing structures and relationships.
Thanks to all;
And finally, 2nd District Council candidate Rebecca Keel submitted her statement last night (August 21st, this post with Gray’s statement was originally made on July 27th):
Hello, thank ya’ll, and please forgive my delay in replying to your request for a statement. After spending a several weeks researching the history of the park, the current lease held by the Monroe Park Conservancy and VCU, and after hearing from some community members, both off and online, it seems clear that many people do not support the privatization of Monroe Park. Further, it happens to be my personal opinion that the act of privatizing, under the guise of revitalization, is short sighted.
Therefore I do not support the privatization of Monroe Park and would work to terminate the current lease. I hold this position because it is what the people want, and what would help populations who already and regularly inhabit the park.
It is true that Monroe Park is in poor condition, and I agree that this is an issue of Public Health and Well-being. The city must take better care of its historic gems.
It is also true that many unstably housed and homeless people regularly spend time in Monroe Park. Part of caring for a community is caring for the community members. Proposals to revitalize Monroe Park, that do not include services and resources for our homeless community members, are not solutions that work toward community growth and social justice.
Finally, it is necessary that any restoration of the park should respect the city’s history and come from community generated proposals and widespread buy-in.
As a council member, I will ensure that community engagement is thoughtful and inclusive, and together we can form a solution that both beautifies Monroe Park and provides assistance for the folks who already value it.
Thank you for your consideration,
Rebecca K. W. Keel
Monroe Park ‘Modifications’
Cherry Street neighbor Todd Woodson continues to monitor Monroe Park situation:
In 2015, City Council wisely passed an ordinance (ord.2015-102) stating that they would receive monthly updates on modifications to existing contracts so they can monitor these additional expenses. July’s report contains this modification of the Monroe Park Renovations Project contract in the amount of $198,765. Ive asked for details other than those given but it is important to note that this contract value has increased by 41% since it was executed in 2008.
With a high profile robbery and a stabbing, it’s been a rough summer for this historic public park. Neighbors are wondering if the neglect preceeding planned ‘modifications’ is purposeful in preparation for a VCU takeover. Will Monroe Park figure more prominently in upcoming debates between City Council candidates?
Fight For 15!
Despite the heat, buses arrive and march happens from Monroe Park.
Nearby Protest March Saturday
From Richmond police:
The following locations will be closed for the event planned Saturday between the hours of 11:00 am – 6:00 pm
W. Franklin Street between Belvidere and N. Lombardy St.
Monument Ave between N. Lombardy and S. Meadow Street.
All side streets at these location wil also be closed.
No Parking will be enforced on Franklin St and Monument Ave. N. Allen Ave will also be enforced as well as the 1600-1800 Blk of W.Broad St & 1000 Blk. W. Grace St. Between the hours of 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM. Please pay close attention to the No Parking Signs during this day. We are trying to prevent vehicles/personal property from possibly be damaged.
Past and Present Monroe Park Edifices
Ok, I might be stretching the term ‘edifice’, but neighbor Todd Woodson and Richard Lee Bland have been sharing some research on the fountain in Monroe Park on the FaceBook group Fans of Monroe Park.
Todd cited this passage:
“In 1872, Colonel Albert Ordway, Provost Marshal for Virginia (who lived close to the park) donated the park’s first fountain, built of stone, but city council rejected a petition from the “citizens near Monroe Park” for $2,500 in additional improvements. The requested improvements included a brick wall about two feet high around the park to prevent the embankment from washing on the pavement, granite post and chain to enclose the fountain, twenty iron seats, granite steps at the gates and for putting up the fountain donated by Colonel Ordway”.
From The Ghosts and Glories of Monroe Park- a Sesquicentennial History by David M. Clinger 1998.
Now quoting and paraphrasing Richard Lee Bland:
The history of (a later) fountain is very sketchy. Mary Wingfield Scott fixed the date of its appearance in the park in 1908. This stone pyramid precede but no dates to confirm.. In 1896 the original memorial to Jefferson Davis was intended to be at the park, a large colossal temple. The cornerstone was laid, but the project was abandoned. The 1970 article at the collapse states, “the fountain’s original upper tiers, which broke off many years ago, were replaced by new ones during a 1961 renovation.” Memories are both short and imperfect. I will comment the 1908 date is interesting due a four tier fountain once stood in Gamble’s Hill Park, overlooking the James River, now owned by Ethel Corporation.
The theory is that the Gamble’s Hill fountain was moved to Monroe Park in 1908 and that is the one there now. Here is a 1962 News Leader newspaper clipping where Mary Winfield Scott made that observation:
An old photo of the fountain at Gamble’s Hill near Pratt’s Castle.
Here is an old painting of the fountain in Monroe Park that is in the Special Collections at the VCU library:
So, in terms of present edifices, an old and persistent hoarder has started to create a pile in Monroe Park. This woman is infamous for having done the same sort of thing in the Fan and Oregon Hill previously.
This adds on to the current perception that the City and Monroe Park Conservancy are not being adequate stewards to historic Monroe Park. Still, young people continue to flock to Monroe Park to play Pokemon.