Support The Recounts – for Monroe Park and National Election

The Sierra Club Falls of the James has joined some Oregon Hill and Fan neighbors in calling for a community review and ‘recount’ of the trees that have been removed recently from Monroe Park.


As one neighbor, Turk Sties, put it,
The conservancy should be following the approved master plan. The master plan was clear on what trees would not be removed. I don't know if the removed trees were to stay per the master plan. But the plan should be followed.

Funding was obtained to effect the master plan. How can it be spent for anything else, especially for removing trees the master plan deemed integral to the rejuvenated park?

The tree work should be investigated by the city auditor to determine whether or not the conservancy has removed any trees that were to remain. If the conservancy has caused the removal of "spared" trees, the conservancy board members should be removed for cause and replaced with other people who can follow instructions. If that is not possible, it is time to require the addition of three "at-large" board members who can represent the citizens' interest.

On the national front, the courageous Jill Stein continues to push forward for recounts of Presidential ballots in key swing states, despite setbacks. Using fundraised money, the state recount efforts have not found evidence of foreign actors, but have found many systematic problems. Perhaps the most troubling of these is a preponderance of undercounting in predominantly black Michigan districts.

At the same time, Clinton emerged to condemn ‘fake news sites’, while some established newspapers have published unverified, anonymous CIA leaks that claim Russian intervention in the election. Regardless of veracity, foreign agents installing a right-wing leader? You can almost hear other countries such as Argentina, Chile, and Iran singing in their best Bob Dylan (and for the record, I am not a big fan) voice, “How does it feeeeeel?” As Glenn Greenwald of the Intercept put it, it’s also “a good indication of how confused and lost U.S. political culture has become in the wake of Trump’s victory.

How will this all be sorted out going forward? Not sure, but in my book, trees and votes do matter and deserve more attention.

Early Bird Registration for Shiver in the River Ends Today has post that reminds everyone that the ‘early bird’ registration for the Shiver In The River (happens end of January) ends today.

What are you missing out on by not registering now for Richmond’s most epic polar plunge? How about the chance to win an overnight stay at the Hilton in downtown Richmond on either Friday or Saturday of Shiver weekend (January 28, 2017), a $50 gift card at Hilton’s new 1885 Cafe & Market, and a $50 gift card to Penny Lane Pub. Pretty sweet swag, I’d say.

In other news, KVB’s Mike Baum tells me the 5K that precedes the Shiver will incorporate the T. Tyler Potterfield Memorial Bridge (a.k.a. the T-Pot Bridge), which Brown’s Island and Manchester. The exact route hasn’t been mapped yet, he said, but it should be the first race in Richmond to include the gleaming new pedestrian bridge (which opens this Friday night at 6 p.m.).

Click here for more on Shiver in the River and to sneak in under the wire for early bird registration.


Ceremony To Close Monroe Park Tomorrow

Report from Cherry Street neighbor Todd Woodson on Monroe Park:

Breaking News- tomorrow, Wednesday, November 9th at 10am, the Mayor and VCU president Rao will hold a ceremony in the park with watering cans to celebrate the closing. Ms Massie reports that this weekend will be the last for activity in the park before work begins. The Conservancy is asking that displaced feeding groups not use other parks. The first phase of work is tree work, which will take 4-5 months. It is important that we stay vigilant during this period as in all phases as we don’t want any “mistakes”. They will also be removing the benches and lights from the park during this period.

St. Andrew’s Church To Host Labyrinth Walk in Pleasants Park On Wednesday

From email announcement:

On Wednesday evening, November 2, St. Andrew’s will host an All Souls’ Labyrinth Walk in Pleasants Park (editor’s note: corner of Laurel and Albemarle). Please feel free to stop by any time between 5 pm and 7 pm. It is an invitation to walk in quiet remembrance of and thanksgiving for the ancestors who have gone before us to light the way.

Walking a labyrinth is one of the oldest contemplative practices for prayer and pilgrimage found in faith traditions around the world. Labyrinths may have been in existence as early as 3,500 to 4,500 BCE.

The labyrinth will be set up from 5 to 7pm for those who would like to walk it, and we will have hot chocolate and cookies for those who join us.

Reverend Abbott Bailey