Bee Swarm Not From ‘Our Bees’

Last week some neighbors discovered a “wild” swarm of bees in Oregon Hill. Local bee experts have confirmed that those bees were NOT part of the hive installed recently by Open High students in Linear Park behind the 600 block of S. Pine St. From their statement:

During the inspection yesterday we found the
—newly laid eggs,
—larvae, and
—pupating new bees.
Our hive showed no swarm queen cells.
Our bees are happy and busy building new comb on our widens frames, storing up lots of nectar and pollen and doing what bees do.
Next week the students will install the second nucleus hive. Hosting and caring for two hives will double the odds we have bees next spring.

There will BEE more information soon as well as announcements for a couple of public bee workshops later in 2019. In the meantime, if there are questions, please contact Pine Street neighbor Stephenie Harrington. Her telephone number is 804-551-0603.

WRIR’s Open Source Show Today

WRIR-LPFM’s local affairs show Open Source will be airing today at noon. It will feature at least two stories that may be of particular interest to Oregon Hill- Monroe Park renovation problems and the archeological excavation of Virginia State Penitentiary’s site.

TUNE TO THE SOURCE!! On Friday’s edition of Open Source RVA, heard at noon on WRIR 97.3 FM, I discuss the continued problems with the Monroe Park renovation with Todd Woodson, former member of the Monroe Park Advisory Council, including the recent discovery that $350,000 in school construction funds were being diverted toward the park. And author Dale Brumfield returns to the host seat. He talks about the Virginia State Penitentiary archeological excavation with Sacred Ground Historical Reclamation Project’s Ana Edwards, archeologist Ellen Chapman, and Environmental historian Libby Cook. ALSO: Charles Mcguigan of WRIR’s “A Grain of Sand” tells the inspirational story of 60-year-old Iron Man Triathlon champion, Will Turner. SO MUCH SOURCE! Listen in Friday at noon on WRIR 97.3 fm Richmond Independent Radio and

WRIC: Repair work, modified contracts and misclassified money prompts calls for park audit

Thankfully, WRIC’s Kerri O’Brien is following up on the Oregon Hill Neighborhood Association’s request for a full audit of the Monroe Park Conservancy’s budget and work.

“I think the City needs to get their financial house in order. That money was supposed to be in the school construction budget somehow it ended up getting spent on Monroe Park,” said Woodson.

It’s unclear if that money was on top of the $3 million the City gave.

“We need to make sure every single dollar down to the penny was accounted for. A lot of stuff is being done by paper and pencil. That’s a major issue,” Councilwoman Gray told 8News.

8News has also been looking over the original contract or the park. 8News found the agreement with the design firm 3north was modified three times, tacking on an additional $260,000 in taxpayer money.

“We feel with that revelation it is imperative that a full and comprehensive audit be placed on the renovation of this park find to where all the money went,” Woodson told 8News.

Spring Brings Invasives- Rare Snake Like Amphibian Discovered Off North Bank Trail

A small team of visiting biologists, working along the wetter portions of North Bank Trail have made a surprising find during a warmer part of this past weekend – a rare, snake-like amphibian known as the Brazilian penis snake or Atretochoana eiselti.

Matthew Hooper, from Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, found the creature and had this to say:

It seemed to have been stirring while still coming out of hibernation. I was very shocked by its appearance. It is not clear how this sample came to be along the James River. Perhaps it was an exotic pet that was discarded. While it is doubtful that this salamander has mated, it is considered invasive, and the James River Park’s Invasive Plant Task Force has been tasked with following up on the matter. They have been quite busy ever since those perennial Thai pitcher plants were found on Belle Island.

More Monroe Park Woes

Neighbor and OHNA President Todd Woodson reports…

The audit of the 2019-2020 Budget and Strategic Planning- Capital Improvement Plan was released yesterday and $350,000.00 in Monroe Park renovation expenses were misclassified by the Finance Department as being School Construction funding. That means the Monroe Park “renovation” actually cost at least $350K more than we thought. WAY over $7,000,000.00 was spent for an environmental disaster

Editorial: Will other local media report on this? Doubtful, since they have done such a horrible job already. Citizens continue to ask City Council when the Monroe Park Conservancy’s lease will be terminated and the park returned to the public.

James River Park Planning Meeting Last Night

Some scenes from the James River Park Master Plan meeting last night at the Virginia War Memorial:

Much of the meeting was spent conversing and viewing and writing on maps… nothing was officially proposed…

For more information on the James River Park Master Plan, click here (and if you have not already, fill out a survey).

Nice Day For A Hike On The North Bank Trail

With clearing skies, yesterday afternoon was a great time for a slow hike on the North Bank Trail. Many bicyclists did the right thing and stayed off the trail after the weekend rain as to not tear things up.

Still some invasive species:

Let this serve as a good reminder for the James RIver Park Master Plan meeting tomorrow night at the Virginia War Memorial.

Fading light in Laurel Street alley:

James River Cresting

It was a great day to walk down to the James River and hear it roar. Some experts said it would crest at 16.2 feet this evening, the highest it has been in 9 years.

Laurel Street neighbor Charles Pool made it down to Belle Island and took this photo:

Meanwhile, the Dogtown Dish folks went further downriver to Fulton and took this shot of the historic Intermediate Terminal Building and future proposed site for Stone Brewing’s World Bistro & Gardens.