Oregon Hill Neighbors Watching The Corporate Moves!

From a watchful Oregon Hill neighbor:

Hi Scott,
As you can see from the attached photos, they completely removed the sandy beach in front of Tredgar that was very popular. They are also completely removing the Tredegar machinery, including the 35 ton wheel.

I guess you saw the TD article today where Navy Hill also wants to tap the state sales tax. Before long they will be tapping the water rates!

Extinction Rebellion & Eviction Exhibit Opening Friday

The Extinction Rebellion protests which started on a weekly basis this past July continues into the new year this Friday from noon to 1 pm in Monroe Park (corner of Belvedere and Main). They welcome everyone, and every part of everyone to this nonviolent demonstration. All ages are welcome. They stand in support of #fridaysforfuture and the #globalclimatestrike.

Friday evening, there is the opening at the Main Street library for a new exhibit called Evicted in Richmond.

Belle Isle History Hike Saturday

From James RIver Park staff:

Join us for a family friendly hike to one of Richmond’s historic gems, Belle Isle. Learn about the geologic and human history of the area and the role Richmond played in the development of our nation. Please bring water, a snack and good shoes.

Street parking on 5th street
Belle Isle parking lot
Tredegar parking lot $3 per hour or $18 for the day

Ages: 8 and Up
Price: $5 or donation
Location: Meet at the visitor sign in the Belle Isle parking lot under the Lee Bridge

To Register contact Tyler Twyford: Tyler.Twyford@richmondgov.com

Public To Pay For More Corporate Takeover Of Riverfront

From (recently re-elected) Oregon Hill Neighborhood Association President Todd Woodson:

On Monday, December 16th at 1:30PM, the City Planning Commission will hear a conceptual plan presented by Venture Richmond for a $17 million, taxpayer funded “improvement plan”, including a CORPORATE HELICOPTER PAD and DYNAMIC LIGHTING PLAN for publicly owned Browns Island, located on a flood plain in downtown Richmond. Venture Richmond and 3north held a planning charrette last April and invited DOMINION ENERGY, ALTRIA CORPORATION, NEW MARKET CORPORATION, certain developers, attorneys and City planning staff yet excluded the stake-holding public from the conversation. After being approved by only 3 members of the ten member Urban Design Committee last week, the proposal is poised to be approved “under the radar” by the planning commission on Monday. If you aren’t interested in building a corporate helipad on public property with taxpayer funds, I would urge you to attend and speak out against this ill conceived plan!

Of course, the corporate media has been silent about this, as they do not want to raise the ire of Venture (aka Vulture) Richmond. Remember, Richmond’s leaders don’t want to PUT SCHOOLS FIRST! Remember, corporate corruption takes from the public– even if most citizens agree with the improvements being made, they should not be excluded from the public planning process!