Hollywood Cemetery Article and Cannon Fire for Jefferson Davis

Mario Accordino recently published an article on Hollywood Cemetery for the website ArchitectureRichmond.com. Click here to go to the article.

Here is an excerpt:

Hollywood Cemetery sits dramatically over the James River in Oregon Hill, and many spots in the grounds have views out to the water. Added to the National Register of Historic Places in 1979, the cemetery serves as one of our major tourist attractions and, for a city that prides itself on a deep sense of history, a truly unique site. Countless Richmond stories are told in Hollywood’s grounds, a narrative of the city’s history as much as it is of individual lives.

Speaking of Hollywood Cemetery, David Gilliam would like to remind neighbors that there will cannon fire this Saturday as part of a memorial ceremony for Jefferson Davis. The ceremony is supposed to start around 9 am. There will be cannon volleys fired as a part of the memorial service. The participants have assured that the minimum amount of powder will be used in the volleys.

Fancy Flea Today

From Craigslist ad:

Sunday April 29 – 11am-4pm

Corner of Idlewood Ave. & S. Pine St.
in Oregon Hill (VCU/Fan area – Richmond)

Lots of really cool artifacts from six different collections
Rare, unique retro items
Unusual books & printed matter
Several tables full of LPs Records & CDs
Clothes to wear – cool & stylish
Neat 60s & 70s toys & collectibles
Decorative items

*** The Fancy Flea happens every other Sunday all through the Spring & Summer ***
No admission charge to this outdoor event


Want to sell your own stuff at the Fancy Flea? Send email to: fancyflearva AT geemale.com

Some of the money you spend will be donated to Thrive Mom, a group that empowers single parents.

[The Fancy Flea is at 700 Idlewood Ave next to Fine Foods Grocery!!! That’s one block west of Belvedere just south of the VCU campus. Look for parking on Idlewood or on South Pine St. From RMA Highway 195 South, take the Belvedere exit & we’ll be on the left in about 3 blocks. CHECK US OUT!!!]

Previous Canal Bridge Gone/2015 UCI Road World Cycling Race Looms

The previous canal bridge made from utility poles is now gone.

It is great to see people using the new canal bridge. (Though some jerk did dump a bucket of silver paint on it that had to be pressure washed off it). The Oregon Hill Neighborhood Association may eventually throw a party to celebrate the new bridge. After all, its important to remember that it was that organization that secured the funding for it.

At the same time, one wonders how this plays into other riverfront planning. Evidently there are some high level meetings happening regarding Richmond 2015, the organizing committee charged with putting on the UCI Road World Championships.

Richmond 2015 has already come up with a course but will not disclose what it is for now. Officials say they want to work out contingencies before approaching affected communities.

The races will be disruptive to some residents because of road closings and the hundreds of thousands of visitors expected to descend on the city.

But honestly, what is happening with the proposed ‘2nd Street Connector’? According to sources, C. Wayne Taylor’s questions are STILL waiting on answers from the City’s Economic Development Department.

Memorial Day Weekend Is Almost Here

Of course there will be somber ceremonies to remember our fallen at the Virginia War Memorial, culminating with this:

The public is invited to celebrate and remember our nation’s heroes at the annual Memorial Day Ceremony at the Virginia War Memorial. The ceremony is co-hosted by the American Legion 11th District, and Governor McDonnell will be on hand to deliver the keynote address.

Monday May 28th • 10 am
Virginia War Memorial, 621 S. Belvedere Street

At Hollyowood Cemetery:

History of Memorial Day at Hollywood Cemetery Walking Tour

Learn about the history of Memorial Day from local scholar Jim DuPriest while taking a stroll through one of the most historic cemeteries in America. Be sure you don’t forget the walking shoes!

Sunday May 27th • 2pm – 4 pm
S. Cherry & Albemarle streets
$10 per person

On a more festive note, there is the 1st Annual Oregon Hill Invitational Soccer Tournament (click here for details).

Also, tonight, Captain America!

And if you act fast, you might be able to pick up a sweet foosball table after going to this Craigslist ad (click here).

Best of the Best

Congratulations to Mamma ‘Zu and Pescados China Street for their recognitions in the latest Style magazine for Best Italian Restaurant and Best Fresh Seafood Restaurant, respectively.
Combined with previous honors (and that includes 821 Cafe!), Oregon Hill is known as a dining destination.

It would be nice if the Hill had picked up other awards as well, but it is not always easy for the smaller neighborhoods to register in these reader polls. The only mention in the Richmond Times Dispatch’s recent Discover Richmond magazine was at the end under Dog Parks, where there was a snide remark about how “the old days of Oregon Hill mutts run amok have given way to a more courteous approach to sharing our spaces with four-footed friends”.

But hey, perhaps its just as well to leave the rest of Richmond to its self-accolades, and just go get a bite to eat, while being happy where you are at. Maybe I will grab a sandwich at Mojo’s, maybe I will share part of it with my dogs.

TD Profile for Neighbor Ryan Corrigan

The Times Dispatch published a ‘Decision Maker’ profile of Pine Street neighbor Ryan Corrigan last month.


Best career move: “Without a doubt, best career move has been taking the position with the James River Association. A clean and healthy James River has always been important to me, so I’m excited to work with an organization committed to protecting Virginia’s greatest natural resource. To be able to combine a career with a personal passion — that’s what it’s all about.”

Career goals: “I’ve had the same goals since sixth grade. Give more than I take, and do good things. Thanks, Mom and Dad.”

The best advice he ever received: “The best advice I ever received was not to take myself too seriously. Still working on that one.”

The most difficult situation faced on the job: “I find that fundraising is a lot like fishing. Or maybe that fundraisers are a lot like fishermen. Either way — it’s the ones that get away that we tend to talk about and focus on the most. In this field, we will hear the word “no” a lot. When you’re young it can even cause you to hesitate in making the ask.”

Career tip for students: “Don’t hesitate, and don’t quit.”

What motivates him? “Knowing that I at least tried to make a difference.”