Artifacts Roadshow at Virginia War Memorial On June 16

From press release:

Whether it’s an old uniform cap or a helmet, a box of medals and ribbons, a flag, gun belt or a canteen, every piece of military memorabilia has a story to tell.

Now, anyone who would like know more about that military item that belonged to a relative or was discovered in the attic or at a yard sale can get the scoop for free from the experts at the Virginia War Memorial’s Artifacts Roadshow, Saturday, June 16 from 10 a.m. until 12 noon.

Jesse Smith, curator of the Virginia War Memorial’s military collection, and noted military collectable expert C. Robert House III of Virginia Beach will be on hand to personally review and offer their opinions on the origin and history of any military-related items. While Smith and House will give an assessment and the story behind each item reviewed, they will not offer appraisals or estimates of monetary value for items.

The Virginia War Memorial Artifacts Roadshow is a free event and there is no charge to have an item or items reviewed. Parking and admission to the Memorial, which is located at 621 Belvidere Street in downtown Richmond, are also free.

“People often bring in military items for us to look at and hopefully tell them more about them,” notes the Memorial’s Jesse Smith. “We held our first ever Artifacts Roadshow in January this year to give everyone the opportunity to rummage through their attics and get the story behind a military item they discovered or perhaps belonged to a relative.”

“We were amazed at the variety of things people brought in…from uniforms to banners to pistols and rifles. One gentleman brought a sword that he was surprised to learn dated back to the War
of 1812. Robert House and I look forward to seeing what unique and unusual items will turn up here on June 16.”

Weapons or ordinance items brought to the Artifacts Roadshow will be checked and inspected for safety at the door by representatives of the Colonial Shooting Academy of Richmond before review. All persons bringing items must also register to have an item reviewed.

For more information, please call 804-786-2060 or visit

This week at Byrd House Market: June 5

From announcement:

First Tuesday at the Market!
Artist/Caricaturist Stan Rayfield is BACK! Robin Raver Will Massage the Kinks from your BACK! New Vendors in the house: Limeades & More (ice cold beverages), Petal Palate (flower laced divinities), Shakambhari Garden (medicinal herbs) alternating with Growing More (perennial flowers). St. Andrew’s returns in July, Pizza Tonight has had to leave us. Don’t forget to get your ready to eats with Almadina (Mediterranean), Phal Wong (Spring rolls, noodles, tofu), Sustenance (Local ingredient wraps & PBJs, rose hips tea)

Thank You!
for adjusting to the new flow and redefined entrances to the market. Thanks to local artist Chris Milk,, we have some very fun new signs – his style is a little Klimt, a little Chagall, even a little of the artists responsible for Samurai Jack. Two that look like unfurling ribbons on pikes that simply announce, “enter”, and two others that provide an impressionistic market map to indicate where the entrances, BHM Info tent and parking areas are. A more judicious use of shockingly orange market tape should help the rest of those inclined to seek old paths to follow new ones!

After the Market: Vanishing of the Bees Screens at BHM
SEE ATTACHED FLIER and join us after the market for a leisurely evening of food and film: “This award-winning documentary examines the alarming disappearance of honeybees and the greater meaning it holds about the relationship between mankind and mother earth.” Marking the debut of the 2012 outdoor film/discussion series with seasonal salad pot luck. Program: 7:30pm – meal and socializing, 8pm welcome and movie, followed by discussion moderated by local beekeepers David Stover, Nina Zinn and Cy Bearer. Co-sponsored by William Byrd Community House, Shalom Farms and Victory Farm. Bring your own beverages, blankets, and (fine FINE) behaviors!

Winning Rafflers!!
Pictured above is our 5th week winner – she looks pretty happy! Support your Byrd House Market. Our weekly raffle is generously sponsored by Byrd Farm & Rural Virginia Market. $1 ticket gets you a chance at a week’s share of goodies from Byrd Farm – value $33.83. Win this week, pick up your share next week. And we get to see your pretty face and you take your loot home in a shiny new Virginia Grown re-usable sack. Not too shabby!

Under the Mulberry Tree
Caroline returns to tell stories. For your caregivers, the kids, your inner kid? Enjoy a relaxing afternoon under the Mulberry Tree. Identify what’s growing in the community gardens (look, don’t step!) ……………….Are you a secret face painter? Want to share your talent? Want to be trained? Reply or call 643-2717 x306.

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June’s Hollywood Cemetery and Civil War Tours

From the Valentine Richmond History Center:

June 10 Hollywood Cemetery (2-4pm) WALKING TOUR
An extension of the daily “Highlights” tour, this version covers in more detail the cemetery’s unique history, landscape design, architecture, symbols and residents. Meet at the cemetery entrance at Cherry and Albemarle streets.

June 23 NEW! Hollywood Cemetery: The Civil War (2-4pm) WALKING TOUR
From the Pyramid to the gravesite of Jefferson Davis, high above the James River, Hollywood Cemetery is the final resting place for thousands of Confederates. Come visit the graves of such notables as J. E. B. Stuart, George Pickett, Fitzhugh Lee, Jefferson Davis and many others whose stories continue to capture our imagination 150 years after the Civil War began. Meet at the cemetery entrance at Cherry and Albemarle streets.

Re-Connecting Cherry Street to Riverside Park?

What is the City doing?

I suspect they are just creating a service alley before they figure out what they will do with 816 Riverside Park, but could this be part of a larger plan to reconnect Cherry Street with Riverside Parkway? Who has the skinny? Anybody, Historic Richmond?

Update: According to nearby neighbors, this relates to the larger plumbing work that is being done throughout the neighborhood.

Team Shoebaru

Neighbor Joe Pyrek wrote in about his Shoebaru project, which adds background to this previously posted picture:

Over the past few months, I’ve been building up two Subaru Foresters to look like a pair of Chuck Taylors. Many Oregon Hill residents have stopped by and asked what we were doing and have kept up with our progress and everything. Perhaps you too have seen the shoe cars at the corner of Laurel and Idlewood.

Once we are doing “shoe-ing” the cars, we are shipping them to the UK and will then be driving from southern England to the Cape of Good Hope in South Africa. We are doing this under the team name “Shoebaru” and are raising money for Awassa Children’s Project, an orphanage located in Ethiopia that houses, educates, and cares for children who were primarly orphaned from parents that had AIDS.

Richmond Magazine featured one of the cars in its most recent issue and Joe will be on the Elliot in the Morning radio show tomorrow morning to talk about the trip.

Here’s a link to the project’s website: