Tuesday’s Byrd House Market

From email announcement:

A Cool 96 Degrees…
byrdhousemarket.blogspot.com – Market Map and Product Search under “For Market Goers” tab…

Visit the Farmlet
– a learning laboratory and “we feed our community” project! a greenhouse under construction! a scarecrow guarding the gourds! a second childhood paradise!

Raffles & Massage????
Byrd Farm Raffle for the market and is this week’s featured vendor for Masseuse Robin Raver’s weekly special offer: For every $10 you spend you get 1 minute of chair massage! Different vendor every week! Support them all!

First Tuesday Films: Urban Roots
Facebook, http://www.facebook.com/events/152005824935523/ – Outdoor film/discussion/potluck salad series after Byrd House Market. Richmond City Community Gardens and Richmond Behavioral Health Authority reps Duron Chavis and John Lewis discuss the alignment of self-sufficiency, urban gardening & farming in Richmond following this noted documentary on the reclaiming urban lands for food movement of Detroit. 7:30 – 10pm (in the cooling of the evening…). Trailer at www.urbanrootsamerica.com

Cooking Class Returns
Visit EatGoodGrowGreat.blogspot.com to register by July 18! Honduran Tamales con Pollo and Something Cool to drink from the Farmlet!

This Week and Every Week ! with You !
Facepainting, Storytelling, Great Food, Great Shade, Great Nutrition, Great People!


Ana Edwards, Manager
Byrd House Market & Library Programs
Grace Arents Library & Education Center
William Byrd Community House
www.wbch.org / 804.643.2717 ext.306

July’s I Know Hollywood Cemetery and Women Tour

From the Valentine Richmond History Center:

July 4 I Know Richmond: The Bus Tour (10am-1pm) BUS TOUR
An overview of the history of Richmond, including Court End, the James River and the Fall Line, Church Hill, Jackson Ward, the Fan and Monument Avenue. Tour drives by St. John’s Church, Hollywood Cemetery, Main Street Station, the Jefferson Hotel and the Museum and White House of the Confederacy. Tour the State Capitol, walk Capitol Square and see the Civil Rights Memorial. Reservations required: (804) 649-0711 x301. Meet at the History Center.

July 8 Hollywood Cemetery (2-4pm) WALKING TOUR
An extension of the daily “Highlights” tour, this version covers in more detail the cemetery’s unique history, landscape design, architecture, symbols and residents. Meet at the cemetery entrance at Cherry and Albemarle streets.

July 21 NEW! Hollywood Cemetery: The Women of Hollywood (2-4pm) WALKING TOUR
Explore the significant role that women’s groups played in Hollywood Cemetery’s history from the Civil War to the present. Stops include gravesites of female residents who led independent lives as educators, authors, preservationists, suffragists, humanitarians or as the power behind the scenes of famous men. Meet at the cemetery entrance at Cherry and Albemarle streets.

OHNA response to latest Victory SUP

From email:

Ms. Lory Markham
Planning Department
City of Richmond
June 27, 2012

Dear Ms. Markham,

The Oregon Hill Neighborhood Association (OHNA) received the revised application for the Victory Apartments Special Use Permit (SUP) for 407 S.Cherry Street and 811 Albemarle Street. Because the applicant has failed to address the neighborhood’s concerns about the density of the project and the lack of appropriate parking, OHNA urges the City staff and Planning Commission to recommend against approval of the revised plan.

In our correspondence dated April 25, 2012, in response to the original SUP application, OHNA urged the applicant to lower the density of the number of apartment units proposed for the Victory Rug building in line with the four to six units that are acceptable under the current zoning of the property. The original application proposed 18 apartment units, but the current revised application proposes 18 apartment units along with a single family dwelling. Instead of reducing the density, the applicant has actually increased the density of the project in the revised SUP, showing a disregard for the concerns of the neighborhood.

In our earlier correspondence, OHNA also pointed out that the applicant had an inadequate number of parking spaces and that the few parking spaces that he proposed were not functional. The original application proposed 18 parking spaces, but the current revised application proposes 8 parking spaces for a project with a higher density. Instead of increasing the number of parking spaces, the applicant has actually reduced by ten the number of proposed parking spaces, again showing a disregard for our neighborhood concerns.

Indeed, none of the eight parking spaces proposed in the revised SUP appear to be functional, according to the guidelines of City Ordinance Section 114-710.3:1. Dimensions of Parking Spaces. According to the ordinance, a 25 foot aisle is required for 90 degree parking spaces, with a width of 8 feet, for full sized cars. Two alleys provide the aisle space for all of the proposed parking spaces. Five of the parking spaces spaces have an aisle of 20 feet provided by the 20 foot wide alley running in the north/south direction. Three of the parking spaces have an aisle of about 10 feet provided by the 10 foot wide alley running in the east/west direction. Without the required 25 foot aisle width, there is not enough turning radius to safely maneuver into these parking spaces. Also, backing from the parking spaces into the two alleys would be precarious because of the blind corners resulting from the building at 809 Albemarle Street, the trash enclosure, and a fence. Furthermore, the parking space beside 809 Albemarle Street, a contributing structure to the Oregon Hill Historic District, must be removed if the applicant intends to apply for state and federal historic tax credits; parking cars next to historic structures is not recommended by the National Park standards.

OHNA objects to on-street parking being used to support the parking requirements for this project. The 400 block of Cherry Street is too narrow to support parking on both sides of the street. At the location of the Victory Rug building, the street is only 25′-9″ wide. The street continues to narrow as it approaches the top of the hill, where the street is only 23′-3″ wide. This width is well below the 28′ standard width for residential streets with parking on both sides of the street. It would present a serious safety concern if cars are parked on both sides of the street, because fire trucks and other emergency vehicles would be unable to travel in that block.

In response to the original SUP application, the city commented that it recommended that the applicant have one parking space per bedroom. The original application had inadequate parking with approximately one parking space for every two-and-a half bedrooms. With the revised SUP, the applicant has far fewer parking spaces along with additional bedrooms, equal to about one parking space for every four bedrooms. While we are pleased that the applicant has eliminated the primary use of the lot at 811 Albemarle Street in the R-7 zoning for parking and has eliminated the proposed curb cut from Albemarle Street onto this lot, this does not relieve the applicant from the burden of providing the necessary parking for the project.

OHNA is not impressed with the spec housing unit that is proposed for the lot at 811 Albemarle Street. The house appears to be designed with materials and trim details, such as vinyl siding and composition shingles, that are inferior to the average Oregon Hill dwelling.

Our association has made it clear that we do not want these apartments to be rented to VCU students. So the neighborhood was particularly dismayed to read in the application that “All sidewalks to be brick to match adjacent VCU construction …”

OHNA has made a sincere effort to work with the developer on this project. We have suggested that renting the units to the elderly would relieve approximately half of the parking requirement while alleviating the neighborhood’s concern that the units will be rented to students. We have suggested that larger units would be more easily converted to condominiums in the future and would require fewer parking spaces. Instead, the developer has chosen to disregard the community’s concerns and disregard the city’s parking and zoning requirements.

In the years preceding and including 2002, the City devoted much time and many resources toward developing an appropriate zoning designation for the Oregon Hill Historic District. The result was R7, a code that was focused primarily on single family housing and embraced wholeheartedly by a community and City Staff/Administration. OHNA considers itself open minded and flexible to reasonable new development within the neighborhood. We have collaborated with such past projects as The Overlook with Steve Middleton and continue to work to better the neighborhood with projects such as the former Synergeo building with developer Nolen Blackwood, proving our commitment to reasonable development.

All projects are judged on their individual circumstances for SUP support. Should a project merit exception, it must exhibit unique and exceptional resources to qualify for relief from certain relevant legal restrictions. For example, if a parcel has a great deal of private parking available or large area of land to accommodate extra density, then we would certainly consider that rationale in our decision. However, in the case of the Victory Apartments, the developer has not made his case for exception and, in fact, was advised by OHNA before closing on the property of the inherent limitations on developing this parcel, including what was acceptable by the community in terms of density and parking requirements.

We respectfully request that Victory LLC be limited to the existing laws and be restricted to the initial ruling of four to six units of two or three maximum bedrooms per unit for its multifamily development with the hope of future single family conversion. This is the appropriate approach and density for our neighborhood.

Again, we encourage the City staff and City Planning Commission to reject the revised SUP as submitted.

Thank you for your consideration.


Jennifer Hancock

OHNA, President

Belle Isle Shooter Sketch Released

From RPD announcement:

Richmond Police detectives need the public’s help to identify the man in the attached sketch who is suspected of shooting a man on Belle Isle.

Shortly after midnight on Tuesday, two men were approached on the south side of the island by two white males. One of the suspects demanded money, and in the following moments, one male suspect shot and severely wounded one of the victims. Both male suspects then ran away down the bike path that leads to the BMX park.

The victim remains in critical condition.

A sketch of the male shooting suspect is below. He is described as a white male, 18 to 25 years old, approximately 6’0” feet tall with a skinny build and shaved hair. He was last seen wearing a clean white t-shirt over top of blue jeans. He was in the company of an older white male in his 40’s, approximately 6’1” tall, with a skinny but muscular build. The older male was last seen wearing a dark blue, long-sleeved cotton t-shirt, faded blue jeans and a plain blue baseball cap. These men should be considered armed and dangerous.

Anyone with any information about these men or this crime is asked to call Major Crimes Det. Ed Aeschlimann at (804) 646-3351 or the Richmond Police Department Tip Line at (804) 514-TIPS (8477). Citizens may also call Crime Stoppers at 780-1000 or text Crime Stoppers at 274637, using the key word “ITip” followed by your tip. Both Crime Stoppers methods are anonymous.

195 Traffic Alert

From City’s Department of Public Works:

Lane Closure – I-195 at the 9th Street overpass

WHO: City of Richmond Department of Public Works

WHAT: Lane Closure

WHEN: Sunday, July 1 through Wednesday, August 8

WHERE: I-195 at the 9th Street overpass

BACKGROUND: One eastbound and one westbound lane of I-195 will be closed during ongoing structural rehabilitation of the 9th Street Bridge, RMA Plaza Bridge and the Kanawha Plaza Bridge.

Universities Vs. Historic Neighborhoods

From email:

Hey! I’m from Knoxville TN. Recent news in Knoxville is that the University of Tennessee is planning to further encroach on the adjacent historic Fort Sanders Neighborhood. Anyone with experience in the Oregon Hill effort to maintain boundaries with V.C.U? I’m planning to blog and and hoping to gather some hope though any stories of creative approach to the issue in your neighborhood. Thanks! Jennifer


Thanks for writing. I will try to send you some other information, but here is an update on the situation with VCU:

VCU still refuses to put in place any longterm, binding agreement to protect the neighborhood.



The last we heard, anything new would come forward in community sessions for VCU’s next Master Plan.

The problem is that VCU can make adjustments to their Master Plan at any time in support of their encroachment, and in fact did so the last time we had an issue.

To paraphrase a neighbor’s published column:

In 2004, the VCU 2020 Master Plan, page 88, marked a dotted-line boundary between VCU and Oregon Hill. We believed VCU would honor this boundary. That belief proved to be false.

In 2007 — despite opposition from multiple neighborhoods — the VCU Executive Board, desiring more property within the Oregon Hill Historic District than their previous Master Plan allowed, chose to breach the boundary of good faith by amending the border to facilitate the acquisition and demolition of a livery stable built to service the landmark City Auditorium.

The property in question, 911 Green Alley, was listed on the National Register of Historic Places and the Virginia Landmarks Register as a contributing element to the Oregon Hill Historic District. A Times-Dispatch article from November 12, 2006, extolled this stable’s amazing renovation and adaptive reuse. The sister stable at 917 Green Alley, listed on the historic registers as well was slated for demolition. VCU also destroyed Green Alley on this block. Green Alley was part of the historic streetscape established circa 1817. We are unaware of any other Virginia agency ever acquiring a fully renovated property listed on these registers with the intent to demolish. Implications loom large for other historic communities.

In other words, Master Plans CANNOT be trusted.

So right now, this state of mistrust still exists between the neighborhood and VCU and so far VCU has done nothing to alleviate it.

I wish I had better news. Sadly, citizens and neighborhoods have a tough time in disputes with large institutions and corporations. The difference in available resources is one thing, but now its hard to even find any rule of law. I will send you some other stuff via email and, of course, my best wishes.

