Letter on “Richmond’s Monroe Park: The Unfolding Tragedy”

Open letter from Oregon Hill resident and Monroe Park Advisory Council member Charles Woodson:

Dear Friends,

Two years or so ago when the Monroe Park Advisory Council stopped meeting and an exciting Monroe Park Master Plan was delivered to our City Government, I figured the Park was at its most downtrodden. It was impossible to fathom Monroe Park – our first City Park and one that just oozes with fascinating history and promise of a great rebirth, falling even further into a rotting, even more trash filled and untended and dangerous corpse of a place. On Sunday, July 15, 2012 at around 3PM, that realization slapped me in the face. Three RPD cruisers were parked by the overgrown fountain with blue lights flashing, responding to reports of a “crazy man screaming and brandishing a gun” in the Park (their words). I felt afraid for my life.

Historic Monroe Park is situated equidistant from the James River, the soon to be refurbished $50,000,000.00 Altria Theatre (nee Mosque) project and VCU’s beautifully planned $32,000,000.00 Institute of Contemporary Art but there is no word on poor Monroe Park with its terrific $6,000,000 plan of redemption. No website for either the Park itself or the phantom Monroe Park Foundation exists on the web. Nothing… Nada … just Yelp.com’s disturbing descriptions of drunks and hobos and a few other meaningless entries.

The many feedings continue to pour trash into the Park. Trashcans full after one or two feedings, the patrons sit on the benches beside the fountain and just throw refuse on the ground where it gets blown with the trash can overflow into VCU and the neighborhoods surrounding the historic Park.
The trees need maintenance, some need removal and a hundred or so need planting.
The barren brown grounds, devoid of grass in many areas need work to revive.
The decrepit sidewalks and pathways crumble beneath your feet.
Substance abuse is rampant. I wouldn’t want my kids playing here.

Im ashamed mostly at myself for not being a more consistent voice for this great Park. But im also ashamed of you, Charles Samuels, since this is your district and you were a champion for the Park at one time. And there is shame for the Mayor who I know to be aware of the dire situation. Im also upset with VCU for not putting a boot in our rear ends for not making ANY progress – this is weak leadership on their end as well. This is, after all, their face for the newbies that come crashing into Gladding, Johnson and Rhodes Halls, etc, each August and have to live with this mess.

It’s time to get rid of the running mouths and roll up our sleeves and crack open the city wallet to address these issues.


Charles Todd Woodson.

His letter included the following photos:

Upcoming: Brunch is for the Birds

From email announcement:

An invitation to explore the practice of backyard bird language based on the new book by Jon Young, “What the Robin Knows.” Three Sundays, starting July 29, from noon to 1:30 pm at St. Andrew’s Community House, 236 S. Laurel Street. July 29, Aug 5, and Aug 12.

Brunches: Brown bag or $5. (Please RSVP regardless)

The last weekend, August 11-12, we’ll be joined by Michael Blackwell, a trained naturalist (including work with Jon Young) who has been learning and teaching bird language for over a decade. Michael will lead several optional bird language “group sits” throughout the weekend ($10 per sit).

Contact Abbott Bailey for more details. (abbottbailey at comcast.net or 687-0122).

Link to Flyer: Brunch is for the Birds

A Two Person Yardsale This Saturday

From the Craigslist ad:

Hello! Having a two person yardsale this saturday, one of us is is moving so there is a little bit of everything you could hope for
Where : Albamarle Street in Oregon Hill, between laurel and pine
When: 8:30am- 1:00pm

We will have—
Lot’s of vintage items
Nintendo DS
Cannon SLR
Retro Dinning table and chairs
Outdoor furniture
Tons of crafting supplies Knitting Needles, yarn, crochet supplies, paper goods
two kitchen tables
ikea tables
kitchen goods
Electric Heater
Dress Form
Room divider
Assorted Baskets/ Boxes
Glass Sets
Lots of vintage linens
Christmas stuff
Knick Knacks
and more!

cash only no checks please

City Council and 2nd Street Connector

Despite letters of concern from citizens, neighborhood association, and the local Sierra Club, an ordinance was introduced for the 2nd Street Connector this past Monday. C. Wayne Taylor’s questions have not been answered and there is no word on alternatives.

Ord. No. 2012-152 (Patron: Mayor Jones) – To declare a public necessity for and to authorize the acquisition of the property identified as the “Project Area” in a certain Gift and Dedication of Real Property and Development Agreement between Gamble’s Hill, LLC, Venture Richmond, Inc., the City of Richmond, Virginia, and Dominion Resources Services, Inc., currently owned by Gamble’s Hill, LLC and to be conveyed to Venture Richmond pursuant to such Agreement, for a purchase price not to exceed $916,640.00, for public right-of-way purposes. (Planning Commission, Monday, July 16, 2012, 1:30 p.m.; COMMITTEE: Land Use, Housing and Transportation, Tuesday, July 17, 2012, 3:00 p.m.)

Trash/Recycling Pickup Tomorrow

This Wednesday is a red Wednesday, which means trash and recycling pickup. Please make sure you pick up containers after pickup tomorrow night. They do not belong on the sidewalk after tomorrow night.

In recycling news, recycling company Newark Group VP Jonathan Gold offers views on single-stream collection and processing at a Congressional hearing.

“As an industry, we now collect two-thirds of all paper available for recycling and have increased the recycling rate for paper by 81 percent over the past 20 years,” said Gold in his testimony. “Despite this, there is still an enormous amount of paper that is not being collected and there remains quite a bit of misinformation in the data that suggests that more of what is collected for recycling is actually used in the creation of new products. That’s where the need for better information enters.”

In commenting about the practice of single-stream recycling, Gold remarked that recovered single-stream recyclables often contain materials that contaminate the usability of the paper. “The EPA does the best job they can at the moment in reporting on the tonnage of collected recyclables, but information isn’t really available to them regarding how much of that tonnage is later diverted to landfills. Better information on this could impact future decisions regarding single vs. dual stream recycling while leading to better solutions to maximize sustainability and continue the kind of economic job growth that results from new product development of recycled materials,” Gold stated.

Byrd House Market This Afternoon

From the Byrd House Market blog:

A Cool 86 Degrees…
– Market Map and Product Search under “For Market Goers” tab… Stanley Rayfield is back to draw your face! Nadine Delano draws ON your face! Freeman High intern (Jodie) will draw you to your favorite vendor – just ask! Natasha will give you tokens for “swiping” your SNAP/CC/Debit card! Shop, eat, drink, relax, enjoy – your pantry, your tummy, your mind’s eye view on the world will thank you.

Visit the Farmlet
– a learning laboratory and “we feed our community” project! a greenhouse under construction! a scarecrow guarding the gourds! a second childhood paradise!

Raffles and Massage? Yes!
Byrd Farm Raffle for the market and is this week’s featured vendor for Masseuse Robin Raver’s weekly special offer: For every $10 you spend you get 1 minute of chair massage! Different vendor every week! Support them all!

First Tuesday Films: Urban Roots
Great film, moving and pragmatic! Goodies from the market and a great conversation with our guests Duron Chavis about McDonough Community Garden and John Lewis of Renew Richmond about food access, urban self-sufficiency, commitment and good food. Join us for next month’s film, and stay tuned to find out what it will be!

Cooking Class Returns
Visit EatGoodGrowGreat.blogspot.com to register by July 18! Honduran Tamales con Pollo and Something Cool to drink from the Farmlet!

This Week and Every Week ! with You !
Facepainting, Storytelling, Great Food, Great Shade, Great Nutrition, Great People!

Check out a slideshow from last week’s BHM by clicking here.

Sweet Frog Suffers Cornhole Caper

From ‘Sweet Frog Monroe Park’ Facebook page:

Richmond Times Dispatch has now become involved in helping us find the thieves that stole the Cornhole game. There is a reward of one free month of Sweetfrog for anybody with information that leads to the return of our Cornhole game! Pass it on :)

From the Times Dispatch article:

The owners of the store at 815 W. Cary St. turned a vacant lot next door into a park, complete with grassy areas, a volleyball court and, until Tuesday night, a bean bag toss game.

“We absolutely wanted to create a nice green space for the area,” general manager Clark Hirt said. “We’ve had a great response for the neighborhood — most every night there were people playing cornhole.”

The cornhole equipment doesn’t usually stay out overnight. But because fireworks were going off the night before the Fourth of July and people were still playing, the employees left the game out later than usual, Hirt said.

The store’s surveillance cameras at 9:42 p.m. Tuesday captured three men dragging away the bean bag toss game.

“It was disappointing,” said James Maloney, one of the investors in the store. “It was unfortunate because it’s part of the stuff that we had provided for the community. There was no cost to play, no charge.”

Don’t Swim In The James River Right Now

From the Times Dispatch article:

About 2.6 million gallons of partially treated sewage flowed into the James River on Saturday when Lynchburg’s sewage-treatment plant lost power from Friday’s thunderstorms, officials said.

The sewage was disinfected with chlorine, but it did not get full treatment, which includes using microbes to break down waste, said Fred DiLella, a water compliance manager for the state Department of Environmental Quality.

The risk to swimmers and paddlers from Lynchburg to Richmond is unclear, but a state Department of Health official said it was probably low.

“I don’t think there is a significant risk, but we want people to be aware that there certainly is a risk from swimming in any water body that is not treated,” said Rebecca LePrell, the department’s director of environmental epidemiology.

People generally should avoid swimming in streams for three days or so after a sewage release or after a heavy rain, which can wash pollutants into waterways, LePrell said. Today is the third day after the Lynchburg release.

People who do get in the James or other rivers should try to avoid swallowing water and avoid swimming with open wounds, LePrell said.

Human and animal waste contain bacteria that can sicken people who ingest river water. Open wounds can become infected.

Health officials did not make an announcement after the sewage release but responded to questions from paddlers and others, LePrell said.

Neighborhood Deals With Lingering Power Issues/Braces For ‘Fireworks On The James’

Oregon Hill, like much of the Richmond area, is still cleaning up after recent storms. The downed trees on S. Cherry Street in front of the William Byrd Community House in the picture below were removed this morning.

Thankfully, it seems like the neighborhood did not suffer as much damage as other places. Still, Pescados restaurant suffered a power outage along with some residential blocks. There are still a few houses on the 400 block of S. Laurel that do not have power.

At the same time, residents are getting ready for expected crowds for tomorrow night’s ‘Fireworks on the James’. A couple of notes on that-

Fireworks to begin at approximately 9:15 PM
Enjoy music simulcast on WRIR-FM, 97.3 during the evening.
In case of rain, the event will take place on Thursday, July 5th.