Richmond’s Big Latch On set for Saturday

From City press release:

Richmond, VA – The Richmond Healthy Start Initiative is partnering with Bon Secours Richmond Health System, HCA Healthcare and VCU Health System (VCUHS) to celebrate World Breastfeeding Week with the Big Latch On, on Saturday, August 4 at 10:30 a.m. at the Bell Tower on Capitol Square. The Richmond event is part of a worldwide gathering of thousands of breastfeeding women and their babies and/or children who will assemble in their communities to take part in synchronized breastfeeding events. Registration begins at 9:30 a.m. and nursing mothers and their babies in the metro-Richmond area are invited to participate in the Big Latch On. In the event of inclement weather, the Big Latch On will move to Virginia State Capitol House Room 3, which is accessible through the Bank Street visitor’s entrance.

Richmond Healthy Start Initiative Project Director Rose Stith Singleton noted, “Breastfeeding contributes to the normal growth and development of babies and children. Babies and children who are not breastfed are at increased risk of infant morbidity and mortality, adult obesity, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, osteoporosis, and premenopausal breast cancer and ovarian cancer in both mom and baby. The World Health Organization recommends breastfeeding exclusively for the first six months of a baby’s life to optimize the benefits, continuing to breastfeed for 2 years and as long thereafter as is mutually desired by a woman and her child.” Continue reading

One Day Left To Raise Money Against Neighbors’ Foreclosure

Friends and neighbors of Pine Street residents Rain and Summer have created a fund raising campaign to keep them in their home.

From the Indiegogo page:

That’s why we’re here. When we, Rain and Summer’s friends, heard about the crisis we decided that we couldn’t let these amazing people be forced out of their home and out of our lives, we couldn’t let ANOTHER family fall victim to the banks, we couldn’t let Summer wonder where to put her 300+ stuffed animal best friends. They’re too important to us and to our community.

When the discussion first came up, the reactions were so strong that there was serious talk of civil disobedience actions; many of us were willing to go to jail trying to save Rain and Summer’s home. When it got down to straight tactics, however, it was eventually decided that our best chance, as short a time we have and as desperate as we are, is to raise $15,000. $13,000 will go to pay the mortgage holder, and $2,000 to cover the taxes and legal fees that will arise from this campaign.

The auction is on Thursday (8/2), so it’s going to be cutting it close, and we know this is a long shot, but we’re the best chance they have. We’ve all been working non-stop for days, and we won’t rest until the Burroughs home is saved. Please help us help Summer, Please help us help Rain, please help us help Rain and Summer help our community.

A group ride to benefit the family of Lanie Kruszewski

From the Facebook event page:

Lanie was the unfortunate victim of a hit-and-run Sunday night on River Road. We would like to do a ride in her honor and raise some money for her family and partner and ease some of their burdens in their time of need.
The ride will begin at 9-9:30 pm next Sunday at the Oregon Hill lookout. Riders are asked to bring lights (the more the better) and we would prefer everyone wear helmets. The ride’s pace will not be fast, and all riders of all experience levels are encouraged to come. At our destination we would like to leave a ghost bike as well as flowers or anything anyone would like to add. I apologize for the event’s short notice. We are recommending a donation of 5 dollars or more, and of course all of the proceeds will be going to Lanie’s family and partner.

Kanawha Canal

Looking west near entrance of North Bank Trail (notice flowing water):

Looking west from new pedestrian canal bridge:

You may have heard of greenways, the Kanawha Canal is one of Richmond’s original ‘blueways’.

From a current Canal Walk display:

Washington’s vision was to connect the Atlantic Ocean to the Mississippi River with navigable rivers, canals, and a land portage through what is now West Virginia. After the Revolution, the James River Company was created, primarily as a result of his sponsorship and lobbying efforts. Before Washington’s death in 1799, a large portion of his dream had been realized.
Two canals bypassed the falls of the James River at Richmond, and 220 miles of river improvements extended westward. In the early 19th century, other farsighted Virginians took over Washington’s leadership role. The final elements of his plan were completed in the 1820s, when the Kanawha Turnpike joined the headwaters of the James River to the Kanawha River. In 1835, the James River and Kanawha Company was formed, and within 15 years a canal system stretched to Buchanan, Virginia, a distance of 197 miles.

5th Tuesday Market Today

From email announcement:

5th Tuesday this month…
that’s enough, don’t you think? If you type “summer smoothies” into a search engine and get “Hellman’s” you know your day is off to a weird start. So, let’s pretend that didn’t happen and concentrate on what’s really good: 3 vendors have tomatilloes, 4 vendors have raspberries, 5 have tomatoes,

Gotta be there! – Market Map and Product Search under “For Market Goers” tab…

Sierra Club
This week, actually: Encouraging energy alternatives that will help us preserve what mother earth is made of, representatives of the Sierra Club will be at the market this week.

A $1 raffle ticket gets you a shot at $33.83 in Byrd Farm goodies and supports Byrd House Market! Every week all season long! We have had a happy winner every week – it’s a great deal and your pantry will love you for it.

Visit the Farmlet
Peppers abound, cucumbers cavorting, bees may beard this week, herbs bloomin, greenhouse growin. Visit the food “we feed our community”. Special thanks to Victory Farm for providing weekly gleanings from their gorgeous harvest.

Make BHM @ WBCH Americas Favorite Market!

National Farmers Market Week, August 5 – 12, 2012
Announced by Governor Bob McDonnell
Stay tuned for more exciting announcements!

This Week and Every Week ! with You !
Facepainting by Nadine and Jodie, Storytelling by Beth from Richmond Public Library,
Great Food (by everyone!), Great Shade by the Mulberry, Great Nutrition (all over the place),
Great People (start blushing)!


Ana Edwards, Manager
Byrd House Market & Library Programs
Grace Arents Library & Education Center
William Byrd Community House / 804.643.2717 ext.306

Pine Street Moving Sale Saturday

Posted by request:

Moving sale this saturday at 424 1/2 S Pine ST (catty-corner to Mama Zu)! Furniture (bookshelves, kitchen cabinet, night stand, and more), antiques, tons of movies, CD’s, books, clothes, video camera, camera lenses, bike, carnival glass, kitchen items, linens, tools, miscellaneous. Kindergarten teacher moving out of state. Everything must go!

Style Article On “Battling Hollywood Cemeteries”

Style magazine has a article this week that explains how a settlement was reached between Hollywood Cemetery and a relatively new clothing company. Click here for link.


So Hollywood Cemetery, the clothier, responded to Hollywood Cemetery, the cemetery, that it would change its name provided it was compensated for the expenses it had put into incorporation, printing and marketing. A settlement was reached.

Stephen Demm, an attorney representing Hollywood Cemetery Co., a nonprofit, says the issue was resolved, and the organization wishes Sebastian the “best of luck.”

“Given the long history and value of its name, Hollywood Cemetery was concerned when it learned that another organization in Richmond was using the same name,” Demm says. “Fortunately, we were able to reach an amicable resolution with that organization.”

Trash/Recycling Pickup Tomorrow

This Wednesday is a red Wednesday, which means trash and recycling pickup. Please make sure you pick up containers after pickup tomorrow night. They do not belong on the sidewalk after tomorrow night.

In recycling news, as London prepares for the Olympics, it is also working to boost plastic bottle recycling. From

The campaign is being supported by London Mayor Boris Johnson, who says that around 1.4 million metric tons of post-consumer plastic in the United Kingdom is currently available for recycling.

Closed Loop says around 1.8 million metric tons of post consumer plastics are generated each year in the U.K, 580,000 metric tons of which consists of plastic bottles. Of that amount, around 300,000 metric tons of plastic bottles are land-filled each year, according to Closed Loop.

“Taking time to chuck your unwanted plastic bottles into the recycling bin, rather than your rubbish bin, is not only good for the environment, but great for our wallets too,” states Johnson in a news release.