Reminder: 2013 Richmond Adopt-a-Tree Program Deadline Is Sept. 1

From email:

Thursday, 23 August 2012

Richmond residents reminded of September 1st application deadline for the FY 2013 Richmond Adopt-a-Tree Program: Purchase, plant and protect a Community Street Tree

Entire community invited and encouraged to adopt a tree

WHAT (Richmond, Virginia U.S.A.) — Richmond City Council reminds residents of the upcoming September 1st deadline for applying for the FY 2013 Richmond Adopt-a-Tree Program.

Managed by the Richmond Department of Public Works Division of Urban Forestry, the Richmond Adopt-a-Tree Program helps increase the beauty, efficiency and value of Richmond neighborhoods by providing a way for Richmond residents to purchase, plant, protect and care for city/community street trees.

Applications and more information about the Richmond Adopt-a-Tree Program and adopting a tree are available by calling the Richmond Department of Public Works Division of Urban Forestry, at 804.646.5607 or (webpage), applications can also be downloaded from the EnRichmond Foundation website, at Tree adoptions are $50.

Recognized as an outstanding and successful program that is helping to replenish and sustain community street trees in the city of Richmond, the Richmond Adopt-a-Tree Program is helping to protect one of Richmond’s most precious assets and valuable resources.

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Today at VCU is the Great Bike Roundup!

From Ride Richmond’s FaceBook page:

Today at VCU is the Great Bike Roundup! 10-2 on the Commons Plaza. Free bike repair, helmets and lights for those who register their bikes (while supplies last), and tables for the Cycling Club, RideRichmond, and more! Immediately following will be a Cycling Symposium. Come learn the ins and outs of cycling in town and at VCU!

This Tuesday at Byrd House Market

From email announcement:

3rd Tuesday Jam
Our cat has abandoned the kitchen floor for our bed once more as our most reliable indicator that the seasons are changing. Fiddling and plucking in the market tells us its the 3rd Tuesday of the month and the sudden hush of students of all ages as the reality strikes that bells will call them back to class. These are the signs of autumn on my mind…

So start thinking stocks, and soups and stews. Creamy vegetable bisques with cheese and toasted breads. Late tomato bruschetti and light fresh sauces over sauteed, steamed or roasted fresh veggies of almost any kind you like. Savor the last weeks of summer and the illusion of freedom and carefreeness – let your foods embody what’s good and nostalgic, what good and coming soon.

This week, we bid farewell to Almadina and welcome Ettamae’s Oven. It’s been a rough year at the market between the economy, the heat and the storms, especially for our smaller, newer entrepreneurs. I have really enjoyed seeing the end of market trading between vendors to help support each other and strengthen bonds of shared experience. Spread the word – Byrd House Market is a great community because of its people and because its got the right stuff and the right attitude!

and Don’t Forget!
Visit William Byrd Community House’s website – it pays to know just how Byrd House Market, the Grace Arents Community Garden and the Byrd House Farmlet make up the outdoor nutrition education program of WBCH’s Library – to know how these work with the daily integration of social safety net services with early childhood education and after school programs to transform lives and build self-sufficiency in everyone who comes to our agency for help and encouragement. Next year WBCH celebrates 90 years of great work in Richmond. Learn more. Volunteer. Support. Thanks! (See Richmond UNITE notice below)

Who’s Your Favorite Farmers Market?
Voting is still on for the 2012 America’s Favorite Famers Market contest at VaGrown. Click the button at AND at VaGrown here are two more marketing resources: Official Virginia Farmers’ Market Week Proclamation (last week, but nice for your “wall”) and Grow Virginia’s Economy: Take the $10 a Week Challenge (ongoing)

Farmers and Foodies on Facebook!
Our vendors are talking, sharing photos and showing off their great stuff on Facebook! Check it out:

MORE Save-the-Dates:
2012 Hans S. Falck Lecture on Social Responsibility will be Thursday, October 4th at St. Andrew’s School. THEME – Eradication of Poverty: Utopia or Reality? The Intersection between Housing, Livelihood and
National Food Day (Oct.24) is October 23rd at Byrd House Market! We’ll have a chiropractor, VCU Wellness Department, a scavenger hunt and more.

A $1 raffle ticket gets you a shot at $33.83 in Byrd Farm goodies and supports Byrd House Market! Every week all season long! We have had a happy winner every week – it’s a great deal and your pantry will love you for it.
and Massage????
For every $10 you spend at the featured vendor of the week, you get 1 minute of chair massage with Robin Raver! Different vendor every week! Check the chalkboard for this week’s vendor. (Last week Robin tore into the boulders in my neck and shoulder blade muscles so hard she made me wish I could cry in front of everyone. She said “you may not like me now, but in a couple days I will be your goddess! Lucky for us both as soon as I stood up I wanted to fall to my knees and a week later the boulders are pebbles and I can turn my head!) So since you’re going to spend $20-30 anyway, go get a massage. Or not. I’m just sayin…

Grants for Agricultural Producers
WASHINGTON, August 16, 2012 – Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack today invited agricultural producers to apply for grants to increase the value of their products.
“Producers can greatly enhance the bottom line of their businesses and improve their economic prospects when they improve the value of their products, thus expanding their markets and customer base,” Vilsack said. “The Value Added Producer Grant program (VAPG) has a proven track record of doing just that and I am pleased to announce that we are inviting producers to apply for these grants by the deadline. The funds in this program enable America’s farmers, ranchers and rural business owners to find ways to expand their product offerings, revenue streams and create more economic opportunity by bringing additional value to what they already produce.Read more….

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“A Woman’s War” at Tredegar This Sunday

On Sunday @ 2:30 p.m., The American Civil War Center At Historic Tredegar will be hosting a program called “A Woman’s War”.

Explore the roles women played during the American Civil War. From nurses, workers and spies, these remarkable women not only maintained the home front, they were instrumental in what happened on the battlefront!

Programs are free with paid admission unless otherwise noted and last 45 minutes to an hour.

By the way, please keep in mind that the Center will be closed August 27-31.

Byrd House Market Today

From email announcement:

What’s on my mind???
Cool waters and breezes of fall approaching… In the meantime, its Byrd House Market in August! Which I actually find MUCH better than July. Today will be lovely, breezy and bright – humidity down a bit while being a little warmish. An isolated storm here and there. Altogether a great day to head to the market to stock up or shop for tonight’s great meal, the week’s lunches… or today’s treat!

Ettamae’s returns with breads, rolls and a sundry good spread of savory pies, etc. Almadina comes back this week. Agriberry’s got some blackberry meringue, I hear (could be a rumor…). Bring your egg cartons and milk share bottles back!!! Buy a Raffle Ticket or Two or Three!

Conversely it’s also a great time to give: Our food pantry which serves families, unaccompanied adults and seniors each week, is running low on nonperishables and perishables alike. The farmlet is growing food, but not quite enough to keep up with demand. So visit our Food Pantry Wish List at and see what you can bring to the Byrd House Market Information Tent. Thank you!

Who’s Your Favorite Farmers Market?
Voting is still on for the 2012 America’s Favorite Famers Market contest at VaGrown. Click the button at AND at VaGrown here are two more marketing resources: Official Virginia Farmers’ Market Week Proclamation (last week, but nice for your “wall”) and Grow Virginia’s Economy: Take the $10 a Week Challenge (ongoing)

Farmers and Foodies on Facebook!
Our vendors are talking, sharing photos and showing off their great stuff on Facebook! Check it out:

MORE Save-the-Dates:
2012 Hans S. Falck Lecture on Social Responsibility will be Thursday, October 4th at St. Andrew’s School. THEME – Eradication of Poverty: Utopia or Reality? The Intersection between Housing, Livelihood and Transportation.

National Food Day (Oct.24) is October 23rd at Byrd House Market! Stay tuned for details on our Food Day event(s)!

Ana Edwards, Manager
Byrd House Market & Library Programs
Grace Arents Library & Education Center
William Byrd Community House / 804.643.2717 ext.306

Carter’s Dry Goods Renovation

From the Richmond Times Disaptch column by Bill Lohmann:

The old Carter’s Dry Goods and Notions store in the Oregon Hill neighborhood is not coming down after all. The store, which hasn’t been used as a store since the early 1990s but is a fixture on Idlewood Avenue, was damaged severely by fire in March.

Contractor Jim Poe, a longtime friend of the Carter family, said the insurance money wasn’t sufficient to repair the place, and demolition was imminent, when I talked to him soon after the fire. The family, particularly Jean Carter, who still lives in the house next to the store, was heartbroken.

But Poe called this week, and said he’s in the process of having the building repaired. It won’t be reopened as a store and will continue to be used for storage, but it will still be there.

The reason for the change of direction can be summed up in one word, Poe said:


Carter wanted it saved and the neighborhood wanted it saved, and Poe, who grew up on Oregon Hill and got his first job at the store, also didn’t want to see it gone.

“I just tightened my belt and worked with what insurance money we had,” he said. “It’s actually going to cost me money, but it’s worth every penny. (The Carters) did a whole lot for me growing up, so this is the least I can do.

“I’m happy, Miss Carter’s happy, and the neighborhood’s happy again.”

See previous posts on this by clicking here and here.

R.adical E.ducation A.nd D.iscussion Interest Meeting At The Flying Brick

Meeting scheduled for tomorrow night at 7 pm.

From the Flying Brick blog:

An interest meeting will be held for a monthly radical theory reading/discussion group using self education and non-authoritarian learning practices at The Flying Brick Tuesday, August 14 at 7PM. We will talk about structural ideas and give out a welcome packet. Our first topic will (tentatively) be oppression and education. If you have any questions please e-mail Phil at cunninghampd at, thanks!