“poop is on my mind”

Status report on WBCH FaceBook page:

POOP. Unfortunately, yes, poop is on my mind. Partly because it was on my hands about an hour ago and on the grass where vendors set up last week.

With all the generosity of spirit I hope is needed, I’d like to remind folks who walk their dogs onto the grassy (garden, market, playground, soccer and farmlet) fields along Idlewood Avenue, to PLEASE bring plastic bags or whatever you need to clean up after your beloved canine.

Part of this may simply be the influx of new residents (college bound or otherwise) who simply don’t know that these areas are in use on a regular basis, and may be thinking that weather and natural processes will take care of the mess. Sorry. It ain’t so. Time is not on your side for this one.

So, as a general rule for living, please leave the place you use like you found it, or better!


Manager, Byrd House Market and Library Programs
on behalf of the vendors, shoppers, children, seniors, and friends who walk and play in these areas

September’s Hollywood Cemetery and Rural Garden Tours

From the Valentine Richmond History Center:

Sept. 9 Hollywood Cemetery (2-4pm) WALKING TOUR
An extension of the daily “Highlights” tour, this version covers in more detail the cemetery’s unique history, landscape design, architecture, symbols and residents. Meet at the cemetery entrance at Cherry and Albemarle streets.

Sept. 29 NEW! Hollywood Cemetery: A Rural Garden on a Grand Scale (2-4pm) WALKING TOUR
Discover the park like setting and the natural tranquility of this rural-style cemetery and see why some call it “A garden of people, their loves, their faith, their dreams”. This tour will explore the cemetery from a historical and horticultural perspective with an emphasis on the beauty of Nature and the impact the Romantic Movement had on 19th century culture. Meet at the cemetery entrance at Cherry and Albemarle streets.

Dr. Trout’s Letter Concerning The Kanawha Canal

Dr. Trout, former president of the American Canal Society and Va. Canals and Navigation Society, sent Mr. Berry of Venture Richmond the following letter concerning the Kanawha Canal:

Dear Mr. Berry,

Could you please encourage those planning the new amphitheater at Ethyl, near the Lee Bridge, to think creatively to avoid destroying part of the Kanawha Canal?

The canal, on the National Register of Historic Places, has been there for over two centuries. The course of the canal there is still intact and clear. Instead of damaging it, please make every effort to keep it intact as one of America’s most important historic sites, a monument to George Washington and the industry of early Virginians. It’s not worth destroying part of it just to build a larger amphitheater. It would be like slicing into a Civil War fort to build a bigger visitor parking lot.

Would it be possible to forward to me a copy of the present plans?

Many thanks,

William E. Trout, III, Ph.D.
Past president, American Canal Society and the Virginia Canals & Navigations Society

Some more background on this can be found by clicking here and here.

OHNA Meeting Summary

I was unable to attend Tuesday’s Oregon Hill Neighborhood Association meeting, but thankfully 5th District City Council candidate Parker C. Agelasto supplied this meeting summary on his Facebook profile page:

Last night the Oregon Hill Neighborhood Association met with nearly 30 people attending. There were two main topics of discussion: 1) VCU’s response to off campus misconduct by students and 2) Venture Richmond’s plan for an amphitheater between Tredegar and 2nd Street.

Lt. Donald Davenport was introduced as the new head of Sector 413 in the 4th Precint of the Richmond Police Department. His email is Donald.Davenport at RichmondGov.com. Officer Greg Fulton from VCU Police also attended. His email is gfelton atvcu.edu.

Officer Felton reported that VCU has contracted increased patrol of its MCV and Monroe Park campuses after recent incidents. He also explained a zero tolerance policy that VCU has implemented for student misconduct off campus. Residents are encouraged to call the university to report any illegal activities that involve students. All emergencies should still be reported to 911.

VCU’s emergency number is 804-828-1234 and non-emergency number is 804-828-1196. Officer Felton can be reached at 804-828-1209 or his mobile 804-301-5704.

Part of VCU’s zero tolerance policy for off campus misconduct is to address the issue directly with students through disciplinary action and to also instigate a complaint process with the property owner of apartments and houses. A similar initiative was started with the May/June move out period and holding property owners responsible for the debris left on streets and alleys.

Jack Berry of Venture Richmond presented their plans for a 3 acre lot west of the American Civil War Center and the new 2nd Street Connector, south of 2nd Street, east of the City property below the Lee Bridge and north of the CSX railroad tracks. It is a proposed gift by NewMarket Corporation with an estimated value of $3 Million. The transfer of property will include an easement requiring the property to be used and maintained for the public. Venture Richmond expects the property to serve as an amphitheater for concerts for the Folk Festival and Riverrock.

The plan does not call for any permanent structures and the proposed improvements include lighting fixtures and electrical boxes and landscaping. In preparing the site, NewMarket Corporation and Venture Richmond have proposed grading the property for better sight lines to the stage. This includes partial removal of the embankments as well as fill in the basin of the historic James River and Kanawha Canal.

Members of the Oregon Hill Neighborhood Association voiced concerns about the permitting process and wetland remediation. They also adopted a resolution opposing any permanent alterations to the James River and Kanawha Canal that was survey by George Washington and opened in 1785.

Lastly, an announcement was made that the ordinance for a Special Use Permit pertaining to the Victory Rug building has been drafted. It authorizes 18 units with only 8 off-street parking spaces. OHNA continues to have concerns about this high density and more importantly the lack of available parking for this many new residents.

Continue reading

Byrd House Market for Aug. 28

From email announcement:

Back in the 90s my favorite meal was based on the existance of one salad dressing: Girard’s Pesto Dressing. I started with a large pile of spring mixed greens or romaine lettuce and baby spinach leaves. A large spoonful of warm basmati rice is laid on top, then toasted pine nuts, small chunks or shavings of havarti cheese with dill. The pesto dressing was poured over and a final sprinkle of black pepper. This came to an end when Girard’s discontinued their Pesto Dressing. All you smartie-pants who know how simple it is to make your own salad dressings can just stop smirking. I was in mourning and thought nothing would ever be the same again.
Then came Farmers Markets! So, I think late summer salads should be high on your list this week. Ingredients abound. And savory sautees await. And grilled whatsoevers…

WBCH after-school kids created their own salad recipes. Try one!

Vendors who will be here this week that were not last week: Thinking of You Creations, St. Andrew’s Church, Wild Heaven Goat Soaps, Petal Palate, Bernie’s Baked Goods, Sustenance…
Robin Raver is off this week, so no massage, but she’ll see you next week – First Tuesday of the month! And Epic Gardens is teaching edamame stuff at VSU, and she’ll see you next week. Where will you be?
Our storyteller is off this week, but we will have a tarot card reader and face painter. Tips are welcome – support your local artisans.
and Don’t Forget to VOTE!

EVERY DAY through September 15! (See Richmond UNITE notice below)

And speaking of such things, ARE YOU registered to vote? Check out Cedar Street Baptist Church, www.csbcog.org, for voter registration times and information. Or go to the city’s website to learn more. DEADLINE: October 15th (22 days prior to election day)

and wbch.org


Ana Edwards, Manager
Byrd House Market & Library Programs
Grace Arents Library & Education Center
William Byrd Community House
www.wbch.org / 804.643.2717 ext.306

Oregon Hill Neighborhood Association Meets Tomorrow Night

The Oregon Hill Neighborhood Association will meet tomorrow night at the William Byrd Community House.

From email announcement:

Hello everyone

The monthly OHNA meeting is tomorrow, Tuesday, August 28th at 7 PM at the WBCH.

Jack Berry, from Venture Richmond, will be attending the meeting to discuss the amphitheater that he wants to put in over by the 2nd St connector.
