Today at Byrd House Market

From email announcement:


The weather, if a little damp (but only a little), will be mild and lovely. Therefore Byrd House Market will present a nearly full house today! Have you seen the Autumn colors, eh? Starting to turn beaootiful. Starting to fall a bit. I walked out my door this morning and the grass was sprinkled with brilliant yellow silver maple leaves. Always the first to drop in a breeze, no other leaves had even turned from green to any other shade, but those silver maples can’t to flutter and fly… I love autumn.

I’d like to remind you of Chocolate! Bars and cookies and tarts and hot drinks… But then I’d also like to remind you of the greens and root veggies and lettuces that are savory good, belly good and prepare the system for that 70% cacao rush! Simple, nutrient dense and heart warming soups and broils are soooo on the menu.

Did you see Steve???

Steve Haas Mushrooms made the big time daily paper’s Gardening section last week – just dude and his ‘shrooms. What a great article about a peculiar vocation! My favorite part of having Steve and Liz at the market, beside their grooviness, is that every time I ask about a new mushroom, how I should cook it, they both do the same thing. They look thoughtful for a nano second before saying, “Oh, I’d just slice it and saute it in butter” (I’m asking you, now, is there any better answer to a cooking question than butter???)

Oct. 19: Carnival!

William Byrd Community House will host its annual neighborhood Carnival! on Friday, October 19 from 4pm to 7pm. More info at – Come out, Have fun, Bring Kids and Alumni. Sponsored by Capital One. IF it actually tries to rain us out, we’ll move it indoors, so do NOT think you’re NOT coming! :-) (flier attached)

Oct. 20: Cooking as a 2nd Language

2-parter on West African cuisine from Senegal!! Wolof-central! Jolof-central! Home of Yassa and Thiebu Jen and Maffe and Curry and Oxtails – OH so GOOD. Chef Boubacar will surprise us on October 20 and November 17 – daring to share his way of cooking at least 2 of these fabulous entrees. Register at! Only $10 per person per class.

Oct. 23: Food Day

For the national details visit For the local scoop visit For the super local poop visit and see the attached flier for the Byrd House Market / VCU partnership for the week’s activities. Here at the market, it’s going to be grand, tasty, informative and good for you!!! (flier attached)

Oct. 30: Last day of BHM

Cider pressing returns!!! Rebecca Sings!!! Harry Plays!!! The Food will be fabulous!! The farewells a little weepy but full of SEE YOU NEXT YEAR…

Ana Edwards, Manager
Byrd House Market & Library Programs
Grace Arents Library & Education Center
William Byrd Community House / 804.643.2717 ext.306

Home Invasion on 100 Block of S. Laurel Street

From VCU alert page:

VCU Police were contacted at approximately 9:35 PM regarding a home invasion robbery that took place at approximately 9 PM in the 100 block of S. Laurel Street .

Police were not notified immediately after the incident. Richmond Police are investigating the incident. This does not appear to be a random incident.

Suspects: Five to six black male subjects with thin builds armed with handguns wearing ski masks or having their faces covered with towels.

# 1 5’9” wearing a white tee shirt

# 2 6’0”- 6’2” wearing grey jacket, jeans and having dreadlocks

# 3 6’0”- 6’2” wearing baggy blue jeans and having silver Lebron James sneakers

# 4 6’0”- 6’2” wearing camouflage pants wearing black and blue Kobe Bryant sneakers

#5 6’0”- 6’2” Dressed in black clothing

# 6 6’0”- 6’2” Dressed in black clothing

Armed subjects entered the residence through an unlocked door and took property from the victims.

The Times Dispatch is also reporting on this and an earlier home invasion:

Richmond Police Lt. Darrell Goins said the first robbery took place around 7:30 p.m. in the 3400 block of Decatur Street in South Richmond….

Nobody was injured in the home invasions, from which assailants took electronics and other items.

Also Visit Tredegar and EAT

From Facebook page:

Today is another great day to visit The American Civil War Center at Historic Tredegar!! Admission is FREE and the museum has extended hours from 9 a.m. until 6 p.m. on Saturday and Sunday during the Richmond Folk Festival.

For more information call 804.780.1865 or visit

The National Park Service Gateway Visitor Center is also open during the festival. The exhibits are free and visitors are welcome.

Also…from another Facebook page

going to the Folk Festival this weekend, then mosey on down to sweet Oregon Hill and EAT by pescados china street … open for dinner seven nights a week from 5 – 10 and Sunday brunch from 10 -2 ……

Survey of Cherry Street (What Now, Victory Rug?)

The Oregon Hill Neighborhood Association (OHNA) has repeatedly pointed out that the 400 block of S. Cherry is too narrow to support parking on both sides of the street as proposed by the Victory Apartments Special Use Permit application. The VDOT minimum standard is 28 feet for a residential street with parking on both sides. This land survey definitely shows that the street is too narrow for parking on both sides of the street, narrowing from 26.41 feet at the Victory Rug building to 23.23 feet at the top of the hill.

Today at Byrd House Market

From email announcement:


Sister city delegates from Segou MALI visit market to chat with farmers about wind and solar-powered irrigation. Led by the mayor of Segou, Ousmane SIMAGA, the Segou directors procurement, energy, partnerships and sister city commission, and their version of the folk festival – Festival sur le Niger, the delegation is interested in agriculture, youth and sports (soccer, mostly), sanitation, urban lighting, early childhood and university level education, and of course, the festival. NOTE: our festival is on the James river, theirs is on the Niger river, hence the name — and “sur le” means “on the” – so there you go.)

St. Andrew’s Church canceled their Harvest Fair and so have lots of goodies for sale and so will be at the market this week and next.

ONE (nonprofit) will tent with us today as well. for more information

And so much more!!!

Oct. 19: Carnival!

William Byrd Community House will host its annual neighborhood Carnival! on Friday, October 19 from 4pm to 7pm. More info at – Come out, Have fun, Bring Kids and Alumni. Sponsored by Capital One.

Oct. 24: Food day

For the national details visit For the local scoop visit For the super local poop visit and see the attached flier (Ed. note: click here for flier) for the Byrd House Market / VCU partnership for the week’s activities. Here at the market, it’s going to be grand, tasty, informative and good for you!!!

Oct. 30: Last day of BHM

Cider pressing returns!!! Rebecca Sings!!! Harry Plays!!! The Food will be fabulous!! The farewells a little weepy but full of SEE YOU NEXT YEAR!

Robert heads to ChildSavers

L. Robert Bolling, our executive director of 4 years will assume the role of CEO of ChildSavers on October 15, leaving a fine legacy of carrying forward WBCH’s mission to transform lives and build self-sufficiency. But we still expect him to drop by as a shopper at BHM, don’t we?? Thanks Robert for your support of WBCH’s outdoor and library nutrition education programs!


Ana Edwards, Manager
Byrd House Market & Library Programs
Grace Arents Library & Education Center
William Byrd Community House / 804.643.2717 ext.306

Recent Criminal Activity Near W. Cary Street

Fan of the Fan community news site reports that:

The VCU text alert system reported an armed robbery on the 900 block of Franklin tonight at 7:47PM. Less than an hour later (8:39PM), the same system reported another armed robbery near Laurel and Cary Street.

Times Dispatch also reported on the crimes and had some additional information:

In addition, three attempted robberies were reported – one at 8 p.m. at Grace and Foushee streets; the second at 8:30 p.m. at Laurel and Cary streets, and the third also at about 8:30 at Cary and Belvidere streets, VCU police said.

During the same time frame, a report of a man brandishing a firearm was reported at 8 p.m. at First and Grace streets.

Police said the victims were approached by an armed black male who demanded money.

The suspect was described as black, about 5 feet 8 inches tall and wearing a gray hoodie and baseball cap with his face covered. He was also wearing pajama pants with chili peppers on them, police said.

VCU police said the same suspect may have been involved in all of the incidents.

Also from the article:

(VCU President)

Rao said he was scheduled to meet later today with Richmond Police Chief Bryan Norwood and Wednesday with Richmond Mayor Dwight Jones to discuss the string of crimes that occurred Monday night on or adjacent to the Monroe Park campus.

“I will emphasize my concern for the continued need for a strong partnership between VCU and the city to prevent crime and protect the more than 50,000 students, faculty and staff who live and work on and near our campuses,” Rao said.

Also, an earlier Richmond police crime report listed the following from last week:

4th Precinct
10/5/12 10:00 a.m. – 5:30 p.m.
South Cherry and West Cary streets
An unknown person(s) entered the vehicle and stole several items.

Amphitheater Topography

While Venture Richmond turns on the PR machine in advance of this weekend’s folk festival, Oregon Hill neighbors received a copy of the topography of the planned 2nd Street Connector which is adjacent to the proposed amphitheater. This topography drawing shows that there are good sight lines for an amphitheater without damaging the canal. Will Venture Richmond, which say it represents ‘downtown’, respect neighbors’ wishes to protect the historic canal?

Plan for Paint the Town Green This Saturday

This Saturday from 8:30 am to 1 pm is VCU’s Paint the Town Green event. More information from calendar listing:

We will meet up at Monroe Park at 8:30AM on 10/13/12 for a free breakfast. This event will satisfy any community service hours needed as long as you sign in. We will group up and head to the pick up sites at 9AM and should finish at 1PM where we will return to Monroe park for a party.

We plan to clean up Jackson Ward, The Fan, Oregon Hill, Randolph, Carver, and maybe Mosby Court

Please wear a green shirt. Children are welcome if they are accompanied by a parent.


Paintthetowngreenvcu at

This is something that Oregon Hill neighbors have joined in the past and will do so again for the benefit of the whole neighborhood. Please consider doing this and then, perhaps, enjoying the Richmond Folk Festival.