This Wednesday is a red Wednesday, which means trash and recycling pickup. Please make sure you pick up containers after pickup tomorrow night. They do not belong on the sidewalk after tomorrow night.
In recycling news, financial incentives have been proposed to encourage oyster recycling. From Chesapeake Bay Foundation:
To encourage more businesses and people to recycle oyster shells, Maryland Delegate Stephen Lafferty of Baltimore County and colleagues recently proposed legislation that would give income tax credits worth a dollar per bushel for contributing old shells to oyster restoration projects.
“We have been seeing over past decades a real loss in the amount of shell that is available for oyster restoration projects,” said Lafferty (below). “And oyster shell really is the best surface upon which new oysters can grow in the Bay.”
The Chesapeake Bay Foundation and other partners in a coalition called the Oyster Recovery Partnership for the last four years have been encouraging recycling through the “S.O.S.” or “Save Oyster Shell” campaign.
The following restaurants in Virginia partner with CBF in oyster shell recycling:
Berrets, Williamsburg
Harpoon Larry’s Oyster Bar, Hampton
Le Yaca, Williamsburg
O’Sullivan’s, Norfolk
Red Lobster, Newport News
River’s Inn, Gloucester Point
Riverwalk, Yorktown
Rosemary & Wine, Gloucester
Tanner’s Creek Restaurant, Norfolk
Yorktown Pub, Yorktown.
And the Devil’s Backbone Brewing Company.