Monument 10K Saturday – Lots of Road Closings in the Area

From Richmond Police:

The Richmond Police Department asks motorists to be mindful of runners, street closings and parking restrictions for the Ukrop’s Monument Avenue 10K this Saturday. The events begin at 8 a.m. on Saturday, April 13, with the Virginia 529 Kids Run. The first wave of the 10K steps off 8:30 a.m. near Broad and Harrison streets. The 10K’s finish line is on Franklin Street next to Monroe Park.

Logistics of the 10K will require numerous street closings and traffic pattern changes throughout the city beginning with parking restrictions starting at 1 p.m. on Friday, April 12. Restrictions and closures will continue until 3 p.m. on Saturday, April 13.

Richmond Police reminds all 10K event participants and attendees to take advantage of parking in the decks near the start and finish lines and to not leave any items that may tempt would-be thieves in plain view in your vehicle, regardless of where you park.

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New Restaurant Dinamo

From Fan of the Fan:

Dinamo reportedly opened its doors yesterday. The new restaurant–allegedly from partners Ed Vasaio and Brad Wein (Mama Zu’s/Edo’s Squid)–is open for breakfast, lunch, and dinner, according to a very busy waitress during this afternoon’s lunchtime rush.

No word yet on firm hours of operation, but there should be more information in a couple of days.

Dinamo is located at 821 W. Cary Street.

Transportation Transportation Transportation

It’s that time of year when folks charge into Spring and the issue of transportation is often on their minds.

On this Thursday from 4 to 6 pm, the Richmond City Council GRTC Task Force will be holding a meeting at the Department of Economic Development office at Main Street Station.

Speaking of the City’s Dept. of Economic Development, the Richmond Connects Draft Plan is now ready for public review. They are inviting folks to review the plan and attend their public workshop on April 11th at the VDOT Central Office Auditorium from 5:30-7:30 pm. There will be a presentation on the draft plan and opportunities to review and comment on the plan and ask questions of the city and consultant staff about the plan. If you can’t make the meeting they still welcome your thoughts. You can download a copy of the draft plan from their website: Comments on the draft plan will be accepted at the meeting and via email through May 10th. Anyone can comment on the plan through the contact link on the website.

And then there is this message from the local Partnership for Smarter Growth

The theme for PSG’s 2013 Forum and Events Program is Transportation Transformations for a Competitive and Sustainable Future. The first event is on April 16 with Jeffrey Tumlin of Nelson/Nygaard Consulting Associates, the author of the new book Sustainable Transportation Planning: Tools for Creating Vibrant, Healthy and Resilient Communities. It will be held at Richmond’s Main Street Station on April 16 from 5:30 to 7:30. Registration is at 5:30 and the program will start at 6:00. Admission is free, but registration is requested. Jeffrey Tumlin is a compelling speaker on the subject of transportation, and it will be a very informative and interesting program. For more event information, go to

Some suggested reading material to brush up on local transportation issues:

Times Dispatch column by Mayor Jones, “A new direction for transportation in Richmond”

Recent Style magazine article on passenger rail, “Gathering Steam”

Richmond Magazine’s “Where Do We Go From Here?”

Renegade Market: Open and Counting Down!

Byrd House Renegade Market Tuesday 3 to 6 pm.

From Byrd House Market email:

Gorgeous Weather at BYRD HOUSE RENEGADE MARKET…Great Anticipation for a Beautiful Spring, y’all.
CSAs at Byrd House Market

TOMTEN FARM – (about WBCH) (about the library) (all things food, health, culture, and good growth)

Ana Edwards, Manager
Byrd House Market & Library Programs
Grace Arents Library & Education Center
William Byrd Community House / 804.643.2717 ext.306

“Recalling the Belle Isle Neon Landmark”

Richmond Magazine writer extraordinaire Harry Kollatz supplies a column on the Climax Beverages sign that used to be on Belle Island.

Photo courtesy of Library of Virginia

Beginning in the early 1930s, drivers on the Lee Bridge spied the sign — not so different from the Sauer’s sign on Broad Street — that read “Richmond Va. Home of Climax Beverages.” It faced the bridge and backed up against Hollywood Cemetery.

The story of how Climax came to be in the middle of the James River begins with beer and natural springs.

For more, please click here.