Storefront For Sale- UPDATED

The old storefront at the southwest corner of Albemarle and Laurel is for sale. It was turned into a residence but I think many neighbors would be interested in seeing turned back into a small business, if at all possible.

Update: I am hearing that this building may already be under contract. Laurel Street neighbor Charles Pool suppled this history from an old Oregon Hill Home Improvement Council newsletter:

Yard Sale Tomorrow

502 S. Laurel is having a yard sale tomorrow, starting at 9 am.

From the Craigslist ad:

Hello. Having a yardsale Sat 22nd 9-2.
Vintage speakers, receivers, cameras, letterpress, a few old tools, a flatfile and a kitchen sink. Maybe a few records.
Some speakers:
Paradigm monitor 11v3-$450
Bose 601 series I-$300 (refoamed)
Jbl L56-$250 (refoamed)
Jbl lancer 44-$225
DCM timeframe TF700-$200
A bunch of others

Vintage receivers
Pioneer SX-750-$175
Sansui 771-$140
Technics SA 450-$75

Happy to test any receivers/speakers before you buy!

Twin lenses
Old and large

See you Saturday!

Fire Call On S. Laurel Last Night

Fire personnel were called to 600 block of S. Laurel around 1:15 am last night. According to reports a electrical outlet had burst into flame, but no larger conflagration and no injuries reported. The house electrical and frame was inspected for any further problems. A neighbor reported that a Dominion truck had been doing work earlier in the afternoon in the back alley, but no word on any connection between that and the fire. Neighborhood thanks to Richmond emergency crews. If nothing else, this serves as a good reminder to check the batteries on smoke detectors.