New Stop Signs

NEW TRAFFIC PATTERN!!! Once again, we have new stop signs popping up around the neighborhood. While neighbors knew that new all-way stops had been approved by City Council, many were surprised by their sudden implementation.
Laurel and Albemarle intersection is now an all way stop, new Spring and Pine Street intersection is too. Please alert neighbors and other drivers.

New Stop Signs In Consideration

Oregon Hill is once again looking at possibly changing traffic patters as a new proposal is being weighed at City Council’s Land Use, Housing, and Transportation Committee.

Ordinance 2019-147 reads:
To erect all-way stop signs at the intersections of Spring Street and South Pine Street, Spring Street and South Laurel Street, Albemarle Street and South Laurel Street, and Albemarle Street and South Cherry Street, with a painted stop line at each intersection.

This follows neighbors’ discussion with City Councilperson Parker Agelasto’s office in regard to continued concerns about traffic safety. To quickly recap, neighbors originally requested all-way stop signs at Spring and Laurel and Spring and Pine, but agreed to try changing more intersections’ stop sign direction, now that concerns have continued, all-stops are being reconsidered.