Rest In Pieces Shop To Replace Bunnyhop

From Rest In Pieces’ Instagram page:

Some of you already know, but it’s finally official. Rest in Pieces is moving to Oregon Hill. The new location is significantly larger, and will give us the space we need to continue to grow. We want to personally say thank you to each and every one of you, YOU made this possible. We’re sad to be leaving our spot in the fan, but it’s time to move onto bigger things. This move is scary. But if it doesn’t scare you, it’s not worth doing. We’ve been hoarding inventory and fixtures for months in preparation for this, and we cannot wait to share what we have in store for you guys.

Check out their website to learn more about “Richmond’s Only Oddity Shop”.

Leaf Collection/Street Cleaning and The Tireless Jimmy Blackford


Cherry Street neighbor Jimmy Blackford and I worked on dislodging leaves and dirt from sidewalks and gutters in preparation for City’s upcoming leaf collection and street cleaning. It would be great if other neighbors could do the same. It is supposed to rain Tuesday and Wednesday, so hopefully it will get done before then. Don’t forget to move those cars!