Another “Throwback Thursday” photo courtesy of William Pickett.
700 block of S. Laurel
Another “Throwback Thursday” photo courtesy of William Pickett.
700 block of S. Laurel
Writer Nick Michon has an article on the website about the changes on the corner of Laurel Street and Albemarle Street- here are the opening paragraphs:
Death has paid Oregon Hill a visit. Gone are the frilly flowers that once graced the now defunct Bunnyhop Bike Shop on the corner of Albemarle in exchange for the towering scythe wielded by the Reaper himself. The entire building has transformed to black, and Justin Torone and Alaina Gearhart are to blame.
While the new mural in progress by Sure Hand Signs may paint a grim scene, Torone and Gearhart’s business Rest In Pieces is taking on a newfound life of its own. The couple entered the world of oddities through Gearhart’s preexisting love for strange artifacts like skulls and preserved creatures.
From announcement:
Dr. Elizabeth Melcher Davis, Director of Music at Grace and Holy Trinity Church, and Cheryl Van Ornam, Director of Music at Redeemer Lutheran Church, will perform a fun and entertaining program of organ duets, including John Philip Sousa’s “Stars and Stripes Forever” and Henry Mancini’s “Pink Panther” for pedal duet, organ solos and works for organ and brass ensemble, including the famous “Toccata” by Charles-Marie Widor, featuring the James River Brass. Please invite family and friends to this exciting concert of glorious music! There is no charge for this concert.
Grace and Holy Trinity Church is located at 8 North Laurel Street next to the Altria Theater. Parking is available in the lot behind the church (enter off Floyd Avenue), on the streets, and in the VCU Cary Street deck at Cary and Harrison Streets
The concert is free and it starts at 4 pm.
From 700 block of S. Laurel in the early ’80’s.
Photo courtesy of William Pickett.
From the FaceBook event page:
Meet at 6, ride at 6:30.
Rain, fascism, or shine.
Our usual meeting spot in Monroe Park has been fenced off for renovations for the next year or more… For now we will meet at the same intersection, just across the street on the sidewalk in front of Altria Theater, to avoid too much confusion. A different meeting place may be chosen in future months, so keep an eye on the location!
What is this event?!
Last Friday evening of every month! Come out on your bikes and ride en masse through the city, for any number of reasons: just for fun, to celebrate bicycles as an alternative to cars, to spread awareness that bicycles share the road, or as a form of political protest. Wear costumes, bring music, noisemakers, flags, ribbons, etc. Ride a skateboard, roller blades, unicycle or some other human-powered bike alternative. Make it a parade!
Many interesting routes (and stops) are planned in advance, but some are unplanned and can simply be determined spontaneously by whoever is riding in the front. Ride SLOWLY so we can all stay together, enjoy the ride, talk along the way, and encourage people to join us.
Looking down S. Laurel Street. 4-5 inches thus far. Snow should stop later today.
Jan 1, 2017 at 1:58 pm
Data provided by Richmond Police Department
600 block of S. Laurel