5th District Town Hall Meeting On Thursday

Councilmember Stephanie Lynch is hosting an IN PERSON meeting at the Byrd Park Round House.
The meeting agenda includes many representatives of city departments who can answer citizens’ questions.
– Department of Public Works – Deputy Director Gail Johnson
– Department of Public Utilities – Deputy Director – Acting Stephen Morgan and Capital Project Manager – Bill Boston
– Parks & Rec – Capital Projects Deputy – Nissa Dean

It is scheduled to begin at 6 pm and it also includes an online Zoom webinar component for those who cannot attend in person.

For more information, here is the link to the FaceBook event page:

The meeting email notice included Lynch’s logo:

5th District Town Hall On Zoom Wednesday Evening

Councilmember Stephanie Lynch will be hosting an online, 5th District ‘Town Hall’ meeting on Wednesday, April 27 at 6 pm.

Draft Agenda:
o Budget Discussion
o Q&A

To get the Zoom link and/or phone call info, go to this FaceBook page,
or contact Councilmember Lynch’s liaison, Amy Robins at amy.robins@richmondgov.com or by calling 8046465724.

Oregon Hill Neighborhood Association Meeting Tomorrow Night

The Oregon Hill Neighborhood Association (OHNA) is meeting tomorrow night at 7 pm. The agenda includes VCU liaison, proposed amendments to the Richmond 300 land use plan, and traffic issues.

From meeting announcement:

Good evening OHNA members,

I look forward to seeing everyone Tuesday at 7pm for our monthly OHNA meeting.

St. Andrew’s Church has kindly allowed us to use their chapel again. They have asked that we remain masked and socially distanced during the meeting. We will also make the meeting available by Zoom, for those who choose to join us that way.

The Zoom link is provided below. This should allow for full remote participation.

I have attached to this email
1. the agenda for the 26 April meeting (also pasted in below),
2. the minutes for the 22 March 2022 meeting, and
3. the 2022 meeting schedule.

We look forward to seeing everyone tomorrow evening.


To receive the rest of the email, including the actual Zoom link and minutes and things, please send an email to ohnarva@gmail.com

RCV And Climate Action At City Council Tonight

In addition to ranked choice voting, City Council will be discussing budget tonight…

RVA Clean Energy and Climate Justice Budget Recommendations

Richmond’s proposed FY2023 budget is at odds with the Climate and Ecological Emergency resolution that the city unanimously passed just 6 months ago and with the city’s commitment to equity and justice. Climate change is not listed as a priority in the introduction, and the budget takes no meaningful steps to mitigate heat island effects or tree inequity impacts, nor does it offer solutions to reduce emissions, or phase out the city’s reliance on fossil gas.

For more details on these budget recommendations see the FY2023 Proposed Budget – Fossil Gas and Electrification Highlights document.

Facilities account for 45% of the City Government’s emissions. The City should immediately deploy energy efficiency upgrades, heat pumps, and renewables, while creating a clean energy and resiliency plan to power all government facilities with 100% renewables and batteries and replace all fossil fuel heating with efficient heat pumps.
Deploy energy efficiency upgrades citywide to minimize the energy needed for heating and cooling
Replace all fossil fuel heating, cooling, and water heaters with efficient heat pumps
Put solar + batteries on all eligible facilities getting a new roof
Put solar + batteries in all locations in need of a new generator
Replace all end of life HVAC equipment (boilers, furnaces, chillers, A/C) with modern air source heat pumps

The City Council’s Climate and Ecological Emergency Resolution calls for “an equitable plan to phase out reliance on gas and shift to accelerated investment in City-owned renewable energy” and “recognizes that the continued operation of the City’s gas utility is an obstacle to the City’s goal of Net-Zero emissions in accordance with Resolution No. 2020-R024.” Although there is state legislation pending (HB1257) that could limit the City’s actions regarding Richmond Gas Works (RGW), the following recommendations would still be permissible and would result in greater transparency into the operations of RGW. A robust board or commission charged with oversight of the RGW would benefit City Council (and the public) in making informed decisions regarding the transition of the RGW to a sustainable energy utility. For example, fossil gas leaks from aging infrastructure are a serious health and safety risk, as well as a lost gas expense that has not been adequately addressed.
Additionally, if the City, state and our country are serious about meeting the 45% in GHG emissions by 2030 and net-zero by 2050, the city should be concerned about the cost to ratepayers and the City of stranded assets if RGW continues to make major capital investments beyond basic maintenance. An oversight board or commission could stay abreast of best practices being implemented by fossil gas utilities around the country and provide the City Administration and Council with better information and options in the necessary transition away from reliance on fossil gas.
Establish more effective oversight of RGW
Explore how RGW can help residents, particularly low-income and underserved populations, electrify and weatherize their homes through various investments (such as neighborhood electrification) and financing mechanisms (such as on bill financing)
Analyze how the total lifecycle costs of electrification for households compares with rising fossil gas costs, and how rising fossil gas costs affect energy insecurity
Enable a just transition for workers at RGW
Repair all leaks while minimizing maintenance
Stop extending pipelines and other gas infrastructure
Holistically account for the cost of emissions and health effects of fossil gas combustion on air pollution inside and outside the home
Explore converting the utility into a sustainable energy utility to align the utility with the City’s emissions, health, and equity goals
Health Note: One of the clearest signals emerging in the scientific literature is the connection between cooking with gas and childhood asthma—a disease suffered by people of color and lower-income groups at much higher rates than the rest of the population. Children exposed to higher levels of indoor NO2 had an elevated risk of respiratory illness.

Establish effective Key Performance Indicators and mandate all agencies integrate these KPIs into their planning and budgeting processes.
50% renewable energy by 2023 and 100% by 2025 (as the Mayor promised in his 2021 State of the City address)
% of City government energy use powered by on-site renewables
% of fossil fuel HVAC infrastructure replaced
% of fossil fuel generators replaced
% of City fleet replaced with electric or renewable powered vehicles and bicycles

As a part of the City’s plan to address the climate emergency, the City should transition to all electric vehicles (EV).
Create a plan to transition to all electric vehicles
Build charging infrastructure for the city’s EV fleet
Make purchases based on total lifecycle costs to account for fuel cost
Purchase EVs or ebikes for the budgeted 97 new Police Department cruisers (a number of cities are using Tesla 3s, VW id4s, and Kia Niros as police vehicles)
Purchase electric vehicles or fire trucks for the budgeted 5 new Fire Department vehicles
Purchase or subscribe to electric school buses to avoid the health risks of diesel fumes on children’s health

Reinstate the Urban Forestry Commission to provide guidance and support for the city to maintain and enhance tree populations with the goal of improving the urban environment. Responsibilities include updating the city’s tree ordinance, reviewing remediation policies, and educating the public on urban forests.
Fund two new positions in the Urban Forestry Division, including an Urban Forester position. The urban forester will lead the creation of an Urban Forest Master Plan, including a roadmap for how the City of Richmond will achieve the 60% canopy goal set in the Richmond 300 Master Plan.
Develop an Urban Forestry Master Plan to increase citywide tree canopy cover to at least 60%. The strategic plan will protect and expand tree resources with desired outcomes of the community and incorporate the RVAgreen2050 plan, RVAH20 objectives and priorities outlined in the city’s Equity Agenda.
Increase funding for tree maintenance and watering to ensure trees can grow to maturity, provide maximum ecological services and improve public safety.
Triple the budget for contract work so Richmond can scale up tree operations for tree planting, care and maintenance.
Increase the city’s planting budget to achieve canopy goals set in Richmond 300 Master plan and account for outdated fee structure within the Adopt-A-Tree program.
Expand the Adopt-A-Tree program for community organizations to buy trees in bulk and commit to steward the trees.
In addition, we recommend that the Department of Parks and Recreation fund it’s community gardening program, Richmond Grows Gardens (250k) yearly for food justice, nutrition education and climate resiliency programming.
The Department of Public Works and/or DPU fund community engaged, Stormwater BMPs in formerly redlined neighborhoods within public green space in South Richmond. (500k) yearly.
The Office of Community Wealth Building with the Department of Social Services (SNAPET & TANF) fund community urban agriculture and solar power installation training and ad workforce development in formerly redlined neighborhoods in South Richmond. (250k)

The federal government has numerous grant and loan programs to subsidize electrification and decarbonization. Richmond should make full use of these resources to meet our emissions, health, and equity goals as well as provide responsible fiscal stewardship of City resources.
US DOE: Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant program was refunded by the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA) with $550 million, 68% of which can be directly distributed to cities and counties to improve energy efficiency and invest in renewable energy.
US DOT: BUILD Transportation Discretionary Grant: Includes integrated electric fleet, electrified transit, and charging solutions
USDA: Community Facilities: Program to include microgrids, on-site renewable energy, electrification retrofits, and urban greening
US EPA: Brownfields grant and loan programs to include brightfields deployment and interconnection
US DOE: WAP and HHS: LIHEAP to prioritize upgrades that promote beneficial electrification.
Energy Cost Savings Assistance: Low-income residents can obtain $5,000-$25,000 worth of energy improvements on their homes. Funds come from Federal Weatherization, RGGI, and Dominion programs.
NFWF Small Watershed Grants: Funds available to assist the development of a health tree canopy, with grants up to $500K.
Virginia Environmental Endowment: Offers grants for water quality, land stewardship, and outreach.
Chesapeake Bay Restoration Fund: Offers grants for projects with positive, tangible benefits to the Bay and the Bay program.
The Department of Forestry Urban and Community Forestry Grant Program: Encourages projects that promote the protection and enhancement of urban and community forest ecosystems, tree planting, the care of trees, and education on tree issues.
The Department of Forestry Trees for Clean Water Grant Program: Encourage the creation of long-term, sustained canopy cover to improve water-quality across the commonwealth.

Center for Common Ground
Chesapeake Climate Action Network – Central Va
Citizens Climate Lobby – Richmond Chapter
Climate Changemakers
Divest RVA
Ellwood Thompson’s Local Market
Extinction Rebellion – Richmond
Friends of Rattlesnake Creek
Green New Deal Virginia
Groundwork RVA
Happily Natural Day
Partnership for Smarter Growth
Richmond Teachers For Climate Justice
Richmond Tree Stewards
RVA Interfaith Climate Justice League
Sierra Club, Falls of the James Group
Southside Releaf
Sunrise Richmond
Sunrise Virginia
The Climate Mobilization
Th!rd Act
Virginia Clinicians for Climate Action
Virginia Interfaith Power and Light

OHNA Meeting Tomorrow Night

From email announcement:

Good evening OHNA members,

I look forward to seeing everyone Tuesday at 7pm for our monthly OHNA meeting.

St. Andrew’s Church has kindly allowed us to use their chapel again. They have asked that we remain masked and socially distanced during the meeting. We will also make the meeting available by Zoom, for those who choose to join us that way.

The Zoom link is provided below (Editor’s note: Redacted, but email ohnarva@gmail.com to request it). This should allow for full remote participation.

I have attached to this email
1. the agenda for the 22 February meeting (also pasted in below),
2. the minutes for the 25 January 2022 meeting,
3. the 2022 meeting schedule,
4. our summary of the SUP application for 617 China Street, and
5. the owner’s SUP application for 617 China Street (application, plans, site plan, and ordinance)

We look forward to seeing everyone tomorrow evening.


Monthly Meeting Agenda
Tuesday 22 February 2022
Location: St. Andrew’s Church
Join Zoom Meeting

St. Andrew’s Church has kindly allowed us to use the church for this meeting.
They ask that all participants remain masked and socially distanced during the meeting.

• Treasurer’s Report
Community Updates:
1. Lt. Brian Robinson, City of Richmond Police Section Lt, 4th Precinct
2. Officer Luke Schrader, Police Liaison, VCU
3. Mr. Tito Luna, VCU Liaison
4. Ms. Stephanie Lynch, 5th District Councilperson
5. Ms. Colette McEachin, Richmond Commonwealth’s Attorney

1. Proposed all-way stops on South Pine Street have been installed
a. at its intersection with China Street (at Open High School) and
b. South Pine Street at its intersection with Albemarle Street
2. Proposed Amendments to the Richmond 300 Land Use Plan / Neighborhood Coalition Update
• Move Oregon Hill from Neighborhood Mixed Use to Residential land use category (Randolph is in this category).
o If Planning will not move Oregon Hill to Residential, then change the maximum height in the Neighborhood Mixed Use category from four stories to two stories.
• Remove the clause that allows taller buildings along major streets.
o Idlewood and South Laurel between VCU and Idlewood are designated major streets
• The amendments were continued by Land Use Committee. City Planning staff have recommended that no amendments be adopted.
• Councilmember Lynch has introduced our amendments separately.

5. Resolution of support for the creation of a new mural on the brick wall along Belvidere was submitted.
• The Public Art Commission did not accept out proposal, citing an issue raised by Parks and Recreation
• Neither the Public Art Commission nor Parks and Recreation will identify the issue
• I have a meeting scheduled with Parks and Recreation this week

Continued Business
1. VCU student party issues
• There have been several large, loud parties in the last few weeks. There are problematic, repeat issues in the 200 block of South Laurel, and the intersection of South Laurel and China streets.
• Report issues to both RPD and VCU. Keep track of: date, time, location, fraternity / sorority affiliation, names of individuals involved, names of landlords, etc.
• OHNA is setting up an online form to track problem party locations, so that we may follow up with RPD and VCU. We will keep a spreadsheet of problematic locations and fraternity / sorority locations, and regularly report this information to VCU.
3. Pleasants Park – unleashed dog-related issues
• When the City was petitioned to add gates, the intent was to make it safer for both dogs and kits, with the idea that the park would be shared.
• Complaints about unleashed dogs have gone to Parks and Recreation.
• City requires that all dogs in city parks be leashed at all times – this is not something that we as a neighborhood can change
• The only way that a dog park – an area for unleashed dogs – can be created is to go through the City process for creating them. It involves requesting use of city land, creating a non-profit organization that covers the cost of the fencing, regular maintenance, and maintains liability insurance for the area. A portion of Linear Park might be a potential location. This is now Barker Field, near the Carillon, was created and is maintained. Any volunteers to head this up?
4. Traffic issues along Idlewood at Cherry and Pine Streets
• There have been a number of recent accidents at these two locations.
• These two intersections suffer from poor visibility and the high speed of cars exiting 195 east onto Idlewood.
New Business
1. New SUP, 617-719 China Street
• SUP materials attached to this agenda.
• This SUP will be heard
o Planning Commission: Monday 7 March 2022
o City Council: Monday 14 March 2022

Bryan Clark Green, President
David Cary, Co-Vice-President
Jennifer Hancock, Co-Vice-President
Chris Hughes, Co-Vice-President
Harrison Moenich, Secretary
John Bolecek, Treasurer

OHNA Meeting Tomorrow Night

From meeting announcement:

Good evening OHNA (Oregon Hill Neighborhood Association) members,

I look forward to seeing everyone Tuesday at 7pm for our monthly OHNA meeting.

We will be meeting by Zoom only this month. With the spread of the Omicron variant, and the number of friends and neighbors who have contracted the virus, it seems best to meet remotely this month. We will reevaluate in February, and if it is safe to return to a hybrid (in-person AND Zoom) meeting, we will.

The Zoom link is provided below. This should allow for full remote participation.

I have attached to this email
1. the agenda for the 25 January 2022 meeting (also pasted in below),
2. the minutes for the December 2021 meeting,
3. the 2022 meeting schedule

We look forward to seeing everyone tomorrow evening.


Monthly Meeting Agenda
Tuesday 25 January 2022

Location: Remote only

Join Zoom Meeting

(Editor’s note: Zoom and phone logins redacted, please contact OHNA through their email OHNARva@gmail.com, prior to the meeting)

We ask that invited guests limit their presentations to no more than 5 minutes.

We ask that questions, comments, and suggestions be kept to no more than 3 minutes.

This meeting will be recorded.


· Treasurer’s Report

Community Updates:

1. Lt. Brian Robinson, City of Richmond Police Section Lt, 4th Precinct
2. Officer Luke Schrader, Police Liaison, VCU
3. Mr. Tito Luna, VCU Liaison
4. Ms. Stephanie Lynch, 5th District Councilperson
5. Ms. Colette McEachin, Richmond Commonwealth’s Attorney


1. Proposed all-way stops on South Pine Street at its intersection with China Street (at Open High School) and South Pine Street at its intersection with Albemarle Street

· The paper has been submitted and approved. The stop sign at China Street has been installed; the stop sign at Albemarle Street has not.

2. Proposed Amendments to the Richmond 300 Land Use Plan / Neighborhood Coalition Update

· Move Oregon Hill from Neighborhood Mixed Use to Residential land use category (Randolph is in this category).

· If Planning will not move Oregon Hill to Residential, then change the maximum height in the Neighborhood Mixed Use category from four stories to two stories.

· Remove the clause that allows taller buildings along major streets.

o Idlewood and South Laurel between VCU and Idlewood are designated major streets

o The amendments were continued by Land Use Committee. City Planning staff have recommended that no amendments be adopted.

o It was continued, yet again, to Tuesday 16 November 2021.

3. New SUP, 617-719 China Street

· We should see this at our February 2022 meeting.

4. Holly Street Playground cleanup took place on Saturday 15 January 2022, from 10am to 4pm.

5. Resolution of support for the creation of a new mural on the brick wall along Belvidere was submitted.

· If accepted, the Public Art Commission will sponsor the process to select an artist (with neighborhood input) and pay the artist for the work.

Continued Business

1. VCU student party issues

· There have been several large, loud parties in the last few weeks. There are problematic, repeat issues in the 200 block of South Laurel, and the intersection of South Laurel and China streets.

· Report issues to both RPD and VCU. Keep track of: date, time, location, fraternity / sorority affiliation, names of individuals involved, names of landlords, etc.

· OHNA is setting up an online form to track problem party locations, so that we may follow up with RPD and VCU. We will keep a spreadsheet of problematic locations and fraternity / sorority locations, and regularly report this information to VCU.

2. Bulletin board for Pleasant’s Park

· Any volunteers to make the needed repairs?

3. Pleasants Park – unleashed dog-related issues

· When the City was petitioned to add gates, the intent was to make it safer for both dogs and kits, with the idea that the park would be shared.

· Complaints about unleashed dogs have gone to Parks and Recreation.

· City requires that all dogs in city parks be leashed at all times – this is not something that we as a neighborhood can change

· The only way that a dog park – an area for unleashed dogs – can be created is to go through the City process for creating them. It involves requesting use of city land, creating a non-profit organization that covers the cost of the fencing, regular maintenance, and maintains liability insurance for the area. A portion of Linear Park might be a potential location. This is now Barker Field, near the Carillon, was created and is maintained. Any volunteers to head this up?

New Business

1 Traffic issues along Idlewood at Cherry and Pine Streets

· There have been a number of recent accidents at these two locations.

· These two intersections suffer from poor visibility and the high speed of cars exiting 195 east onto Idlewood.

Bryan Clark Green, President

David Cary, Co-Vice-President

Jennifer Hancock, Co-Vice-President

Chris Hughes, Co-Vice-President

Harrison Moenich, Secretary

John Bolecek, Treasurer

OHNA Meeting Tonight

From email announcement:

Good morning OHNA members,

I look forward to seeing everyone Tuesday at 7pm for our monthly OHNA meeting.

We will be meeting in St. Andrew’s Church — they have kindly allowed us to meet in their sanctuary. This will be our first indoor meeting since the beginning of COVID. Just in the nick of time — it is getting cooler, and, more importantly, we were running out of light.

St. Andrew’s has asked that all participants remain masked during the meeting and remain socially distanced.

We are also providing a Zoom link provided for those who wish to join remotely. This should allow for remote participation, including the ability to ask questions remotely — those in person won’t be able to see remote participants, but we should be able to hear them. Please be patient — I am not yet sure how we will have to set everything up in the church, and between masking and spreading out, it might be a little more of a challenge to hear clearly. We will do our best to make sure that those who join us remotely can hear and be heard.

Thank you very much to everyone who joined us at our first annual Oregon Hill Fall Festival, held this past Saturday. It was a wonderful time — lots of neighbors, and lots of folks from the community joined us for the event. It really was a great time. A special thank you to our OHNA Secretary Harrison Moenich for organizing this terrific event. I don’t know about you, but I am already looking forward to next year.

We will share more thanks shortly to our many volunteers and sponsors, along with photographs of the prize-winners from the house decorating contest.

I have attached to this email
1. the agenda for the 26 October meeting (also pasted in below),
2. the minutes for the September meeting,

We look forward to seeing everyone tomorrow evening.


Monthly Meeting Agenda

Tuesday 26 October 2021

Location: St. Andrew’s Church
Topic: OHNA monthly meeting for October
Time: Oct 26, 2021 07:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

St. Andrew’s Church has kindly allowed us to use the church for this meeting. It will be our first time indoors in almost two years!

They ask that all participants remain masked and socially distanced during the meeting.
We ask that invited guests limit their presentations to no more than 5 minutes.
We ask that questions, comments, and suggestions be kept to no more than 3 minutes.
This meeting will be recorded.

(Editor’s note: Contact OHNA over email at ohnarva@gmail.com for Zoom meeting information)


· Treasurer’s Report

Community Updates:

1. Lt. Brian Robinson, City of Richmond Police Section Lt, 4th Precinct
2. Officer Luke Schrader, Police Liaison, VCU
3. Mr. Tito Luna, VCU Liaison
4. Ms. Stephanie Lynch, 5th District Councilperson
5. Ms. Colette McEachin, Richmond Commonwealth’s Attorney


1. Proposed all-way stops on South Pine Street at its intersection with China Street (at Open High School) and South Pine Street at its intersection with Albemarle Street
· It appears that the paper has finally been submitted.

2. Proposed Amendments to the Richmond 300 Land Use Plan / Neighborhood Coalition Update
· Move Oregon Hill from Neighborhood Mixed Use to Residential land use category (Randolph is in this category).
· If Planning will not move Oregon Hill to Residential, then change the maximum height in the Neighborhood Mixed Use category from four stories to two stories.
· Remove the clause that allows taller buildings along major streets.
o Idlewood and South Laurel between VCU and Idlewood are designated major streets
o The amendments were continued by Land Use Committee. City Planning staff have recommended that no amendments be adopted.
o It was continued, yet again, to Tuesday 16 November 2021. 3pm Tuesday 19 October. Perhaps we should schedule a one-year anniversary for the submission of our amendments.

3. Holly Street Playground Cleanup
· Thank you to everyone who came to our Saturday 16 October cleanup of Pleasants Park.

4. Neighborhood fall festival, Saturday 23 October 2021
· Thank you to everyone who participated in this event, and a special thank you to Harrison for organizing such a great afternoon and evening
· It was great to see the neighborhood turn out for this event
· We were able to raise quite a bit of money for our parks from this event. I am still tallying up the receipts, but hope to have a report at the meeting on the results.

5. Updates on 105 and 116 South Laurel SUP Applications
· Both applications were heard at the Planning Commission on Monday 4 October
· We supported the SUP for 105 South Laurel Street, as per OHNA vote. This project is on Council’s 9 November agenda.
· After agreeing at the OHNA meeting to place a preservation easement on 103 South Laurel Street, the applicant later reversed course and refused to place the easement. It was agreed to as a condition of the neighborhood supporting the SUP. I asked the Planning Commission to delay the SUP to allow us to work with the applicant to meet the conditions that they agreed to, or to make such an agreement a condition of their motion. We lost, unanimously, despite letters from adjacent landowners objecting to applicant’s refusal to do what they agreed to do. I do not see this paper on Council’s 9 November agenda.

Continued Business

1. Potential sculpture for Pleasant’s Park, by local artist Mickael Broth (image at the end of the agenda)
· The sculpture would be installed in Pleasant’s Park
· The artist has offered it to us for $600; OHHIC has offered to donate $300, perhaps OHNA could contribute $200, and we could seek the additional $100 in donations.
· The artist has offered to help with installation
· If approved, we will begin the process of location approval with Parks & Recreation and the Urban Design Committee.

2. Folk Festival update
· Any issues to report?

3. VCU student party issues
· There have been several large, loud parties in the last few weeks. There are problematic, repeat issues in the 200 block of South Laurel, and the intersection of South Laurel and China streets.
· Report issues to both RPD and VCU. Keep track of: date, time, location, fraternity / sorority affiliation, names of individuals involved, names of landlords, etc.
· OHNA is setting up an online form to track problem party locations, so that we may follow up with RPD and VCU. We will keep a spreadsheet of problematic locations and fraternity / sorority locations, and regularly report this information to VCU.

New Business

1. Potential dog park in the linear park
2. Bulletin board for Pleasant’s Park
3. Holly Street Playground cleanup to be scheduled for December.
4. OHNA elections will take place at our 16 November meeting.

The Next OHNA meeting is scheduled for 7:00pm Tuesday 16 November 2021. Please note that the meeting is a week early to avoid conflict with Thanksgiving-related travel. That meeting will be held in person with Zoom option; the location will be announced later, and a link will be sent separately.

Bryan Clark Green, President
David Cary, Co-Vice-President
Jennifer Hancock, Co-Vice-President
Chris Hughes, Co-Vice-President
Harrison Moenich, Secretary
John Bolecek, Treasurer

An addendum:

Dear OHNA members:

I have received a resolution to add to the agenda for tomorrow’s meeting. The resolution is below, for your consideration. The intent is to vote on this resolution tomorrow night.

Resolution regarding the consolidation of parcels that make up Linear Park in Oregon Hill
By this motion, OHNA requests our City Council representative to advance an ordinance that recognizes and consolidates the various parcels that make up the Linear Park in Oregon Hill. By consolidating these parcels, Linear Park will be clearly acknowledged as a city park owned by the Department of Parks on Recreation, and will be consistent with the manner in which other city parks are consolidated as single parcels. The intent is to protect Linear Park from subdivision and development, so that it may be used by residents of Oregon Hill and the City of Richmond for its intended use, as a park.

The parcels to be consolidated are:

1. 600 Idlewood Avenue (Parcel ID W0000169032)
2. 300 S Belvidere (Parcel ID W0000142005)
3. 302 S Belvidere (Parcel ID W0000142006)
4. 304 S Belvidere (Parcel ID W0000142007)
5. 306 S Belvidere (Parcel ID W0000142008)
6. 308 S Belvidere (Parcel ID W0000142009)
7. 310 S Belvidere (Parcel ID W0000142010)
8. 312 S Belvidere (Parcel ID W0000142011)
9. 314 S Belvidere (Parcel ID W0000142012)
10. 316 Belvidere (Parcel ID W0000142014)
11. 320 S Belvidere (Parcel ID W0000142016)
12. 604 Albemarle Ave (Parcel ID W0000142019)
13. 420 S Belvidere (Parcel ID W0000120006)
14. 420 ½ S Belvidere (Parcel ID W0000120011)
15. 422 S Belvidere (Parcel W0000120015)
16. 606 Spring Street (Parcel W0000120019)
17. 604 Spring Street (Parcel W0000120018)
18. 609 China Street (Parcel W0000139009)
19. 607 China Street (Parcel W0000139010)
20. 601 China Street (Parcel W0000139012)
21. 610 S Belvidere (Parcel W0000139022)
22. 626 S Belvidere (Parcel W0000139029)
23. 700 S Belvidere (Parcel W0000133009)

OHNA Meeting Tomorrow Night

From email announcement:

Good morning OHNA members,

I look forward to seeing everyone Tuesday at 7pm for our monthly OHNA meeting.

We will be meeting again at the Holly Street Playground, as there is not yet an indoor location within the neighborhood that is ready to host meetings. Please bring a chair, and if you can’t, a couple of picnic tables will be available.

We are also providing a Zoom link provided for those who wish to join remotely. This should allow for remote participation, including the ability to ask questions remotely — those in person won’t be able to see remote participants, but we should be able to hear them.

I have attached to this email
1. the agenda for the 27 September meeting (also pasted in below),
2. the minutes for the August meeting,

We look forward to seeing everyone tomorrow evening.


Monthly Meeting Agenda
Tuesday 28 September 2021
Location: Holly Street Playground

(Editor’s note: please contact OHNA through their email, OHNARva@gmail.com, if you would like the Zoom link).

We ask that invited guests limit their presentations to no more than 5 minutes.
We ask that questions, comments, and suggestions be kept to no more than 3 minutes.
This meeting will be recorded.


· Treasurer’s Report

Community Updates:

1. Lt. Brian Robinson, City of Richmond Police Section Lt, 4th Precinct
2. Officer Luke Schrader, Police Liaison, VCU
3. Mr. Tito Luna, VCU Liaison
4. Ms. Stephanie Lynch, 5th District Councilperson
5. Ms. Colette McEachin, Richmond Commonwealth’s Attorney


1. Proposed all-way stops on South Pine Street at its intersection with China Street (at Open High School) and South Pine Street at its intersection with Albemarle Street

· A survey has been posted and a link sent. If you would like to participate, the link is: https://forms.gle/UaA6n1jaVdN47MWg6

· Flyers were recently placed around the two intersections to alert neighbors to the proposed change.

2. Proposed Amendments to the Richmond 300 Land Use Plan/Neighborhood Coalition Update

· Move Oregon Hill from Neighborhood Mixed Use to Residential land use category (Randolph is in this category).

· If Planning will not move Oregon Hill to Residential, then change the maximum height in the Neighborhood Mixed Use category from four stories to two stories.

· Remove the clause that allows taller buildings along major streets.

o Idlewood and South Laurel between VCU and Idlewood are designated major streets

o The amendments were continued by Land Use Committee. City Planning staff have recommended that no amendments be adopted.

o The most recent hearing is scheduled for noon on Tuesday 21 September 2021. It was continued, yet again, to 3pm Tuesday 19 October.

3. Holly Street )Playground Cleanup

· Saturday 11 September cleanup at Holly Street Playground (grant funded) was a success. We are planning a follow-up cleanup day to complete the removal of invasive growth around the south and west fence lines.

Continued Business

1. Neighborhood fall festival.

· Scheduled for the afternoon and early evening of Saturday 23 October (one week before Halloween) in Pleasant’s Park.

· Will include events for neighbors of all ages – pumpkin carving, kid’s costume contest, house decorating contest, etc.

· Will also have a fundraising component for neighborhood projects, including an auction of donated items from local businesses and individuals.

· May conclude with a movie in the park.

· A park cleanup being planned for the week before the Fall Festival event, Saturday 16 October.

· Any new volunteers?

3. St. Andrew’s Association has listed 200-202 S. Linden St. and 912-924 Cumberland Street for sale

· All 18 units (19,625 ft. sq.) and 13 parking spaces are for sale. The lot is zoned R-7.

· The asking price is $2,750,000.

· It appears that the property has been sold; the purchaser appears to be the same developer who came before us with the SUP for 116 South Laurel Street.

New Business

4. Updates on 105 and 116 South Laurel SUP Applications

· Both applications will be heard at the Planning Commission on Monday 4 October

· The applicant for 116 South Laurel Street has not submitted in writing a commitment to placing a preservation easement on 103 South Laurel, as was agreed to as a condition of the neighborhood supporting the SUP.

2. VCU student party issues

· There have been several large, loud parties in the last few weeks. There are problematic, repeat issues in the 200 block of South Laurel, and the intersection of South Laurel and China streets.

· Report issues to both RPD and VCU. Keep track of: date, time, location, fraternity / sorority affiliation, names of individuals involved, names of landlords, etc.

· OHNA is setting up an online form to track problem party locations, so that we may follow up with RPD and VCU. We will keep a spreadsheet of problematic locations and fraternity / sorority locations, and regularly report this information to VCU.

3. Folk Festival update

· The Folk Festival will be held this year.

· “Resident Parking Only” signs will be posted at entrances to the neighborhood.

· RPD will be patrolling adjacent neighborhoods; they will directly monitor non-emergency calls for faster response. Call non-emergency numbers for issues such as alleys being blocked by parked cars, etc.

4. Potential sculpture for Pleasant’s Park, by local artist Mickael Broth

The Next OHNA meeting is scheduled for 7:00pm Tuesday 26 October 2021. That meeting will be held in person with a Zoom option; the location will be announced later, and a link will be sent separately.

Bryan Clark Green, President
David Cary, Co-Vice-President
Jennifer Hancock, Co-Vice-President
Chris Hughes, Co-Vice-President
Harrison Moenich, Secretary
John Bolecek, Treasurer

OHNA Meeting Tomorrow Night

From email announcement:

(Editor’s note: Oregon Hill Neighborhood Association can be contacted through this email: ohnarva@gmail.com)

Good morning OHNA members,

I look forward to seeing everyone Tuesday at 7pm for our monthly OHNA meeting.

This will be our second first in-person meeting of the year. Since St. Andrew’s is still not quite ready to host meetings (the Delta variant has forced them to re-think hosting any outside groups) and we couldn’t locate a suitable indoor location in the neighborhood, we will be meeting in our Holly Street Park. Please bring a chair, and if you can’t, a couple of picnic tables will be available. We are optimistic that soon, perhaps in September (?), we can return to St. Andrew’s.

We are also providing a Zoom link provided for those who wish to join remotely. This should allow for remote participation, including the ability to ask questions remotely — those in person won’t be able to see remote participants, but we should be able to hear them. We worked out most of the hiccups in the park, but please be patient with us if the remote option gives us any trouble on Tuesday evening.

I have attached to this email
1. the agenda for the 24 August meeting (also pasted in below),
2. the minutes for the 27 July meeting,

We look forward to seeing everyone tomorrow evening.


Monthly Meeting Agenda
Tuesday 24 July 2021

Location: Holly Street Playground
Optional Zoom link: (Editor’s note: please contact OHNA for link)

We ask that invited guests limit their presentations to no more than 5 minutes.

We ask that questions, comments, and suggestions be kept to no more than 3 minutes.

This meeting will be recorded.


· This meeting will be in person, in the Holly Street Playground, with a Zoom link provided for those who wish to join remotely.

· Treasurer’s Report

Community Updates:

1. Lt. Brian Robinson, City of Richmond Police Section Lt, 4th Precinct
2. Officer Luke Schrader, Police Liaison, VCU
3. Mr. Tito Luna, VCU Liaison
4. Ms. Stephanie Lynch, 5th District Councilperson
5. Ms. Colette McEachin, Richmond Commonwealth’s Attorney


1. Proposed all-way stops on South Pine Street at its intersection with China Street (at Open High School) and South Pine Street at its intersection with Albemarle Street

· A survey has been posted and a link sent. If you would like to participate, the link is: (Editor’s note: please contact OHNA for link).

· Flyers were recently placed around the two intersections to alert neighbors to the proposed change. .

2. Proposed Amendments to the Richmond 300 Land Use Plan / Neighborhood Coalition Update

· Move Oregon Hill from Neighborhood Mixed Use to Residential land use category (Randolph is in this category).

· If Planning will not move Oregon Hill to Residential, then change the maximum height in the Neighborhood Mixed Use category from four stories to two stories.

· Remove the clause that allows taller buildings along major streets.

o Idlewood and South Laurel between VCU and Idlewood are designated major streets

o The amendments were continued by Land Use Committee. City Planning staff have recommended that no amendments be adopted.

o The next hearing is scheduled for noon on Tuesday 21 September 2021

Continued Business

1. We are putting together a committee to plan a neighborhood fall festival.

· Tentatively scheduled for the afternoon of Saturday 23 October (one week before Halloween) in Pleasant’s Park.

· Will include events for neighbors of all ages – pumpkin carving, kid’s costume contest, house decorating contest,

· Will also have a fundraising component for neighborhood projects, including an auction of donated items from local businesses and individuals

· May conclude with a movie in the park

· Any new volunteers?

2. Park improvement committee – will look at both Pleasant’s Park and the Holly Street Playground

· Potential cleanup on Saturday 11 September (pending results of grant application)

· Another cleanup being planned for the week before the Fall Festival event, Saturday 16 October

· Any new volunteers?

3. St. Andrew’s Association has listed 200-202 S. Linden St. and 912-924 Cumberland Street for sale

· All 18 units (19,625 ft. sq.) and 13 parking spaces are for sale. The lot is zoned R-7.

· The asking price is $2,750,000

· It appears that the property has been sold; the purchaser appears to be the same developer who came before us with the SUP for 116 South Laurel Street.

4. The City has announced round two of the CARES Act program. This program offers relief on your City of Richmond utility bill for those impacted by COVID. A flyer, as well as an application for the program, are attached to the email that went out with the agenda. If you did not receive it, just let me know and I will be happy to send you a copy.

New Business

1. None.

The Next OHNA meeting is scheduled for 7:00pm Tuesday 28 September 2021. That meeting will be held in person with Zoom option; the location will be announced later, and a link will be sent separately.

Bryan Clark Green, President
David Cary, Co-Vice-President
Jennifer Hancock, Co-Vice-President
Chris Hughes, Co-Vice-President
Harrison Moenich, Secretary
John Bolecek, Treasurer

King Asks Governor To Reject Mayor’s Plea Without Water Rate Reform

Dear Ralph,

I have become aware that the City of Richmond Mayor Stoney is begging for more assistance from the state of Virginia in regard to the city’s utility budget. His letter, dated July 7 and signed by the nine Democratic Party members of Richmond’s delegation to the General Assembly, asks for money to pay for improvements to Richmond’s sewer system from the influx of $4.3 billion the state is to receive from the federal American Rescue Plan. Now, normally, as a king, I loathe interjecting in matters between your state and and the city or bothersome party politics, just as I know that you, as a state official, do not wish to become too involved in local city matters. That said, two things are causing this exception from normal – one, the amount of American money requested, $833 million, is rather large and meaningful; and, two, I am personally offended by how the City uses its water utility to take advantage of its own citizens, especially its most impoverished. Therefore, as the King of Oregon Hill, I am writing to ask that you give Mayor Stoney’s request more scrutiny, and perhaps even rejecting his plea altogether until certain considerations are met.

As you are already aware, the City of Richmond as well as your Commonwealth of Virginia overall, are very blessed with a plenitude of water, especially in comparison to western American states. In the past, city officials have taken this natural blessing for granted and used it to help wash away the city’s wastes, and consequently polluted the James River. Sewer overflow, as citizens have come to know it, is rightly seen far and wide as a large, embarrassing, decades-old problem that must be corrected. I give that environmental effort my royal benediction. If I felt that this matter was all this was about, I would leave this to yourself and others to freely administer.

But City officials over time abused the water wealth in other ways, and have unwisely become dependent on unfairly bilking their own constituents. I point to four problematic practices –
1) A payment line (I believe the bureaucrats refer to it as a PILOT) in the citizens’ water bills that goes straight to the City’s general fund, money that has not necessarily gone to paying for water/sewer or anything other than padding the City’s budget. The city’s PILOT surcharge on water includes a reprehensible payment in lieu of federal income tax. I will note that Paul Goldman, former chairperson of the Democratic Party of Virginia, has also called attention to this ‘rip-off’ of Richmond citizens (sans lawsuit, so far…).
2) Bad water agreements with the surrounding counties that sell the the City’s water at low, wholesale prices. Indeed, the City is charging it’s own citizens more for the water than the counties are charging theirs for the water their governments are buying from the City. These low prices for this valuable natural resource are encouraging an even more horrible waste through growing suburban sprawl in the counties, which in turn is polluting the James River even more.
3) High minimum water rates for residents. At one point in the past, the local Green Party ran a contest that would award anyone who could find a higher residential minimum water rate that was comparable to the City of Richmond’s anywhere else in the country- no one won (The City administration later lowered the rate just enough that the contest could not be run again). It is shameful that the City keeps crying poverty, creates whole public bureacracies devoted to ‘wealth building’, but still insists on high minimum rates which place an unfair burden on its poorest residents for what is a basic human need. I have heard one wealthy white resident defend this longtime practice as a way “to claw back some of the money that spent on public housing’ (for black residents).
4) The overall utility and water situation favors large corporations over residents. The utility rates in effect award large volume users while punishing poor residents. It discourages conservation. This is also reflected in other matters – for example, how Dominion Power company is allowed to release water from its coal ash ponds while discouraging other uses like micro hydropower on the James River. Again, it pains me to watch how the City not only weaponizes its water utility against its own residents, but squanders and abuses its natural blessing of water wealth. It is truly offensive and deserves repudiation.

It should be noted that citizens have tried to bring these problematic and unfair practices to the State Attorney’s attention, state representatives’ attention, the Mayor’s attention, to City Council’s attention, to the media’s attention, and to the larger populace’s attention, all with limited effect. Water rates have been brought up by mayoral and council candidates as a campaign issue, only to be forgotten or abandoned by those who win office. Reporters shrug their shoulders and tell me that Richmond uses its water utility in this manner to balance its budget, never mind how regressive it is and how it would make more sense to charge large volume users more instead of overcharging its poorest residents.

Ralph, it is widely reported that you and Terry regard Levar as a ‘rising star’ in your political party, but you should not be blind to what is important here – yes, the City needs money to repair its sewer system in order to help the environment- very much so. But keep in mind that the City has been using the sewer overflow problem as a reason to beg money from the federal and state governments for years and years. And while Richmond has undoubtedly realized many benefits from its CSO control program, the City is not doing as good as a job as it should in regard to stewarding it’s water wealth for the benefit of ALL of its citizens and the environment. And in the REAL big picture, these underlying issues will only deepen and become more exacerbated as climate change reduces the current water wealth. In your speeches, Governor, you talk about how Virginia needs to become more progressive and future-oriented. I contend Richmond’s backwardness must change in order for that to happen.

I cannot command, but I strongly recommend your office consider rejecting the Mayor’s plea until City officials, including the Mayor and City Council, publicly and sincerely promise to phase out the PILOT payment, renegotiate its county water agreements, and fully reform its utility water rate structure. Yes, the City desperately needs the money to correct the sewer overflow problem, but it must reform its water utility and water wealth management in order to have that money spent well.

While I do not have power over the Commonwealth of Virginia, I do claim sovereignty over Oregon Hill within the City of Richmond, and I feel it is my duty to look over the interests of citizens. I am hoping this letter will prevent future interventions.

Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions or concerns.


Scott Burger
King of Oregon Hill