City Planners Scheme A Last Minute End Run Around Citizens

This afternoon, at 4:22 pm, Matthew J. Ebinger, PDR, with the City sent out an email announcing last minute changes to the agenda for the Planning Commission’s Monday meeting:

“Good Afternoon:
The agenda has been updated to reflect several continuances.”

If anyone looks, the July 20 agenda for the planning commission now includes revisions to the City’s B-3 zoning that would change the height limit to 7 stories and dwelling units of any kind!

Oregon Hill’s entire Cary Street Corridor from Cherry to Belvidere then back to Cumberland will be affected. This means developers can put up dedicated student apartment buildings up to seven stories on this corridor with no first floor business provision. It also makes a parking deck a principle use.

The Oregon Hill Neighborhood Association has been trying to stop this sort of thoughtless development for over a decade. It’s been thwarted by treachery again and again.

It is outrageous that the City Planning department pulls this sort of shameful trickery last minute in the middle of a pandemic.

This is a perfect example why Richmond residents have ZERO reason to trust our City government. This sort of deceptive behavior would not be allowed in another locality.

City Planners Determined To Ignore And Destroy Oregon Hill Community

Tomorrow, July 13th, is the deadline for public comment on the Richmond 300 Draft Plan, which is supposed to be the city’s vision for the next 20 years. Sadly, ‘the city’s vision’ does not include the Oregon Hill community’s.

The last three decades have seen great changes for Oregon Hill. Despite much turmoil, the community has worked hard to try to keep a vision as a real neighborhood where families could settle and live. It has had successful historic preservation and affordable housing programs. It has honored early inhabitants’ abolitionist roots. It has developed its green spaces and connections. More probably could have been done, but much time and effort has been used instead on battling unwelcome, inappropriate development from the VCU administration and unscrupulous developers whose overall goal is to gradually chip and scrape away Oregon Hill’s historic integrity and dismantle it’s residential character. It’s also very telling that VCU is not interested in entering into a written agreement of any type with Oregon Hill – the neighborhood has been asking for a Memorandum of Understanding for over a decade.

Sadly, what Oregon Hill has worked for and fought to become (supplying a great tax base and attraction for the City, we might add), is now terribly threatened.

The number one principle of successful planning is to involve the affected community.

Oregon Hill has participated in the process from the beginning but our input has been ignored. The planning process is illegitimate if the input from the affected community is ignored. We have consistently demanded a residential future land use designation for our residential Oregon Hill Historic District.

Sadly, it’s been to no avail so far. City officials just don’t seem to care. Under the guise of the Richmond300 plan, City staff, with coaxing by the VCU administration and greedy developers, could determine that buildings of eight or more stories are consistent in Oregon Hill. Every block could see demolition of historic housing stock and new development like what happened at 805 W. Cary.

It’s important to recognize the ticking time bomb that the Richmond300 is planting:

As the Richmond300 process heads to its conclusion, we can anticipate some of their positions and responses:

City: “Don’t worry about the future land use designation impacting future rezoning of Oregon Hill because the neighborhood will be closely involved in the process.”
Oregon Hill response: A stated objective of the Richmond 300 plan is to rezone the city in accordance with the future land use plan. The city planning department has ignored the input of the affected neighborhood when preparing the Richmond 300 plan and will likely ignore the input of the affected neighborhood when the city moves to redefine the zoning districts. The mixed use future land use designation is incompatible with the desired R-7 zoning of the Oregon Hill Historic District.

City: “The neighborhood mixed use future land use designation is the closest designation to the R-7 zoning.”
Oregon Hill response: Oregon Hill fought hard for the R-7 zoning which is a residential zoning with a 35 foot height limit. The mixed use designation is not compatible with the R-7 zoning either in function or building height.

City: “The Richmond 300 plan lowered the number of future land use designations, so the mixed used designation is now the closest to fit Oregon Hill.”
Oregon Hill response: The city arbitrarily removed the medium-density residential and single family future land use designations that matched Oregon Hill’s R-7 zoning. With these removed, the “Residential” future land use designation remains the closest match for the form and function of the Oregon Hill Historic District. It’s important to recognize how the City has purposely time taken away any ‘middle ground’ over time. The neighborhood could not even get the urban business zoning it wanted for W. Cary street corridor. City planners blocked that too, less they upset VCU admin and their developer buddies.

City: “Oregon Hill is a mixed use neighborhood, you have two of the finest restaurants in the city and we want more businesses.”
Oregon Hill response: Within the R-7 zoning of Oregon Hill 99% of the 650 buildings are residential dwellings of two story in height. It is inappropriate to set a future land use to match 1% of the building functions within the Oregon Hill Historic District. (It’s also worth noting that if you look at the ugly new development at 805 W. Cary, its been corporate chains moving in. Not to mention that prior to the coronavirus pandemic, Richmond restaurants had oversaturated the city, and now it will be lucky if 50% of the City’s independent restaurants will survive). Yes, there are existing nineteenth century storefronts that could be brought back to commercial purposes, but we are sure that what this Richmond300 plan portends is demolition, not renovation.

City: “The new neighborhood mixed use designation is meant to increase affordable housing in the city.”
Oregon Hill response: Oregon Hill has been a resource for affordable housing since the 19th century. Many residents strongly believe in affordable housing and had worked and volunteered with the Oregon Hill Home Improvement Council and other affordable housing groups in the City, that does not mean we want to see our historic neighborhood demolished. The mixed-use designation will undermine the successful residential function of the neighborhood.

City: “Don’t worry, the Richmond 300 plan has a priority objective for preserving historic neighborhoods.”
Oregon Hill response: The preservation of the Oregon Hill Historic District will be undermined by an inappropriate mixed-use future land use designation with inappropriate function and building height limits.

City: “Don’t worry about the future land use designation because the city will help Oregon Hill obtain the city historic designation.”
Oregon Hill response: Any discussion of an historic district designation is a non sequitor that is not germane to the appropriate future land use designation of Oregon Hill in the Richmond 300 plan. (It should be noted that at one point during the 805 W. Cary discussions, City staff told neighborhood leaders that a non-demolition overlay was possible and would be the quickest way to protect the neighborhood. Of course when the neighborhood association pursued it, they stalled and eventually changed their story and said it was not a possibility. They had thrown us a red herring).

In short, it is not Oregon Hill which is being unreasonable, despite all the efforts to portray it that way.


The number one principle of successful planning is to involve the affected community.

Oregon Hill has participated in the process from the beginning but our input has been ignored. The planning process is illegitimate if the input from the affected community is ignored. We have consistently demanded a residential future land use designation for our residential Oregon Hill Historic District.

We hope that elected officials and the public understand what is happening here. Please take the time to contact our 5th District council rep Stephanie Lynch to let her know your opposition to the Richmond300 plan:

OHNA President Responds To July 3 Gunfire Incident

From Todd Woodson, President of the Oregon Hill Neighborhood Association (Editor’s note: address and some names redacted for security reasons):

Dear Friends

I know there is a lot of very serious concern regarding this situation. Here is official response so far:

The owner of record for (redacted street number) Albemarle St is (redacted) of Arlington,Va. He bought the property in 2018. (redacted) is the property manager. Apparently a new tenant, after having the party Friday with gunfire breaking out, had another party Saturday night.

I spoke to property manager yesterday and at that time, she was taking no responsibility even though she has been renting this house by the room, which constitutes an illegal boarding house. I filed a 311 complaint yesterday with zoning enforcement and left a message with the Zoning director today. Our neighbors in Randolph have gone through this and all the associated problems and got it shut down. Property manager’s ad proved she was renting by the room.

Although we are all extremely disappointed with the initial police response at the crime scene, I have spoken with 4th precinct Captain Minton and the issue is now being investigated by the RPD Major Crimes Detail. At such a point as we can draw conclusions, we will meet with police and find out how to get better police response in the future.

Our councilperson has spoken with Ms as well.

We are blessed that no one was hurt. I ask that you be vigilant on this house and other problem party houses. Please call 911 if you suspect a problem party, especially after the 11pm noise ordinance.

This situation really underscores the need for Oregon Hill to be designated as Medium Density- residential, which coincides with our predominant R7 zoning. The Richmond 300 plan lists us as Mixed Use which would allow buildings over 4 stories on each corner. Imagine developers demolishing houses and putting up an 805 Cary style apartment complex on each block. It is a disaster and Councilperson Lynch must be prepared to stand up for us and vote against it if not modified.

Stay Well!


City Council Will Consider Renaming Lee Bridge Tonight

Richmond City Council will meet tonight in regular session at 6 p.m.

Council will consider a request from 5th District Councilperson Stephanie Lynch that a process be developed for renaming the Robert E. Lee Memorial Bridge.

Other Council business includes a vote on proposed rules for short-term home rentals in the city, a delay in the the city’s C-PACE program, and declaring land once considered for the Navy Hill project as surplus property.

The full agenda and more information can be found by clicking here.

Richmond 300 Plan Would Irreparably Damage Oregon Hill

From letter:

Dear Councilperson Lynch

As you are aware, Oregon Hill is listed on both the Virginia and the National Registers of Historic Places. Our Oregon Hill Home Improvement Council has donated more individual Historic Easements to the Virginia Department of Historic Resources than any Virginia locality with the exception of Waterford in Loudon County. Through our neighbor’s blood and sweat and extensive financial commitment over the last few decades, Oregon Hill’s tax base for the City of Richmond has grown exponentially. Through teamwork, the neighborhood has matured into one of Richmond’s most socially progressive areas while keeping the crime rate at exemplary low levels. Our historic legacy and intact and cohesive street scape are worthy of preservation and protection.

It is with extreme disappointment that we read the final draft of the Richmond 300 planning document. Despite providing many comments on its content and even slideshows for its steering committee, the outcome of the plan as presented totally ignored our input and consequently would do severe and irreparable damage to our neighborhood should it be endorsed by City Council.

Our R7 zoning designation is an exceptionally good fit for this historic neighborhood with its 35 foot height limit. The Oregon Hill Neighborhood Association voted to accept nothing less than a MEDIUM DENSITY RESIDENTIAL designation for the plan. This would conform with the current R7 zoning and help preserve our historic neighborhood. Instead, the Richmond 300 plan has Oregon Hill listed as NEIGHBORHOOD MIXED USE. The description of NEIGHBORHOOD MIXED USE for this document states “Building heights are generally two to four stories. Buildings taller than four stories are found at corner sites and along prominent roads.” This is unacceptable and incentivizes the demolition by developers of historic resources to overbuild within our neighborhood. Planning staff would most likely determine that buildings of eight or more stories are consistent with their Richmond 300 plan. Again, we are a MEDIUM DENSITY RESIDENTIAL neighborhood and need to be designated as such to compliment our appropriate R7 zoning and preserve our historic context.

Another EXTREMELY SERIOUS concern we have with the current draft of the Richmond 300 plan is that the VCU “node” is shown to include a large swath of the Oregon Hill Historic District. This must be corrected. The commentary on the VCU/Monroe Park “node” should indicate that VCU must respect the boundaries of the Oregon Hill Historic District and not encroach further into the neighborhood. The plan must also indicate that Monroe Park is the City’s oldest municipal park and NOT VCU property.

We appreciate your leadership Councilperson Lynch and respectfully request that you take a strong stand against these egregious flaws in the Richmond 300 Planning Document.


Charles Todd Woodson, president
Oregon Hill Neighborhood Association, inc.

8 pm Curfew

As reported from VPM News:

After a second night of protesting the death of George Floyd in Richmond, Gov. Ralph Northam authorized an 8 p.m. curfew Sunday in the city. The Virginia National Guard is also on alert and will step in if the city needs assistance.

Overnight Saturday, hundreds of people marched near the Capitol and on Broad Street. Police officers were seen in riot gear, dispersing the crowd with what appeared to be pepper spray. After midnight, the Daughters of the Confederacy headquarters on Arthur Ashe Boulevard was set on fire. The building was tagged with graffiti, along with Confederate statues on nearby Monument Avenue.

“I hear you. I know your pain is real. We have all seen too many people harassed, abused, and killed by law enforcement officers, in too many places, for too long—just for being black. I also know that others are exploiting this pain and are now causing violence,” Northam said in his first a statement on the demonstrations over the weekend. He released a statement Friday about the deaths of Floyd, Breonna Taylor and Ahmaud Arbery.

The curfew lasts from 8 p.m. Sunday through 6 a.m. Monday. City officials say it applies to public spaces. People may only be out in public to go back and forth from work, seek medical attention or assistance from first responders.

REMINDER: TONIGHT, 5th District Facebook Live

Does not have quite the same ring as ‘Saturday Night Live’, but ‘Stephanie & Amy’ might still be the best pairing since Tina Fey and Amy Poehler.

From the Facebook event page:

Dear 5th District Residents,

We will be holding our second Facebook Live meeting on Thursday, May 28 at 6pm. The agenda will include COVID information, businesses relief efforts, extended tax deadlines, budget review, and community outreach/volunteering while practicing social distancing.

Please comment in the event if you have a specific topic you would like covered. If we can not get to it we will try to include it in the June newsletter and on social media.

We’ll be loading a bunch of PSAs in this event for review and sharing.

We are thinking of all of you.

Stephanie & Amy

Cloudy VHDA

Photo and comment by neighbor Charles Pool.

Clouds reflected in the Virginia Housing Development Authority (VHDA) building across Belvidere Street from Oregon Hill. The VHDA has applied for exceptions to the zoning code to build a large parking deck adjacent to the Va. War Memorials new deck. Since there is a shortage of parking to visit Belle Isle, will the VHDA allow the public to park in the deck on the weekends?